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Unveiling "How It Works With Holger - Modern Delphi Web Development" Video Series

Monday, January 15, 2024

TMS Software Delphi  Components

We're excited to announce a comprehensive, FREE 8-part tutorial series, "How It Works With Holger - Modern Delphi Web Development," where Holger showcases the step-by-step process of building a complete VCL application with TMS WEB Core client.


In this series, spanning over 3 hours of content, Holger will guide you through creating an application to organize published books, utilizing an SQLite database and FireDAC with master-detail relationships. The tutorial will explore Standard Delphi database controls for the user interface and discuss TMS options for enhanced efficiency. Notably, besides typical CRUD operations, the data can be generated as markdown documents, serving as static web content using tools like MkDocs, Material for MkDocs, and Jekyll.

What to Expect:

Holger, an expert in Delphi development, will guide you through the process of building a complete VCL application from scratch. The application, designed to organize published books, utilizes an SQLite database and FireDAC with master-detail relationships to model the data. Standard Delphi database controls will be employed to create a user-friendly interface.

In addition to CRUD operations, the series will demonstrate a unique feature - the generation of data as markdown documents. These documents can be utilized for static web content generation using popular tools like MkDocs, Material for MkDocs, and Jekyll.

Series Breakdown:

Part 1 (16/1): Introduction, scope of the VCL application, and description of the Web application.
Part 2 (17/2): Building the VCL application from scratch, covering directory structure, initial configuration, application setting class, and the database manager.
Part 3 (18/1): Designing and creating an SQLite database with FireDAC, exploring SQLite field types mapping, creating diagrams with JetBrains DataGrip, and embedding drivers into executables.
Part 4 (19/1): Building a form for managing books and editions, featuring master-detail relationships, design-time information access, and introduction to ImageEn for image format requirements.
Part 5 (22/1): Creating forms for managing bookstores and edition availability, utilizing cross-tables, and binding the user interface with FireDAC commands.
Part 6 (23/1): Generating Markdown documents for web page publication, preparing image information, and introducing MkDocs and Material for MkDocs as examples of a Markdown dialect for technical texts.
Part 7 (24/1): Creating a JSON document to make SQLite database information accessible from any client application, using the Neon serialization framework and exploring TMS FNC Core as a cross-platform alternative.
Part 8 (25/1): Adding a web application with Bootstrap framework, showcasing how efficiently TMS WEB Core works with existing Delphi code bases, and emphasizing the benefits of type-safe, compile-time-checked, and manageable Delphi source code.
Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your Delphi web development skills!

Starting tomorrow (16/1), the series will be available on our YouTube channel.

Aaron Decramer

This blog post has received 1 comment.

1. Saturday, February 3, 2024 at 11:30:29 PM

Hello Holger, so is it possible now to use Neon and with the TMS WebCore and FNC? (both libraries are full cross-platform, so it should be possible, right?)

Tesar Patrik

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