- Mauricio Piao via email
From what I've seen so far, I think this is going to revolutionize my app development - can't wait to start playing with the features now!
- Dave White
I've played with the trial of Aurelius a bit and I like what I've seen so far (Firebird 2.5 with IBObjects). Especially the way how I can get started with a legacy database is nice. I wouldn't like if Aurelius thinks it needs to be clever when it comes to maintaining the underlaying database for changes due to the technical challenges mentioned above. For sure, Aurelius has potential for being an important part in the Delphi world when writing OO-based database clients.
- Thomas Steinmaurer
I bought your component pack recently and I have to admit that out of all the component libraries I have, yours is by far the best one (at least you and I seem to think in the say way. i.e: needed features, behavior, etc...) So, congratulations on a great product!! I wish I have known about your component pack a year ago. If you go to BORCON this year, I will buy you a beer. :-)
- President Healthcare Integrated Solutions, Inc, USA
"Personally I have been using your component products for Borland since at least 1998. Since then I've been in various positions to influence corporate development direction and TMS has always been on the "must have" list.
Seeing as how in the past 11 years I have only needed to contact support once and use the forums twice speaks volumes to the quality of the products that you produce."