Version History



  • New : Support for new web designer in TMS Web Core. Web Core packages are now provided and can now be used to install XData components for new TMS Web Core web designer.
  • Improved : JwtAuthDemo updated to show how to use asymmetric (public/private) keys to sign and validate JSON Web Tokens.
  • Improved : Int64 property types are not flagged with "format int64" in Swagger/OpenAPI document. Ticket #23846.
  • Improved : Documentation updated to explain how to sign and validate JWT using private/public keys.


  • New : Validation attributes Equal, NotEqual, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqual, LessThanEqual, LessThan, MaxItemCount and MinItemCount.
  • Improved : Music Library demo logging improved by listing fields being inserted.
  • Fixed : Wrong RecordCount property when RecordCountMode is FetchAll and dataset is filtered.
  • Fixed : TAureliusDataset.SetSourceCriteria leaking memory if a subcriteria is passed to the method. Ticket #23273
  • Fixed : Loading lazy blob fields in dataset causes object to be flagged as modified inside the manager. Ticket #21970


  • New : ConnectionPoolDebugger demo shows advanced techniques for detecting problems in the connection pool, like dumping current pool status and logging connections that are held for too long.


  • Fixed : Added missing template files for TMS XData Web Application wizard (regression).


  • Fixed : Delphi 12 specific issue, JSON serialization of numbers was serializing integers ending with ".0" due to a change in JSON serialization behavior in Delphi 12.


  • New : Delphi 12 support.


  • New : Support for tag groups in Redoc allowing a higher-level organization of your endpoints.
  • New : Redoc support provides an endpoint to get your API documentation automatically using Redoc tool.
  • New : OpenAPI document now includes validation rules specified in some validation attributes like Range, MaxLength and MinLength.
  • Improved : TXDataWebDataset properties Indexed, Activeindex, Filter and Filtered now appearing in object inspector.
  • Improved : Support for ARM64 macOS and ARM64 iOS Simulator platforms.
  • Improved : Generated Swagger/OpenAPI document now includes extension x-nullable property for nullable types.


  • New : Swagger configuration variables allow redirecting URL of Swagger JS libraries to a different server.
  • New : IObjectPool interface with method GetPoolInfo. XData pool interfaces implement it.
  • New : Entities now can be excluded from Swagger document by using SwaggerExclude attribute. Request #19337.
  • Improved : XDefault attribute now can be used for TGUID parameters. Feature Request #20419.
  • Improved : URL conventions now accepts date-only and time-only literals, in addition to full "date and time" literals. Request #20872.
  • Improved : New TUserClaim properties IsBoolean, IsNull and IsDouble. Feature Request #20420.
  • Improved : Multi-tenancy demo updated to use Tenant middleware and TXDataMultiDBConnectionPool.
  • Improved : ISO times now are accepted if milliseconds part has from 1 to 8 digits.
  • Fixed : TXDataWebConnection.SendRequestAsync not returning a valid IHttpResponse interface. Ticket #20688.
  • Fixed : TXDataClient raising "not found" exceptions when retrieving lazy-loading proxied associations. It should silently return and set the proxy as nil. Ticket #20754.
  • Fixed : Queries in automatic CRUD endpoints could not include both $select and $inlinecount clauses in the same query.Ticket #20434.


  • New : [XDefault] attribute can be applied to fields and properties and they will be used for the purpose of Swagger documentation.
  • New : It's now possible to flag an endpoint as deprecated in Swagger, using XML comment .
  • New : Automatic parameter validation. You can now apply validation attributes to parameters and DTO classes to make sure you receive parameters and classes with the expected values.
  • Improved : TXDataClient now shows detailed error message in exception when the response is a standard OAuth 2 error response.f
  • Improved : Range attribute now also applies to float values (in addition to integer values).
  • Fixed : Web Core stub code for TUpdateStatus had invalid enumerated values. Ticket 20095.
  • Fixed : Memory leak when an associated object in a JSON deserialization was being deserialized as nil. If such object was previously created, it would leak. Now, XData will destroy the previous object if it's flagged with JsonManaged attribute.


  • Improved : Validator attributes now can receive an option ErrorCode parameter in their constructors.
  • Improved : DTO validation messages now inform the full path of the property causing the error. For example, instead of "field name must be required", it shows "field must be required", or "field customers[1] must be required".
  • Improved : Correct response status code (400) and better error message for invalid parameter values sent via URL, including indicating the name of the offending parameter. For example: Cannot deserialize value "x" from Url parameter "NumericId".
  • Improved : Built-in validators now generate validation error messages with more specific error codes (for example, ValueRequired or ValueTooLong instead of ValidationError).
  • Improved : Better error message (InsufficientPermission) when and endpoint is not authorized.
  • Fixed : Deserialization of date time from JSON were raising wrong exceptions (Invalid argument to date encode) for wrong date value, like "7777".


  • New : XDefaultNil attribute to allow optional object (DTO) parameters.
  • New : TXDataConnectionPool.OnDBConnectionRelease event.
  • Improved : WebCoreBlobClient demo now shows how to retrieve an image blob from server using AJAX requests.
  • Improved : Web master-detail demo updated with more functionality.
  • Improved : TXDataWebClient.RawInvoke now accepts query string.
  • Improved : Incomplete JSON request bodies sent by the client now return HTTP status code 400 (instead of 500).
  • Improved : If all body parameters of an endpoint are optional (have default values), then Swagger specification is not adding the single body parameter as required.
  • Improved : Error message for JSON Schema generator now shows the position of JSON document which caused the error.
  • Improved : Better error message ("Missing parameter" instead of "Invalid JSON") when the endpoint expects a single object parameter but no content body is sent.
  • Fixed : Web music demo was failing after login with "401 unauthorized" error.
  • Fixed : Deserialization of date time from JSON were raising wrong exceptions (Invalid argument to date encode) for wrong date/time values, like "7777".


