I've just stumbled upon your component collection due to a mention (albeit a small one) in the Borland.com newsgroups. What can I say...I had just started really trying to use a simple TStringGrid. Upon finding your TAdvStringGrid I never looked back. What a FANTASTIC component.
- Cris Gallegos, US
J'ai commencé par utiliser le composant AdvStringGrid, car j'avais besoin d'une grille qui permette d'afficher des images, de créer des nœuds. A l'usage ce composant s'avère ultra-complet, je ne lui ai pas encore trouvé de manques. Malgré des besoins complexes, j'ai toujours trouvé LA solution dans l'advStringGrid.
Petit à petit, j'ai utilisé d'autres composants (DBAdvGrid, TWebUpdate et bien d'autres), à chaque fois j'ai gagné un temps fou et obtenu des résultats bien meilleurs que ce que j'attendais au départ.
Enfin, quel plaisir de recevoir des réponses du support technique par e-mail au plus tard le lendemain, souvent en moins d'une heure!
- Nicolas Voillot, France
I want to congratulate you for the component development of the very good Diagram Studio.
- Gabriel Castillo Hernandez
I've played with the trial of Aurelius a bit and I like what I've seen so far (Firebird 2.5 with IBObjects). Especially the way how I can get started with a legacy database is nice. I wouldn't like if Aurelius thinks it needs to be clever when it comes to maintaining the underlaying database for changes due to the technical challenges mentioned above. For sure, Aurelius has potential for being an important part in the Delphi world when writing OO-based database clients.
- Thomas Steinmaurer
It's now very easy to build a report with the new Flexcel + Aurelius integration. It was so easy that I really thought I was doing something wrong. I will never go back to a report generator, Flexcel is way cooler and easier for reports.