You guys are making it very hard for me to not spend more money! :)
- Michael Margerum
Bij veel softwareproducten kantelt het aanvankelijke enthousiasme spoedig naar cynisme. Na een jaar werken met TMS-producten gebruiken wij en onze eindgebruikers met toenemend plezier de TMS-componenten. Met name de StringGrid en HTML-georienteerde componenten blinken uit door creativiteit, stabiliteit en performance. De reactietijd op vragen en overleg is onovertroffen kort !
- C. de Goey, AG&P Software B.V., Nederland
Os components TMS são verdadeiras jóias, tanto por sua facilidade de uso como pelo excelente suport técnico provido pela aquipe de desenvolvedores. Vale a pena registrar !!!
- Fabio Marcos Euzebio - Brasil
Thanks for your quick replies! We are happy to be using TMS components. We are happy that the installation is straightforward, and that you are there to answer questions.
- Phil Dorcas via email
Wow, I'm really impressed that you found this out in such a short time!
Thanks especially for testing it with Softmaker Office itself and with some more elaborate spreadsheets, this makes me confident that it'll work with the "real life" files that I have to handle.
Super service!