  • Improved : URL/Query parameter not flagged as required in Swagger UI, when such parameter comes from a DTO property (a DTO flagged with FromQuery attribute).
  • Improved : Design-time components were greyed out in component palette if current platform was different than Win32.
  • Fixed : TXDataClient not retrieving error message details in some situations (error 404 for services that didn't return objects)
  • Fixed : Swagger documentation for DTO members were not being displayed when if the members were declared in an ancestor class.
  • Fixed : Some wrong JSON request bodies were still causing status code in response to be 500 instead of 400.
  • Fixed : Some Access Violation error when lists were nil in DTOs.
  • Fixed : Service operations flagged as www-form-urlencoded were not decoding the plus sign (+) as spaces from request body.


  • New : TXDataClient.RawSerialization property prevents the client from expecting "value" in server responses (a JSON object wrapping the response inside the "value" property).
  • New : SQLiteConsoleServer demo updated with: middleware logging; validation attributes.
  • New : OpenAPI Importer is removed and became OpenAPI Delphi Generator, which is now open source: The generated client is now not dependant on TMS BIZ anymore. Please follow the OpenAPI Delphi Generator repository for updates and upcoming features.
  • Improved : When JSON deserialization fails (for example, when a client sends wrong JSON in request), the error message now shows the detailed position of the error (complete path), making it easier for the client to know what part of the JSON was wrong. It also returns status code 400.
  • Improved : TXDataWebClient.RawInvoke now provides a JavaScript Blob object in the Response.Result property, when the server method returns a TStream. (breaking change).
  • Improved : Schema generator is now generating named definitions (instead of inline schema) for object schemas inside arrays, dictionaries, Nullable and Assignable types.
  • Improved : RegularExpression validator now shows the regular expression in the error message so users know what is the regex they have to match.
  • Improved : For DTOs being sent in query params, attribute JsonInclude is not being taken into consideration, so properties with default values are not included in query string.
  • Improved : Entity validation now propagates the error message list to XData exception handler and to clients as JSON response.
  • Improved : BREAKING CHANGE JWT is now requiring secret with a minimum size. If you use a secret that is smaller than the minimum size, you should set JWT Middleware property SkipKeyValidation to True.
  • Fixed : Validation of DTOs containing JSON classes (TJSONValue, TJElement) was causing Access Validation.
  • Fixed : Eventual "Invalid Pointer Operation" (possibly causing database connections being locked in the pool) when calling POST/PUT in CRUD endpoints. The combination to raise the problem was rare, but could happen if the JSON sent by the client had errors and the entity structure had lists.
  • Fixed : Android/iOS XData client not correctly handling JSON responses (regression).
  • Fixed : Abstract error when serializing TBlob (regression).


  • New : TXDataClient.InstanceLoopHandling, EntityLoopHandling, SerializeInstanceRef, SerializeInstanceType properties allows more control over the JSON properties sent from client to server.
  • New : TSwaggerUIOptions properties: TryItOutEnabled and CustomParams allows more customization of SwaggerUI.
  • New : OpenAPI importer allows you to import a 3rd-party server Swagger specification and generate a unit with high-level interfaces and DTOs for invoking the server endpoints.
  • New : JWT (JOSE) for Delphi units updated. You can now use RSA and ECDSA signing algorithms for both singing new JWT and also verify existing JWT signatures.
  • New : $select filter option allows defining the fields to be present in JSON response. It not only saves bandwidth by reducing the JSON size, but also optimizes the server execution.
  • Fixed : string literals in URL failing if containing single quotes.
  • Fixed : TMS XData Web Application wizard was generating code that wasn't compilable with latest versions of TMS Web Core.
  • Fixed : Swagger not working when service operations had PATCH methods.
  • Fixed : Serialization of TJSONObject boolean properties were failing when the value type was TJSONBool, instead of TJSONTrue or TJSONFalse.
  • Fixed : Serialization of TJSONNumber fails when the value contained exponent character (e.g, 1E-5).
  • Fixed : Serialization "Format 'Converter for %s is not object ' invalid or incompatible with argument" error message.
  • Fixed : Reentrant XData calls causing AV when using InProc-server.
  • Fixed : Ordered dictionary converter was not creating new instances, only modifying existing ones.
  • Fixed : OnModuleException not working correctly when action was RaiseException.


  • New : Validation attributes now also work for DTO objects.
  • New : TXDataSwaggerUIOptions.DisplayOperationId property. Breaking change: this property False by default, which hides the operation id from Swagger UI.
  • New : SwaggerExclude attribute now applies to DTO and entity properties.
  • Fixed : Serialization of polymorphic lists now correctly output the class name of the list item if different from the base class.


