Version History



  • New : TabEnabled property added to TWebTabSheet
  • New : TListItem.Data: string property added for TWebListControl
  • New : support : components for Stellar DataStore
  • Improved : Use of Title property for TWebInputMessageDlg()
  • Improved : Rendering of TWebResponsiveGrid for adding absolute positioned items in grid cells
  • Improved : Event TWebGeolocation.OnGeolocationUpdateEx event added
  • Improved : Control HeightStyle/WidthStyle no effect on linked HTML elements
  • Improved : Behavior of TWebDBCheckBox when bound to ftString fields
  • Improved : Applying auto theming to multiform apps
  • Fixed : Issue with setting ItemIndex for hierarchical filled TWebListControl
  • Fixed : Issue with making TWebGridPanel transparent
  • Fixed : Issue with form OnKeyPress and Escape handling in TWebInputMessageDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with Layout in TWebLinkLabel


  • Fixed : Issue with using FNC controls


  • New : TWebStringGrid.CheckEnabled[colrow]: boolean property added
  • New : TWebGraphicControl TWebImageControl Center property added
  • Improved : Exposed StatusText property of TJSXMLHttpRequest
  • Fixed : Rare issue when calling RoundRect() with wrong parameters
  • Fixed : Issue with adding non-existing files to TMiletusFileWatcher
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebRatingControl and alignment
  • Fixed : Issue with TJSONBool.Create overload
  • Fixed : Issue with OnChange event not triggering in TMiletusFileWatcher
  • Fixed : Issue with Miletus message observer
  • Fixed : Background and font color handling in fixed cells in grids


  • New : Event TWebGeolocation.OnGeolocationEx with accuracy parameter
  • New : Event TWebGeolocation.OnGeolocationError
  • Improved : Exposed TabOrder/TabStop for TWebTreeView
  • Improved : Exposed TCanvas.Context for IDE
  • Improved : Design-time access to TControl.ElementHandle
  • Improved : Dataset clearing from empty JSON
  • Fixed : Possible endless loop in TWebStringGrid scroll
  • Fixed : Issue with updating WebLinkLabel.Caption in specific circumstances
  • Fixed : Issue with initializing TWebGoogleMaps on HTML template element
  • Fixed : Issue with hiding columns in TWebTableControl with footer visible
  • Fixed : Issue with fixed column in TWebStringGrid without horiz. scrollbar
  • Fixed : Issue with clearing items in TWebListControl in BeginUpdate/EndUpdate block
  • Fixed : Issue with changing TWebStringGrid font at runtime
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebEditAutoComplete in combination with TWebResponsiveManager
  • Fixed : Issue with TJSONObject.AddPair with TJSONArray
  • Fixed : Access to TWebDateTimePicker.Time irrespective of locale


  • Improved : OnMouseLeave, OnMouseEnter added in TWebHTMLContainer
  • Fixed : Issue with using Google Recaptcha in release mode
  • Fixed : Issue with compiler optimization in TWebEditAutoComplete
  • Fixed : Issue with clearing RowCollection or ColumnCollection in TWebGridPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebListBox.Sorted setting
  • Fixed : Issue with DataSet.AfterScroll not triggered control in connection with DB-aware controls


  • New : TTreeNode.AbsoluteIndex property added
  • New : LoadFromArrayBuffer() added to TWebImageControl
  • New : Exposed more touch events on controls
  • New : Events exposed in TWebDBNavigator
  • Improved : Canvas context creation attribute change for new browser warning
  • Fixed : Issue with use of TWebLinkLabel on frame
  • Fixed : Issue with click events on touch screen with FNC controls
  • Fixed : Issue with accelerator characters on TWebLabel
  • Fixed : Issue with GetCellClassName() in TWebTableControl


  • New : TWebCamera methods to get & apply device constraints
  • Improved : Font size apply on TWebRichEdit for bullets
  • Fixed : Fixed : Issue with TWebTableControl with RowHeader = true & RowCount = 0
  • Fixed : Fixed : Issue with TWebStringGrid when compiled in release mode


