Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

TMS Aurelius makes my code to be very clean. I can code in pure OOP, not worrying about database persistence or SQL statements, being able to switch connections and database servers very easily. My development speed has increased significantly.

- Carlos Fitl

Once again - thanks guys! I am truly impressed with the prompt replies to my many questions and comments. I have been so impressed with each and every functionality of every one of the TMS components I have used in my application. With your components added capability, Borland seriously needs to think about packaging your product with Delphi instead of their own. Keep up the awesome work!!

- James Rue, USA

AdvStringGrid, the Swiss Army Knife of Grids :-)

- Graham Wideman, USA

We purchased the TMS Software Component Pack and were immediately delighted by its exceptional quality. Since then, we've used it continuously in our SaleHoo Directory software, relying particularly on the TAdvStringGrid, TAdvGlowButton and TAdvOfficePageControl components. Not only have these components been excellent, but the support we've received has been top notch. If you're a Delphi Developer, then I have no hesitation in saying that you'll love this software!

- Simon Slade, CEO, SaleHoo Ltd via email

Thank you for this superb tool collection!

- Henning Swiboda

ORM / REST / HTTP / JSON framework
Libraries for business logic & data access