  • New : You can specify which DTO properties will be flagged as "required" in Swagger.
  • New : TXDataMultiDBConnectionPool component allows for easy creation of XData modules connecting to multiple tenant databases.
  • New : TXDataHttpHandler.SetStatusCode allows setting a custom HTTP status code from XData service operations.
  • New : TXDataConnectionPool.CleanupTimeout property. When different than zero, the connection pool will release the connections that hasn't been used for the at least the time specified by the CleanupTimeout property.
  • New : Swagger now supports and generates documentation from comments in DTO classes and properties.
  • New : OnModuleException now includes a property named Errors in the Args parameter. This property, if filled, will add a list of errors in the JSON response to the client, in addition to the existing single error message.
  • New : Now it's possible to close the HTTP response inside a XData service operation. In this case, XData will not touch the HTTP response anymore.
  • New : JsonManaged attribute allows flaging which associated objects in the DTO should not be automatically destroyed by XData serializer/deserializer.
  • New : Consumes attribute allows receiving parameters as x-www-form-urlencoded type.
  • New : Client-side exception EXDataClientRequestException now also includes a property Errors to provide a list of errors provided by the server (if available).
  • Improved : TXDataConnectionPool doesn't require the Connection property to be set, if a pool interface is provided via OnGetPoolInterface event.
  • Improved : Swagger demo updated to show how to work with DTO documentation.
  • Improved : List and dictionary JSON serializers now automatically take OwnsObjects property into account, and do not try to destroy the items if such property is set to true.
  • Improved : JSON date-time deserialization now accepts dates in format YYYYMMDD and time in format hhnnss.
  • Improved : Better error message when database connection pool was not properly configured in XData server.
  • Fixed : TXDataClient was sending float parameters via URL query with wrong formatting depending on local settings (regression).
  • Fixed : TJsonInclude.NonDefault option was not working with nullable types.
  • Fixed : Music web demo was not compiling with latest Pas2JS/Web Core versions.


  • New : Web Core application demo showing master-detail usage.
  • New : Web Core application demo showing blob/memo usage.
  • New : Delphi 11 support.
  • Fixed : OnManagerCreate event raising errors if Delphi memory manager is configured to completely clean memory upon destruction (FastMM in debug mode, for example).


  • Fixed : Query Builder wrongly creating enumeration literals around quotes ('tsMale').
  • Fixed : Query Builder not finding properties from inherited classes when using From method passing class types.


  • New : XData Query Builder. You can now build XData queries using fluent interface using the new XData Query Builder, and then get the final query string to be used in your HTTP requests or queries using TXDataClient.
  • New : Service operations can now receive DTOs (Delphi objects) from the query string of the request URL.
  • New : Mechanism to accept XData query options in service operations. You can now easily receive and process XData query syntax like $filter, $orderby, $top and $skip in service operations, even for DTOs, and create Aurelius criteria from it.
  • Improved : Web Core stub for TXDataClientResponse was missing some properties.
  • Improved : Nullable types are now supported in plain Delphi objects (in addition to existing support in Aurelius entities). When using plain Delphi objects as DTOs, like when receiving or returning them in service operations, they are now properly serialized/deserialized as JSON.
  • Improved : Internal TJsonWriter class is now 50% faster.
  • Fixed : XData enum values were ignoring JsonEnumValues attribute in Swagger Schema and $filter queries.
  • Fixed : Swagger support was being enabled automatically in Linux projects. This was causing an "AmbiguousActionError" exception when Swagger was also enabled in TXDataServer component.
  • Fixed : SerializeInstanceType being ignored in entity property endpoints (e.g., Customer/City).
  • Fixed : Missing properties in XData entities created from Aurelius classes with AbstractEntity attribute.
  • Fixed : Error "Could not convert variant array of type" when retrieving entities which Id is an association to another entity.
  • Fixed : "DevTools failed to load source map" error message now removed from web browser console log when executing TMS XData Music application.


  • Improved : All compilation warnings removed when using XData from TMS Web Core applications.
  • Fixed : Compilation error in Multitenancy demo.


  • New : async/await methods in XData web client makes it even easier to build TMS Web Core applications using XData as backend - the asynchronous requests to server can be coded as if they were synchronous.
  • New : Swagger demo projects now include a client-side application at xdata\demos\Swagger\Client that shows how Swagger can be helpful at client side.
  • New : RoutingPrecedence property in XData server allows you to override automatic CRUD endpoints behavior using service operations, by using the same routing URL.
  • New : OnManagerCreate event which is fired whenever a new TObjectManager instance is created by XData.
  • New : New multitenancy demo shows how to create multitenant servers using XData in an easy and straightforward way with the new TMultiTenantConnectionPool implementation.
  • New : Attribute-based Authorization allows you to secure your REST API in a declarative way, adding attributes to methods and entities you want to be protected by specific permissions. It's as simple as adding authorization attributes to methods and entities.
  • Fixed : XML documentation tags for SwaggerUI were being ignored for service contracts with an empty route (the "default" endpoint).
  • Fixed : Typo in EInvalidParamBinding exception message: "Invalid binding in param".
  • Fixed : TXDataWebDataset was not bringing ancestor persistent fields at design-time for entity classes in a inheritance hierarchy.
  • Fixed : SwaggerUI was sometimes displaying empty tags. This happened with Automatic CRUD Endpoints, when no endpoint were set for an existing entity. Still, the tag for the entity appeared.
  • Fixed : List serialization failed when list to be serialized was nil in some situations.
  • Fixed : Error "Cannot deserialize value from Url format" when invoking service operations passing double values in URL - for example: ?a=1.6).
  • Fixed : Deserializatin of a JSON empty object would result in nil object, instead of an empty (instantiated) object with default property values.
  • Fixed : Batch operations not working in an optimized way when using connection interfaces coming from XData connection pool.


