The way the persistence stuff in TAdvLUEdit and other advanced edit controls is working is just so nice that it, well it's so nice that I just can't even come up with a suitable description. The best I can say is that there should be a law that no entry component can be without it!
- Mitch Godfrey, Wasatch Data Inc
Thank you for this superb tool collection!
- Henning Swiboda
Keyboarding this menu is the sexiest thing I have ever seen, (okay, I should probably get out more).
- Jerry Hayes
Hi Bruno
Just want to drop you a line about how great your presentation was today.
We often fail to point out to someone when they do a great job!
You did a great job, you gave me a lot of ideas, and you answered my question very well.
THANK you for your great products & super support.
- Lawrence Green
I am impressed by the efficiency of your software distribution, and also pleasantly surprised by your quick reaction.
Kudos and applause!~You deserve it.