Try TAdvStringGrid from I find it absolutely indespensible...and for the price, its hard to find anything matching.
- Doc, in Borland Newsgroups
Regarding TMSFNCRibbon: It's a great component and I appreciate especially its HighDPI awareness and option for using SVG images - it's a huge saving on my time, thanks for a great job.
- Karel Janecek
Wow ! I just got the TMS FlexCel and it worked right away. After a few tries I had an Excel file. First I thought it didn't work because it was so fast. It took 55 seconds with TExcelApplication, but with the TXLSAdapter it took about 0 seconds. I couldn't click on my stopwatch fast enough !! Great stuff ! Thanks a lot !
- Detlef Rattunde
FYI: We absolutely *love* the WebUpdate component, and you people have the *correct* attitude: developers don't want to have to include any further dll's, ocx's, or other "bloatware"-related stuff. We want a simple, efficient, clean solution that works, and that's what we get from TMS!
I don''t know how I could have created and managed so many projects without the AdvStringGrid! And although there is already so much functionality in it I''m using my own derived version with automatic column widths, enhanced export to Excel (including text colors, backround colors, comments, merged cells and more), the possibility to fill in static data at design time and more. This often allows me to build a new tool in hours instead of days! Support is also great! Thanks.