  • New : SwaggerExclude attribute allows you to exclude specific endpoints from the final Swagger API documentation.
  • New : Swagger demo shows how to create Swagger documentation, provide SwaggerUI interface to your end user, and use XML documentation to enrich your documentation content.
  • New : Full support to use XML documentation in Swagger documents. You can now describe your REST API documentation using XML documentation syntax, and even using the same content for both. Write your documentation once, use it in several places - for your Delphi developer, for your API consumer.
  • Improved : The endpoints for Swagger-UI ("/swaggerui") and Swagger.json ("/openapi/swagger.json") don't appear anymore in the Swagger document itself. This avoids pollution of the Swagger document, focusing only on your own API endpoints.
  • Improved : Swagger documents now take entity set permissions into account, omitting Aurelius CRUD endpoints which are not available due to the entity set permissions configuration.
  • Improved : Service contract routing now allows replacing the root URL. Requests like "GET /" or "POST /" can be now be configured to be routed to your own service implementation.
  • Improved : Parameters and function results of type TDate, in service contracts, will now show in Swagger document as "date" instead of "date-time".
  • Improved : Endpoints are now sorted alphabetically in Swagger documents, making it much easier to be visualized in Swagger-UI for example.


  • New : FireDAC-SQL demo shows how to create a REST resource (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) using FireDAC to access the database directly via SQL, without using TMS Aurelius.
  • Improved : XData Web Request (THttpRequest) now provides Timeout property.
  • Improved : EXDataClientException now contains property Info holding the JSON response of the error.
  • Improved : Compatibility with TMS Web Core 1.5.
  • Fixed : When loading objects using TXDataClient, proxied objects were not being loaded if they were located at a depth level higher than the MaxEagerDepth configuration (default to 3).
  • Fixed : SwaggerUI was not working in SQLiteConsoleServer demo.
  • Fixed : Service operations returning objects and also with "out" params were returning wrong JSON.


  • Improved : XData trial binary compatibility with TMS Web Core 1.4.2 trial.
  • Fixed : Wrong serialization of objects that indirectly inherited from List. For example, TList2 = class(TList1), TList1 = class(TList). Serialization of TList2 was wrong.


  • Improved : Web Core client components updated to support the newest TMS Web Core 1.4.


  • New : XData server now returns a xdata-version header in each request. This will make it easier to tell the available features of the XData server being connected to. Current version returned is 2.
  • New : TXDataClient.ForceBlobLoading property for backward compatibility with old XData servers that could not receive eager blobs as @xdata.proxy.
  • New : Flexible URL routing mechanism using Route attribute, allows multiple segments in path routing, and flexible parameter binding. For a single method, users can route it to an URL like 'orders/approved/{year}/{month}'. The service operation will be routed from the invoked URL, and the values passed in URL will be automatically bound to method parameters.
  • New : Delphi 10.4 Sydney support. Full compatibility with the recently released new Delphi version.
  • Improved : Significant performance increase when sending entities to XData server that contain blobs. For example, consider a Customer with Photo (blob) field you retrieved using TXDataClient. In previous versions, calling Put to update the customer would load the Photo content from the server, even if it was not modified. Now it's optimized and it will send to the server just a proxy information. The server is also now smart enough to identify those proxies and proceed properly, even when the blob is not lazy.
  • Improved : It's now possible to send blobs in JSON using format "Photo@xdata.proxy": "Customers(1)/Photo", even for blobs not flagged as lazy. In previous versions, this was only possible for lazy blobs. Sending such values will simply not modify the blob value in the server.
  • Improved : Enumeration values can be prefixed by the enum type in $filter expressions. To avoid ambiguous naming, enumeration values in filter expressions can now be prefixed by the enum type. For example: "$filter=Pending eq TStatus.Pending". TStatus.Pending is an enumeration value, Pending is a property value.
  • Improved : Blob serialization was not flagging blob as loaded, causing a lazy blob to be loaded multiple times. Suppose there is a property TCustomer.Photo of type TBlob. Such blob is lazy and not loaded. During JSON serialization, the content of the blob is loaded, but property TCustomer.Photo was not being marked as load. Thus, in a second serialization, or when the app tried to read property content, the blob would load again.
  • Improved : Ambiguity between enumeration and member name solved in $filter expressions. Suppose a filter expression like "$filter=Pending eq 2". There might be a situation where Pending would be both an enumeration name and an entity property. Now, if that happens, Pending will be considered as an entity property. Otherwise, as an enumeration.
  • Fixed : XData Web App Generator creating wrong persistent fields when XData server had GUID field types.
  • Fixed : Value endpoints (/$value) were not returning correct string values when the content had double quotes.
  • Fixed : TXDataClient 404 error not raising exception when server methods did not return objects (procedures, not functions).
  • Fixed : Serialization of TArray and TBytes was not working correctly when the application/server was compiled using runtime packages.
  • Fixed : Memory leak when building a TXDataAureliusModel object using a TXDataModelBuilder raises an error.
  • Fixed : Error "Requested action has ambiguous implementation" in SwaggeUI endpoint when starting/stopping XData server multiple times.
  • Fixed : Delphi IDE splash screen showing multiple XData icons.


  • Improved : UriPathSegment now can be applied to entities (for entity set naming).
  • Fixed : XData Web Application generator updated to work with latest Web Core 1.4
  • Fixed : XData Music Demo updated to work with latest Web Core 1.4.
  • Fixed : TXDataWebClient not raising OnError events when an error happened during RawInvoke call.


  • New : Enumerated literals now supported in $filter query string.
  • Fixed : Wrong TXDataWebDataset date/time conversion from JSON (regression). It was causing "Invalid date time" errors and also was displaying wrong date time fields, by incorrectly adding time zone offset to the date.otepad
  • Fixed : TXDataClient.IgnoreUnknownProperties had no effect when using service operations.


