J'ai essayé et j'utilise le composant TAdvStringGrid de TMS software et il est simplement génial.
- D.Z., France in Remarq newsgroups
AdvStringGrid, the Swiss Army Knife of Grids :-)
- Graham Wideman, USA
On another note keep up the good work over there I am loving the TMS Web Core saves me learning a million lines of JavaScript at my age, its astonishing how good and fast it is and the range of demos have given me some additional insight as to what's now easy to achieve for me in web development.
- Paul Krasnowski
I would like to congratulate you and the team with an excellent set of components and customer service with no equal. I have bought a few subscription packages from other component manufacturers as well and I must say that TMSSoftware surpasses them all by your speedy and frequent releases and activity on your products.
I actually can't keep up with the releases and new features you keep on adding to your products. It is good to know that there is a component manufacturer who are as serious about their customers as we are about ours.
- Markus Venter via email
I just wanted to say a big thanks for the "Live Diagram" feature in Diagram Studio. I have a temperature monitoring and control application that can make good use of this idea. It will allow me to visually manage and display a stepped control process, where temperature settings change with time. Thanks again!