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GraphQL for Delphi now supporting Delphi 12 and TMS Smart Setup

Friday, January 19, 2024

TMS Software Delphi  Components

TMS Software provides the more complete and extensive Delphi library to work with GraphQL.

What is GraphQL

GraphQL is a specification for a query language that is widely used specially in client/server communication, makes it easy and standard for clients to gather server data in a structured way. In case you want to know more I have written an extensive article about GraphQL and Delphi in my personal blog. And of course, there is the official GraphQL page.

About GraphQL for Delphi

To work with GraphQL in Delphi there is our library GraphQL for Delphi. Lots of features are provided, you check more details in the full GraphQL for Delphi documentation page, and as a small illustration about what it is, you can define document schemas in GraphQL language specification, like this:

type Query {
    hello(name: String!): String
Then implement how your server/app will provide data through such schema, for example, this is the most basic and low-level way to do so:

procedure TWebModule1.GraphQLSchema1InitSchema(Sender: TObject; Schema: TSchemaDocument);
  Schema.SetResolver('Query', 'hello', function(Args: TFieldResolverArgs): TValue
      Result := 'Hello, ' + Args.GetArgument('name').AsString;

Once you have your server up and running, your clients can invoke data from your server using a query language that matches the server schema you defined:

query {
  hello(name: "World")

And this is the result they will get:

  "data": {
    "hello": "Hello, World"

Delphi 12 support and more

In the recently release version 1.4 of GraphQL for Delphi, we added support for Delphi 12. You can now use the library with the latest and more modern Delphi version available.

We also added several improvements, like support for type extensions in GraphQL parser, and support for TMS Sparkle - you can now create GraphQL servers using Sparkle technology which is widely supported by TMS, fast, reliable and low-memory consuming.

For a full list of the changes, please refer to the Release Notes topic of documentation.

TMS Smart Setup support

Last, but not least, GraphQL for Delphi can now also be installed using TMS Smart Setup. Using our latest technology for installing libraries in Delphi, you can get GraphQL for Delphi and have it installed in your IDE with a single command:

tms install tms.graphql

Visit TMS Smart Setup documentation page to learn more, or go directly to the download page to install it in your machine. This is available for customers that have a commercial license of GraphQL for Delphi.

Get started now for free

GraphQL for Delphi is free for non-commercial use. You can start working with it right now, and it supports from Delphi 10 Seattle up to Delphi 12. 

Download GraphQL for Delphi free edition

Purchase a GraphQL for Delphi commercial license

Check GraphQL for Delphi documentation

If you have any question, don't hesitate to contact us via our support channels, or commenting below!

Wagner Landgraf

This blog post has received 5 comments.

1. Friday, January 19, 2024 at 4:41:27 PM

Are you planning to add lazarus support?

Pawel Dmitruk

2. Friday, January 19, 2024 at 5:24:14 PM

We don’t have a timeframe yet to support Lazarus.

Wagner R. Landgraf

3. Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 8:03:51 PM


is it possible to use TMS GraphQL with Embarcadero RAD Server?



4. Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 6:10:57 PM

is there a tms webcore demo against tms grapql server ?


5. Monday, March 25, 2024 at 8:21:07 AM

sorry, at this moment we do not have such a demo

Bruno Fierens

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