  • New : Support for TStream param mixed with other params. You can now have a service operation that receives a TStream parameter to also receive more parameters, as long as they are not defined to be in the request body (using FromBody parameter). This way you can use the TStream to process the raw body of the request, but still receive other parameters through the URL (either using FromQuery or FromPath attributes).
  • New : OnEntityDeleted, OnEntityInserted, OnEntityModified are new server-side events that fire after automatic CRUD endpoint operations are performed, in addition to existing OnEntityDeleting, OnEntityModifying and OnEntityInserting events, which are performed before such operations.
  • New : JsonConverter attribute allows for custom JSON serialization/deserialization of specific PODO and entity properties. You can for example serialize an integer as an string, a date/time as a string in a specific format, etc.
  • New : Demo project showing how to use multiple models (multi-model design) in XData.
  • New : Demo project showing how to use XData as an Apache module.
  • New : BasicAuth demo showing how to use Basic Authentication in both server and client sides.
  • Improved : Swagger doesn't include definition names for lists anymore (interface gets less cluttered).
  • Fixed : Swagger specification was wrong for entity sets (in automatic CRUD endpoint). It was indicating an array of entities, but the correct format was an object with "value" property and then array of entities, according to the specification.
  • Fixed : Sending an object with a blob property set to null was not modifying the blob in the database.
  • Fixed : Generated XData Web Application was being created with title "TMS XData Music Web Application". The word "Music" was removed from the title.


  • Fixed : TMS XData Web Application wizard was generating code that didn't compile.
  • Fixed : TMS XData Music Demo failed to compile in TMS Web Core 1.3.


  • New : TXDataOperationContext.CreateManager and AddManager methods. You can now add more Aurelius managers (TObjectManager) to the XData context. This makes it easier to create other Aurelius managers in addition to the default one, and at the same time return entities from that new manager, without worrying about evicting those objects to destroy them.
  • New : TXDataClient.IgnoreUnknownPropeties property. You can now set this property to true to force the client to ignore properties sent by the server that the client don't know. Until now, the client would raise an exception saying the property is unknown.
  • New : Support for Android 64-bit platform (Delphi 10.3.3 Rio).
  • Improved : TXDataWebDataset compatibility with TMS Web Core 1.3. There is a breaking change between TMS Web Core 1.3 and 1.2 regarding dataset, which means this XData version won't work with previous TMS Web Core versions (1.2 and lower).
  • Improved : SwaggerUI was displaying parameters as required even when they had default values in service operations.
  • Improved : $expand now appears as an optional parameter in SwaggerUI for endpoints that return Aurelius entities.
  • Fixed : TXDataClient and TXDataWebClient were building request URLs with double slashes (//) in some requests. This didn't cause any errors but was wrong anyway.


  • Improved : TXDataWebClient was raising some exceptions as Exception class. It's now using EXDataClientException.
  • Fixed : SQLiteConsoleServer demo (the "Music server" used in several demos, like the TMS XData/Web Core Music Web Application) was not correctly importing Tracks into Albums.


  • New : $expand query option now also applies for blobs. In previous versions, clients could request associations to be inline in JSON response by using the $expand query option in format "$expand=Customer". Now you can also ask for blob properties to be inline (as base64 string) in the JSON response, by providing the name(s) of blob properties in the $expand query option. For example, "$expand=Photo".
  • Improved : TXDataWebClient.Post now updates the key (id) properties of the object with the generated value returned by the server. When calling TXDataWebClient.Post you pass a Javascript object instance to the method, which will be serialized as JSON and sent to the server to be inserted. If the server generates a new id for the object, then the Javascript object instance passed to Post will have its id property automatically updated with the id generated by the server. This has a good side effect on using TXDataWebDataset as well: when automatically applying updates using TXDataWebDataset, the id fields will automatically be filled with the server-side generated value.
  • Improved : Polymorphism when deserializing JSON objects allows deserializing both PODO and XData/Aurelius entities using the same method. For example, suppose a service operation (server-side method) that receives a parameter of type "TObject". Clients can now send either a PODO object or a Aurelius entity object to that method, and either will be serialized correctly. In previous versions it would consider everything as PODO and wrongly serialize the Aurelius entity.
  • Fixed : Multiple calls to TXDataWebDataset.ApplyUpdates could cause some errors. That would happen if in the second call to ApplyUpdates, the modifications of the first call were not yet sent to the server, causing the same delta to be processed twice.


  • New : HttpPatch attribute to specify service operations responding to PATCH HTTP method.
  • Fixed : Swagger not including all service operation actions when the actions endpoints were the same.


  • New : SwaggerOptions and SwaggerUIOptions properties allow to easily enable and configure Swagger support for the API.
  • New : Support for SwaggerUI provides a built-in web-based environment to test the API from the browser.
  • New : FromQuery, FromPath and FromBody attributes allow higher control in parameter binding and URL routing for service operations.
  • New : EnableEntityKeyAsSegment property allows single-entity URL endpoints to follow the format "entity/id" - for example, customer/10, in addition to existing default format customer(10).
  • Improved : String and enumeration literals now can be sent in URL without being enclosed by single quotes (e.g., CustomerByName?Name=John instead of CustomerByName?Name='John').
  • Fixed : TXDataWebClient invoking service operations with default parameters was requiring all parameters to be passed, including the ones with default values.


  • Fixed : Index out of range error in TMS XData Web Application Wizard when XData server has no entities.
  • Fixed : Generated XData Web Application not supporting filtering by subproperties (e.g., Invoice/Customer/Name eq 'John').


