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What our customers say

After using Tee Chart Pro and RiverCharts for many years it took me sometime to work through the differences with TMS Charts but - now I have worked through the learning curve the TMS Charts certainly deliver. Thanks for yet another great set of components.

- David Case

Try TAdvStringGrid from www.tmssoftware.com I find it absolutely indespensible...and for the price, its hard to find anything matching.

- Doc, in Borland Newsgroups

P.S. My Boss is very happy with the Planner Components. Best purchase he's made this year he reckons.

- Andy via email

I will never again ship a product on which I have not run FixInsight. It prevented us from shipping a product with several significant bugs which the Delphi compiler had not detected. It paid for itself the first time we used it.

- Tom Field

As always your support is extraordinary and lightning fast.


ORM / REST / HTTP / JSON framework
Libraries for business logic & data access