Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

Finally, a chart control that hits the sweet spot! As a product, AdvChart has the right approach. It's still very simple to use, the price is perfect, the code is included and easy to modify to taste and things that would be hard to add later or by the user are already taken into account like multiple panes.

- Orlando Diaz

I've just stumbled upon your component collection due to a mention (albeit a small one) in the Borland.com newsgroups. What can I say...I had just started really trying to use a simple TStringGrid. Upon finding your TAdvStringGrid I never looked back. What a FANTASTIC component.

- Cris Gallegos, US

I was going to tell you what a great component packs you have, but then I saw SO many people have made so many great compliments, that now I don't know what to say. I guess I just have to become another customer of yours!

- B. Hayat

We have used the TMS Component Pack for around 6 years or so and hands down the best components that we have purchased from any vendor. We use the TAdvStringGrid components, the Web Update Components and many others in each of our software programs that we build and we have always received superb support and TMS Software is always committed to excellence by providing constant feature enhancements and updates.

- Jason Allcorn via email

- Your product is by far the most pleasant tool to use. No other product even comes close to its ease of use. - It is currently the easiest to use especially for those who neither want or need to have to spend lots of time learning some of the competitor's products. - Data Modeler makes this an almost pleasant experience where you can work with a minimum of technical knowledge or be able to delve deeper where necessary.

- Bill Marshall

Build MQTT client apps faster
RAD component based MQTT communication