  • New : XData Server wizards generate XData server applications using the new design-time components instead of pure code. The generated application is now way easier to maintain and evolve, given it uses the RAD approach with design-time components. There is now wizard for server as VCL application. Next versions will include console application, Apache module or Windows service.
  • New : TXDataWebDataset.EnumAsInteger property controls how enumerated type properties will be represented in the dataset. This is a breaking change.
  • Improved : TXDataWebClient.OnLoad method now provides the newly created entity in the Args.Result property, when using Post method.
  • Improved : All demos refactored, now using the new non-visual components: TXDataServer, TAureliusConnection, TXDataConnectionPool and TSparkleHttpSysDispatcher, making them easier to understand for beginners and easier to change them.
  • Fixed : XData Service wizard did not appear if there was no open project in IDE.
  • Fixed : XData Music Demo was issuing JSON Web Tokens with wrong expiration date/time.
  • Fixed : Workaround a bug in Delphi Rio causing serialization of TJSONNumber values to be always serialized as null (TJSONNumber.Null always returning true).
  • Fixed : Type mismatch when passing an empty array to a service operation that receives the dynamic array as var/out parameter.
  • Fixed : TXDataWebDataset now creates TFloatField field for XData properties of type Currency, instead of TCurrencyField (unsupported in TMS Web Core clients).
  • Fixed : TXDataWebClient.OnRequest event not being called when executing service operations with RawInvoke method.
  • Fixed : Inoffensive memory leak in TSparkleHttpSysDispatcher when the dispatcher was never activated.


  • Improved : TXDataWebConnection now "disconnects" (cleans model object, requiring a new connection) when URL is modified.
  • Fixed : XData Web App Application Wizard was incorrectly creating TExtendedField fields for Int64 types in server.
  • Fixed : Workaround a bug in Delphi Rio causing JWT tokens to be always rejected due to expiration (TJSONNumber.Null always returning true).
  • Fixed : Typo in generated XData service code: "form the client" should be "from the client".
  • Fixed : TXDataWebClient.RawInvoke was not allowing receiving a full JSON object as a single parameter.


  • New : XData Web Application Wizard now can optionally generate GUI for performing CRUD operations on entities. You can now generate a web application that allows users to insert, modify and/or delete entities.
  • New : Support for Delphi 10.3 Rio.
  • Fixed : XData Service Wizard was creating new service units in the first project of a project group. Now it's being created in the currently active project.
  • Fixed : TTime fields not correclty supported in TXDataWebDataset.


  • New : XData Web App Generator wizard. This wizard creates a full TMS Web Core client app based on a responsive Bootstrap template. The generated application should be based on a XData server and will provide user-interface for listing XData server entities, including searching, ordering and pagination.
  • New : XData Service Operation wizard. Makes it very easy to create new service operations (server-side business logic).
  • New : Design-time support with new set of components for XData: TXDataServer and TXDataConnectionPool components.
  • Improved : TXDataWebDataset.Load now automatically connects the TXDataWebConnection if it's still not connected.
  • Improved : TXDataServerModule.SetEntitySetPermissions allows providing '*' as the entity set name which will be considered the default permissions for all entity sets.
  • Improved : TXDataClientResponse.ResultAsArray and ResultAsObject for quick access to Result as Json array or object.
  • Fixed : TXDataWebDataset not setting correct datetime values on entity properties.
  • Fixed : TXDataWebClient.RawInvoke was incorrectly requiring parameters of type "out".


  • New : TXDataWebDataset properties QueryTop, QuerySkip, ServerRecordCount, ServerRecordCountMode. This makes it easier to retrieve paged results from server (QueryTop, QuerySkip) and retrieve the total number of records in server (ServerRecordCount, ServerRecordCountMode), regardless of the page number and size
  • New : TJwtMiddleware.AllowExpiredToken and ForbidAnonymousAccess properties. This makes it easier to reject requests with expired tokens or requests without tokens (anonymous) just by setting those properties. This is a breaking change as the middleware now rejects expired tokens by default. Please refer to TMS Sparkle documentation for more info.
  • New : TCorsMiddleware middleware makes it straightforward to add CORS support to any Sparkle module. Please refer to TMS Sparkle documentation for more info.
  • Improved : XData Music Demo now includes options for ordering, paging and filtering (search) of listed records.
  • Improved : URIPathSegment attribute with empty string is now possible in a service contract, allowing creating service operations at the "root" of the server.
  • Improved : "New TMS XData Server" Wizard now adds commented code to include CORS and Compress middleware. Uncomment the generated code to easily enable it.
  • Fixed : TXDataWebDataset now correctly creates TStringField for GUID properties (TGuidField is not supported in TMS Web Core).
  • Fixed : Removed memory leaks in desktop client JWT Auth demo.
  • Fixed : "New TMS XData Server" wizard updated with option to use new TMS Aurelius native database drivers.


  • New : TXDataWebConnection.OnResponse event intercepts any successful HTTP request made by XData web client framework
  • Improved : XData Music demo improvements
  • Fixed : Servers with Int64 type in model were not supported when used from TMS Web client


  • New : XData Music Web Application demo. A full web application example using TMS XData server using TMS Web Core as web front-end. Full source code is provide, and the online version of demo is available at
  • New : TXDataWebClient.ReferenceSolvingMode allows automatic solving of $ref occurrences in JSON response, which is now the default behavior.
  • New : Demos XData Web-Client Framework, showing use of TXDataWebClient, TXDataWebDataset and integration with FNC Grid.


