3 minutes from submission of support question to supply of answer. Now how slow is that ? :) :) ;) I seriously just don't think you guys can get any better at this !!! ... I'm starting my weekend stunned !
- Pete Barrett via email
Finally, a chart control that hits the sweet spot! As a product, AdvChart has the right approach. It's still very simple to use, the price is perfect, the code is included and easy to modify to taste and things that would be hard to add later or by the user are already taken into account like multiple panes.
- Orlando Diaz
I appreciate all the time and effort you guys put into maintaining and enhancing this great suite of components. Though I only really start again using Delphi after some years "off track" with a new project I am working on, using them really saves me lots of time as I can have a sexy looking interface with great usability without needing to "draw" this myself from standard components. Big win!
- Matthias Böge via TMS Forum
There is no doubt in my mind. You guys are Dammned Good. The TMS Grid Pack has to be the best development pack I have EVER seen.
Well done. Again.
- Andy Duggan, Australia
Hi-I just wanted to say how pleased I am having used your grids. They are just so awesome in speed and everything you can think of is built right in. So much easier and faster than anything I used in VB.Net. Just great! I think you have done a great job with these and just wanted to let you know to keep up the good work.
And the price is a deal in itself. Way cheaper than the VB stuff we bought here last year.
And of course, with Delphi 2006, its a combo you just cant beat.