As always, I truly appreciate your components and your great support. I would also like to let you know that there hasn't been a project that I havn't used one of your components since my purchase... A great value at $95
- Kelly Tremblay, Jefferson National Labn, US
I am very happy to use TMS Aurelius with Delphi 10.4, I did not expect a quick launch like this.
I am also enjoying the new BatchSize feature, which is much faster than the normal mode.
- Leandro
Getting email tech support in 7 minutes is unique experience for me. You are the best!
- Dmitry Mikhilov via email
Man - your service is great ! Thanks for help and better-then-schumacher-response-speed !
- m.graefe, maXXimum gmbh, Germany
That is brilliant!
Thanks for delivering us such nice framework