Our bundle of over 600 VCL UI controls for modern, feature-rich Windows application development, including grids, planner, richeditor, ribbon, web updater, treeview and much more...

What's new
  • OnClickItem event added in THTMLCheckGroup

Universal Delphi & C++ Builder components for seamless access to Google, Microsoft, Paypal and many more cloud services from VCL, FMX and WEB core apps

What's new
  • TTMSFNCCloudStellarDataStoreDataSet: Exposed Adapter property

Universal highly customizable Delphi & C++ Builder Gantt Chart component designed to visually represent projects and examine various tasks along with their interdependencies

What's new
  • New components TTMSFNCGanttChartPDFIO and TTMSFNCGanttChartPrintIO
  • Hint support for tasks on timeline
  • Property UseWorkingHours introduced on Task level to indicate if it should change the planned time within the working hours

Universal Delphi & C++ Builder components for mapping, geographical data, timezone visualization, routes and directions calculation. Use your mapping service of choice like Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Leaflet, Azure Maps, Here Maps in VCL, FMX and WEB core apps

What's new
  • OpenLayers API version updated from v8 to v9
  • Azure Maps API version updated from v2 to v3
  • TomTom Maps API version updated from v6.23 to v6.25
  • Here Maps API version updated from v3.1.42.2 to v3.1.54.0
  • MapBox Maps API version updated from v2.15.0 to v3.4.0
  • TMSFNCMapBox: Support for 3D Maps
  • TMSFNCMapBox: MapStyle updated and new styles added
  • TMSFNCMapBox: Options TimeOfDay (3D maps only)
  • TMSFNCMapBox: Options Tilt and Heading (map rotation)
  • TMSFNCHere: Support for 3D Maps
  • TMSFNCHere: MapStyle added
  • TMSFNCHere: Options Tilt and Heading (map rotation)
  • TMSFNCHere: Migrated to HARP map engine
  • TMSFNCGoogleMaps: MarkerClusterer lib updated from v4.0.1 to v5.1.3
  • Markers DefaultIcon added
  • FindNearestCoordinate: Find the nearest coordinate in an array for a given coordinate
  • FindNearestPolylineCoordinate: Find the nearest coordinate in Polylines
  • Polyline.Split Polyline.Merge Polyline.Segment added

Identity Access Management, including authorization and authentication for Delphi server applications

What's new
  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is now implemented, enhancing application security.

Delphi framework for multi-tier REST/JSON HTTP/HTTPS application server development and ORM remoting.

What's new
  • Validation attributes Equal, NotEqual, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqual, LessThanEqual, LessThan, MaxItemCount and MinItemCount.

Create professional looking instrumentation and multimedia applications with this library full of over 80 instrumentation and digital components like leds, scopes, banners, sliders, knob controls, buttons, meters, panels with customized backgrounds and much more.

What's new
  • Support for Win64x

Our bundle of over 600 VCL UI controls for modern, feature-rich Windows application development, including grids, planner, richeditor, ribbon, web updater, treeview and much more...

What's new
  • Exposed GetFontCombo GetFontSizeCombo in TAdvRichEditorFormatButtonBar

Our bundle of over 600 VCL UI controls for modern, feature-rich Windows application development, including grids, planner, richeditor, ribbon, web updater, treeview and much more...

What's new
  • Default param DoFocus added to various Open functions in TAdvMultiFileMemo

Universal powerful, feature-rich Delphi & C++ Builder UI controls in 1 component set for VCL, FMX and WEB core apps. Includes grid, planner, treeview, ribbon and rich editor

What's new
  • Introducing TTMSFNCTimeline

Framework for creating modern web applications in Delphi.

What's new
  • TStrings.IndexOfValue function added in class helper

Our bundle of over 600 VCL UI controls for modern, feature-rich Windows application development, including grids, planner, richeditor, ribbon, web updater, treeview and much more...

What's new
  • Options.MouseWheelScrolling in TAdvPDFViewer

Our bundle of over 600 VCL UI controls for modern, feature-rich Windows application development, including grids, planner, richeditor, ribbon, web updater, treeview and much more...