  • New : TXDataWebDataset.CurrentData provides the underlying JSON object of the current web dataset record.
  • New : TXDataWebConnection.Open method allows providing callbacks for connection successful and connection error.
  • New : TXDataWebConnection.OnRequest and TXDataWebClient.OnRequest events allow intercepting and modifying outgoing requests (for example, to add authentication headers).
  • New : TXDataWebConnection.OnError event which is fired whenever an error happens while performing requests to XData server from TMS Web Core apps.
  • New : TXDataWebConnection.DesignData allows adding custom headers at design-time (for example authorization) to properly connect to XData server.
  • New : TXDataWebClient.RawInvoke allows high-level invoking of service operations from TMS Web Core applications.
  • New : TXDataWebClient request methods (List, Get, Post, RawInvoke, etc.) now have overloaded methods that accept callback functions.
  • New : Full-featured TMS XData Web-Client Framework provides RAD, design-time and high-level components for building web applications using TMS Web Core and TMS XData. Buildling a REST API-based web application has never been as easy, including dataset-like usage that feels home to Delphi developers.
  • Improved : TXDataWebDataset.SetJsonData now accepts non-array values (to edit a single object, for example).
  • Improved : TXDataWebClient.Get overloaded method allows passing an additional query string (to use $expand option for example).
  • Improved : TXDataServerModule.Create overload requiring just BaseUrl - no database connection pool is needed. Useful for XData servers that do not connect to a database or have specific database usage.
  • Improved : TMS Web Core-only TXDataConnection and TXDataDataset components has been renamed to TXDataWebConnection and TXDataWebDataset. This is a breaking change.
  • Improved : Smooth design-time experience with TXDataWebDataset. Manually loading field defs are not necessary anymore - just connect dataset to a web connection, provide the URL and fields will be loaded automatically at both design-time or runtime. Design-time menu option "Load Field Defs" has been removed.
  • Improved : Editing TXDataWebDataset.EntitySetName at design-time in object inspector now provides a combobox with the list of available names retrieved from the server.
  • Improved : Dataset fields now supported in TXDataWebDataset. They will contain data (list of objects) for associated lists (many-valued associations).
  • Fixed : Memory leaks when using mobile/Linux compilers (when using automatic reference counting)
  • Fixed : Exceptions that were not inherited from EXDataHttpException were wrongly reporting an error code (regression)


  • New : OnModuleException event allows for a more flexible custom error-handling processing of exception raised during XData processing request.
  • Fixed : deserialization of array of objects was keeping the same instance for all objects in the array.
  • Fixed : OnEntityModifying event was being fired before merge operation thus not providing correct information about the object in manager and previous state. Breaking change that can be disabled by using _FixEntityModifyingOnUpsert := False


  • New : TXDataClient.Count method. Allows retrieving the number of entities in a specific resource endpoint, optionally using a query filter
  • New : TQueryParser.AddMethod allows registering custom SQL Functions to be called from XData query API.
  • New : TMS RADical WEB enabled! The TMS framework for front-end Web development, TMS RADical WEB has been released and TMS XData is immediately a first-class citizen of this new ecosystem.
  • New : MultiTentant Demo included in distribution shows how to use XData with multi-tentant applications (multiple databases being accessed by the same server).
  • New : /$model built-in URL returns metadata for the whole XData API.
  • Improved : A connection was being retrieved from the pool even when the context manager was not being used by a service operation.
  • Fixed : Service operations invoked via GET method using enumerated type parameters are now supported.


  • New : TXDataRequestHandler.ManagedObjects property.
  • New : Support for default parameter values in service operations from non-Delphi clients (default parameters were already supported in Delphi clients).
  • New : Several new types supported in service operations. Generic arrays, Generics lists of primitive types, Sets, TStrings type.
  • New : OpenAPI/Swagger support.
  • New : JsonNamingStrategy attribute.
  • New : JsonInclude attribute in PODO classes.
  • New : JsonEnumValues attribute.
  • Fixed : Error when using params of type TDate (TDateTime was not affected) in service operations (Regression).
  • Fixed : Design-time wizard icon not showing correctly in Delphi 10.2 Tokyo.


  • New : XDataProperty and XDataExcludeProperty attributes.
  • New : TXDataSeverModule.UnknownMemberHandling property.
  • New : Support for passing parameters by reference in service operations.
  • New : JsonProperty and JsonIgnore attributes.
  • New : Filter functions startswith, endswith and contains.
  • New : Filter function concat.
  • Fixed : Using TStream as a parameter for service operations was causing "JSON converter not found" error.


  • New : Linux support using Delphi 10.2 Tokyo and later.
  • Fixed : Location header of POST responses now uses host of the client request, not the host configured in XData module.


  • New : Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Support
  • Fixed : Server-side stack overflow when trying to load a proxy property sent by the client, if the parent entity of that proxy was merged into the current Object Manager


  • New : Demo project showing authentication using JWT (JSON Web Token)
  • Fixed : XData Server Wizard generating corrupted source code when TMS Component Pack was installed
  • Fixed : Sporadic server error loading proxied lists sent by the client
  • Fixed : JWT encoding not working on XE6


  • New : Url convention now allows $count path segment to retrieve number of entities in a resource.
  • Fixed : TXDataClient.Service failing for Android clients when compiling in Release config
  • Fixed : RefCount property was wrongly being serialized in PODO objects from mobile clients


  • New : TXDataServerModule.SerializeInstanceType property controls how xdata type metadata will appear in JSON response
  • New : TXDataServerModule.SerializeInstanceRef property controls how instances of same object will be represented in JSON response
  • New : Support for entities that have associations in ID (primary key containing foreign keys)
  • New : Support for Variant-type parameters in service operations when using GET HTTP method.
  • New : Support for Nullable values in PODO classes
  • New : Breaking change: TXDataServerModule.PutMode property controls how PUT will behave at server-side
  • New : $expand query option allows clients to have full control on how associated entities appear in JSON response.
  • Improved : Errors on query syntax now return http code 400 instead of 500
  • Fixed : JSON Proxies (@xdata.proxy) sent by the client were not being solved when reading such properties at server-side
  • Fixed : Association references (@xdata.ref) were not being solved when receiving entities in service operations parameters.


