Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

First thanks for the great product and great support. Of course there’s a lot to learn when new to web programming. But until now we have been able to solve all problems with your help and hints. And each day bring a new nice surprise :) discovering features.

- Bo Nielsen

Just wanted to say that I'm very impressed by your component and the associated documentation. Since starting my company I've used quite a few third-party vendors, and the intuitive usage and excellent documentation on your product is outstanding. Makes interacting with Excel files very easy. Now, if only it was as easy to interact with an instance of Excel...

- Mark Sinclair-McGarvie

I enjoy diagram studio a lot. It is simple to use and very effective. In short, an excellent component.

- Harry Martin

Your grid does everything but make coffee. It is truly impressive as a stringgrid.

- Germain, via TMS newsgroups

After using Tee Chart Pro and RiverCharts for many years it took me sometime to work through the differences with TMS Charts but - now I have worked through the learning curve the TMS Charts certainly deliver. Thanks for yet another great set of components.

- David Case


Powerful UI controls in 1 component set
Single high-performance multi-platform codebase