What's new
  • Support for VCL styles added in TAdvDBFormPanel TAdvDBFormBox

Framework for creating modern web applications from Visual Studio Code with Object Pascal

What's new
  • TWebStringGrid.CheckEnabled[colrow]: boolean property added
  • TWebGraphicControl TWebImageControl Center property added

Asynchronous serial communications for Windows VCL applications

What's new
  • Public method GetDeviceName added to return fully qualified serial port device name

Universal Delphi & C++ Builder WebSocket server and client components for VCL, FMX and WEB applications

What's new
  • Added DisconnectClient in TTMSFNCWebSocketServer

Framework for creating modern web applications in Delphi.

What's new
  • TWebStringGrid.CheckEnabled[colrow]: boolean property added
  • TWebGraphicControl TWebImageControl Center property added

Framework for creating modern web applications in Delphi.

What's new
  • Introduced TWebStringGrid.FixedFont
  • TWebDBNavigator.MaterialGlyphColor property added
  • TGridColumn.AutoFormatDateTime property added to control date/time formatting in TWebDBGrid
  • TApplication.CreateFormDirect() override added with parameter to specify a form hosting element ID
  • Exposed TWebTabSheet BorderStyle and BorderColor properties

Universal powerful, feature-rich Delphi & C++ Builder UI controls in 1 component set for VCL, FMX and WEB core apps. Includes grid, planner, treeview, ribbon and rich editor

What's new
  • Introducing TTMSFNCBadge
  • Grouping support in TTMSFNCTableView
  • BadgeAlign property for each item in TTMSFNCTableView

Framework for creating modern web applications in Delphi.

What's new
  • Exposed BorderColor and Padding to TWebScrollBox
  • Method TWebStringGrid.ClearSelection added
  • Case-insensitive query string parameter search added

Our bundle of over 600 VCL UI controls for modern, feature-rich Windows application development, including grids, planner, richeditor, ribbon, web updater, treeview and much more...

What's new
  • Exposed SizeState as read-only public property in TAdvGlowButton
  • Exposed Enabled property in TAdvListEditor
  • AutoSizeRowOnDblClick capability added in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed cell editor types: spin date time in TAdvStringGrid
  • OnFilterEditEditor event added in TAdvStringGrid
  • Support for different filter editor types in TAdvStringGrid
  • Combobox SpinEdit DatePicker TimePicker edit types added in TAdvMultiInputQuery
  • ReturnIsTab property added in TAdvMultiInputQuery
  • EmptyText property added for query values in TAdvMultiInputQuery
  • Icon property added for TAdvMultiInputQuery form
  • Caption.BorderColor Caption.BorderWidth added in TAdvPanel
  • Property Lookup.Sorted added in TAdvEdit
  • Badge support in HTML rendering engine added
  • Exposed Key events in TAdvToggleSwitch
  • ButtonMarginVer ButtonMarginHor properties added in TAdvSmoothMessageDlg
  • HeaderBorderColor FooterBorderColor properties added in TAdvResponsiveList
  • Virtual Hosting capabilities in TAdvWebBrowser
  • Charging and ChargingInterval property added to show charge animation in TAdvProgressBar
  • Event OnFormatValue added to do custom value formatting in TAdvProgressBar

Universal Delphi & C++ Builder components for seamless access to Google, Microsoft, Paypal and many more cloud services from VCL, FMX and WEB core apps

What's new
  • TTMSFNCCloudStellarDataStore: New component for accessing StellarDS.io
  • TTMSFNCCloudStellarDataStoreDataSet: New TDataSet based component for accessing StellarDS.io

Identity Access Management, including authorization and authentication for Delphi server applications

What's new
  • Full documentation page for login web application explaining how to customize and configure it.
  • Added new methods and events in several classes to fully support phone number confirmation (token generation, confirmation with token). Request #19069.
  • Developers can now choose which information can be used to perform a login (e-mail, phone number, username) by setting additional properties in TLoginOptions class. Request #19741.
  • TLoginOptions.?Forbid?Self?Registration property prevents or allows new users to create a new account by themselves. Request #19339.

Delphi framework for multi-tier REST/JSON HTTP/HTTPS application server development and ORM remoting.

What's new
  • ConnectionPoolDebugger demo shows advanced techniques for detecting problems in the connection pool, like dumping current pool status and logging connections that are held for too long.

Framework for creating modern web applications from Visual Studio Code with Object Pascal

What's new
  • TabEnabled property added to TWebTabSheet
  • TListItem.Data: string property added for TWebListControl
  • StellarDS.io support : components for Stellar DataStore


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