Another question which has been a subject for discussion here. How does your organisation manage to provide such quick and helpful response to support questions? Is this type of support provided by dedicated support staff, or developers? I see that you also give support in many languages.
We are impressed! Your company sets standards that we all should try to meet!
- Richard Bibby via email
Thanks for a great component, though! It's worth every cent.
- Peter Jukel, South Africa
I was very impressed with the speed of your grid as some of the files being loaded are > 30000 rows, the performance is still very good. Although I don't use many of the newer advanced features I have found it to be a very solid work horse.
- Huw Reddick, UK
Regarding TMSFNCRibbon: It's a great component and I appreciate especially its HighDPI awareness and option for using SVG images - it's a huge saving on my time, thanks for a great job.
- Karel Janecek
J'ai commencé par utiliser le composant AdvStringGrid, car j'avais besoin d'une grille qui permette d'afficher des images, de créer des nœuds. A l'usage ce composant s'avère ultra-complet, je ne lui ai pas encore trouvé de manques. Malgré des besoins complexes, j'ai toujours trouvé LA solution dans l'advStringGrid.
Petit à petit, j'ai utilisé d'autres composants (DBAdvGrid, TWebUpdate et bien d'autres), à chaque fois j'ai gagné un temps fou et obtenu des résultats bien meilleurs que ce que j'attendais au départ.
Enfin, quel plaisir de recevoir des réponses du support technique par e-mail au plus tard le lendemain, souvent en moins d'une heure!