Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

Thanks for a great component, though! It's worth every cent.

- Peter Jukel, South Africa

Wagner, I must congratulate with you: I really enjoy reading and watching your posts and videos about TMS Aurelius. First, I appreciate them because they are very specific and up to the point. Second, as a TMS Aurelius user, the more of your post I read, the more I am confident about the choice I have made between TMS Aurelius and "The Others". I love the simplicity of TMS Aurelius: this is the very distinctive trait of it: If you know how to deal with Plain Old Simple Object in Delphi, then you know 80% of TMS Aurelius. And your posts about it, are something I always find very interesting. Thank you so much.

- Fabio Vitale

I would like to congratulate you and the team with an excellent set of components and customer service with no equal. I have bought a few subscription packages from other component manufacturers as well and I must say that TMSSoftware surpasses them all by your speedy and frequent releases and activity on your products. I actually can't keep up with the releases and new features you keep on adding to your products. It is good to know that there is a component manufacturer who are as serious about their customers as we are about ours.

- Markus Venter via email

"Personally I have been using your component products for Borland since at least 1998. Since then I've been in various positions to influence corporate development direction and TMS has always been on the "must have" list. Seeing as how in the past 11 years I have only needed to contact support once and use the forums twice speaks volumes to the quality of the products that you produce."

- Erik Wolowitz via email

After looking carefully at all the Competitor products in detail and having worked with one competitor product extensively we decided to move to FlexCel - this was no small decision but we have been rewarded with the most powerful and complete implementation. .Net managed code and a huge set of features. With FlexCel we really push the boundaries and have found it is really up to the task. Most importantly when we needed new business critical functionality the guys on support have really responded and given us and the product features when they were needed. I would strongly recommend FlexCel from both a technical and service response point of view.

- Richard White MBus C.E.O.

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RAD component based MQTT communication