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What our customers say

I fell in love with this great product, it changed my opinion and my vision in programming. I am using it at least 12 hours per day and everyday I understand what a clean code you have used to make it ...thanks a lot.

- Mehrdad Esmaili

First of all congratulations! You're are doing very good work with your components. I discovered your TAdvStringGrid a few days ago and I can't think of using any other grid anymore in my programs.

- Pedro Panos, Spain

After using Tee Chart Pro and RiverCharts for many years it took me sometime to work through the differences with TMS Charts but - now I have worked through the learning curve the TMS Charts certainly deliver. Thanks for yet another great set of components.

- David Case

Bruno and team, What a wonderful idea. ! This gesture that TMS has taken to encourage new and future software designers is both exceptional and extraordinary. It in fact, takes courage to give away your most valuable assets. We must never forget our own history; and what we are today is because of the opportunities we were given in the past. Thank you

- Kamran

I enjoy diagram studio a lot. It is simple to use and very effective. In short, an excellent component.

- Harry Martin


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