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What our customers say

Hi-I just wanted to say how pleased I am having used your grids. They are just so awesome in speed and everything you can think of is built right in. So much easier and faster than anything I used in VB.Net. Just great! I think you have done a great job with these and just wanted to let you know to keep up the good work. And the price is a deal in itself. Way cheaper than the VB stuff we bought here last year. And of course, with Delphi 2006, its a combo you just cant beat.

- Tom - via email

I just wanted to say a big thanks for the "Live Diagram" feature in Diagram Studio. I have a temperature monitoring and control application that can make good use of this idea. It will allow me to visually manage and display a stepped control process, where temperature settings change with time. Thanks again!

- John Gray

First thanks for the great product and great support. Of course there’s a lot to learn when new to web programming. But until now we have been able to solve all problems with your help and hints. And each day bring a new nice surprise :) discovering features.

- Bo Nielsen

J'ai essayé et j'utilise le composant TAdvStringGrid de TMS software et il est simplement génial.

- D.Z., France in Remarq newsgroups

I was going to tell you what a great component packs you have, but then I saw SO many people have made so many great compliments, that now I don't know what to say. I guess I just have to become another customer of yours!

- B. Hayat

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