  • New : TXDataServerModule.SetEntitySetPermissions allows configuring what operations are available in each resource type
  • New : Service operations can now receive and return any type of object. This increases flexibility significantly as you can use any type of object for structure input/output parameters, or to send/receive DTO classes, etc.
  • New : Service operations can now receive and return TJSONAncestor objects (Delphi XE6 and up only). This allows full control over the JSON request and response.
  • New : Service operations can now receive and return TCriteriaResult objects, making it easy to return Aurelius query results that use projections.
  • New : Server-Side Events allow subscribing listeners events and perform additional server-side logic
  • New : Method TXDataModelBuilder.RemoveEntitySet for more flexibility when building XData models.
  • New : JWT (Json Web Token) authentication and Basic authentication, thanks to new TMS Sparkle
  • New : Delphi 10.1 Berlin support
  • New : Authentication and authorization mechanism, based on TMS Sparkle
  • New : $inlinecount query option allow retrieving the total number of entities when using paged results
  • Improved : TXDataOperationContext.Current now also available in entity resources
  • Improved : All server-side operation (entity CRUD, service operation execution) are now performed in database transactions


  • New : Design-time wizard to create a XData Server with a few clicks
  • Fixed : Service operation using enumerated types as parameters or function results not working properly
  • Fixed : EntitySet requests were not taking xdata-expandlevel header into consideration. This is a breaking change.


  • New : Delphi 10 Seattle support


  • New : TXDataServerModule.DefaultExpandLevel allows defining the expand level of JSON responses when it's not defined by client request
  • New : TXDataOperationContext Request and Response properties gives full control for service implementations to customize the processing of client requests
  • New : TXDataClient.HttpClient property provides low level access to the Http client and allows using OnSendingRequest events to customize requests
  • New : Several built-in functions available to increase flexibility when querying objects in REST requests. New available functions are Upper, Lower, Length, Substring, Position, Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute and Second
  • Fixed : TXDataClient Get, Delete, Patch and Put operations were broken when using entities with composite id
  • Fixed : POST requests not working correctly with entities with composite key
  • Fixed : Data Modification requests sending content-type header with parameter (for example, ";charset=UTF8") were causing errors


  • New : URIPathSegment attribute allows specifying a different name for operation/service to be used in URL
  • New : HttpMethod attribute allows specifying the HTTP method a service operation should respond to
  • Fixed : GET requests with query order was sometimes causing the same column to appear multiple times in a "ORDER BY" SQL clause


  • New : Support for Delphi XE8


  • New : Support for CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) preflighted requests


  • Improved : Installer


  • New : TXDataClient methods Get, Post, Put, Delete and List allows easy and high-level access to XData server objects from Delphi clients
  • New : Server support for "x-http-method-override" header (allowing clients to tunnel HTTP methods to server through POST requests)
  • New : Android and iOS support for XData client objects
  • Fixed : Service operations returning nil entities should respond with status code 404
  • Fixed : Issues with floating-point literals in Query URL with non-English server systems


  • New : UserName and Password properties in TXDataServerModule for basic authentication protection
  • New : Service Operations allow adding custom business logic to your server using interfaces and methods
  • New : Multi-Model design makes it easy to create multiple servers with different mapping, types and service operations
  • Fixed : Malfunctioning with $skip and $top query options


  • New : Added Delphi XE7 support


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€ 1,795

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What our customers say

When I purchased TMS All Access, it was with the aim of using the controls, Flexcel and TMS Web Core in the next stage of the current project, using the economics of purchasing the various products separately vs as one product-suite as part of that decision. But having access to the full product line-up and in the phase of "what did I get for my money?", I learnt about XData (which I will definitely be using for the web side of things) and Aurelius (which will save me hours in terms of development time, and will effectively pay for itself if one translates saved time to money).

- Roland Skinner

As a developer for 30+ years, and a Delphi developer since 1996, I've a solid foundation on desktop development. But I was skeptical of indulging in web development. Though the market was demanding a switch, it seemed too difficult to make the transition. TMS Software was my "magic bullet" to get me started with zero intimidation. Love their Web Core and XData products. Now I can develop powerful web applications using Delphi. TMS Software has renewed my love for Delphi and won my heart for their innovators. Thanks to the team for great products and a large volume of demos and manuals. You ROCK!

- Larry

In the past I have purchased other components from other parties. I will say proudly that TMS is the best in support, price and style. Whenever I need a help your team is always there to help me. Keep up the good work

- Mohamed Thooloon

Hi Bruno Just want to drop you a line about how great your presentation was today. We often fail to point out to someone when they do a great job! You did a great job, you gave me a lot of ideas, and you answered my question very well. THANK you for your great products & super support.

- Lawrence Green

Thank you for developing components where I can best describe it like this: TMS components is a case where "The wheels fit the car, and NOT the car fit the wheels". Well done.

- Sathiparsad


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