  • New : function GetSysInfo() added
  • New : TWebRTC component
  • New : TWebLinkLabel.Target property added
  • New : TWebHTMLContainer.LoadFromURL() added
  • New : TWebClientConnection.SkipFirstCSVLine added
  • New : TWebClientConnection.Delimiter added
  • New : TWebClientConnection can load CSV files into a TWebClientDataSet
  • New : TWebBrowserControl.OnLoad event added
  • New : TElementAction extended to add and/or remove CSS classes from target elements
  • New : TButton.Cancel / TButton.ModalResult added
  • New : TApplication.OnPopState event added
  • New : TApplication.HandleOAuth: boolean property added to disable built-in OAUTH handling
  • New : Support for custom inplace editors in TWebStringGrid TWebDBGrid
  • New : Support for custom drawing in TWebStringGrid cells added
  • New : Settings for HAxis VAxis text color added for TWebGoogleChart
  • New : Export of TWebDBGrid TWebDBTableControl from TWebXLSX
  • New : Automatic routing with TApplication.Route
  • Improved : Tab handling in subforms
  • Improved : TWebSignatureCapture behavior for mobile/touch devices
  • Improved : TWebRadioGroup focus handling
  • Improved : Rendering of TWebResponsiveGrid in row mode
  • Improved : RTTI handling for calling methods in pas2js RTL
  • Improved : Grid focus handling
  • Fixed : Mapping of integer field value on TWebDBRadioGroup
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebTreeView.Items.Count
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebTableControl cell access
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebStringGrid border in specific cases when updating style
  • Fixed : Issue in TWebDBTableControl when dataset has 0 rows
  • Fixed : Date editing in TWebDBGrid


  • Fixed : Issue with compiler optimization in TWebStringGrid alignment handling
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebStringGrid border in specific cases when updating style
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebComboBox when bound to HTML SELECT element that already has OPTION elements
  • Fixed : Issue in TWebDBTableControl when dataset has 0 rows


  • New : grid.EditAdvance: boolean property added
  • New : geNone editor type for grid to specify read-only cells
  • New : Values accessor array for TWebListBox TWebComboBox
  • New : TWebTableControl.FindCell() with AllCells: boolean parameter added
  • New : TWebTableControl paging added
  • New : TWebTableControl Header/Footer added
  • New : TWebResponsiveManager to add visual responsive design to your application
  • New : TWebMyCloudDataClientDataSet.AccessToken exposed
  • New : TWebMemo.SelectAll method added
  • New : TWebMainMenu TWebPopupMenu custom menu item CSS class
  • New : TWebMainMenu TWebPopupMenu custom font control
  • New : TWebListBox.DeleteSelected added
  • New : TWebInputMessageDlg component added
  • New : TWebGridPanel.ControlCollection.GetItemAtCell(AColARow: integer): TControlCollectionItem; added
  • New : TWebGridPanel.ControlCollection.FindItem(AControl: TWinControl): TControlCollectionItem; added
  • New : TWebEditDropdownTableControl TWebDBEditDropdownTableControl added
  • New : TWebEdit.CopyToClipbard TWebMemo.CopyToClipboard added
  • New : TWebDBEditDropDownControl added
  • New : TWebDBEditBtn component added
  • New : TWebBrowserControl.CurrentURL: string function added
  • New : TWebAuth component added for Apple Auth0 Facebook Google and Microsoft sign in
  • New : TJSONBool abstract class added
  • New : TColor wil use alpha channel also for HTML
  • New : MessageDlgAsync InputMessageDlgAsync functions added
  • New : LoginWidth LoginHeight properties added in TWebRESTClient
  • New : LoadFromJSONAsync LoadFromCSVAsync added in TWebTableControl and TWebStringGrid
  • New : ImageAlign ImageWidth in TWebTableControl.Options
  • New : Column Alignment ImageWidth in TWebDBGrid
  • New : CellBorders CellBorderColor in TWebTableControl.Options
  • New : Built-in filter and search option in TWeb(DB)TableControl Header/Footer
  • New : AutoCellURL AutoCellEMail AutoCellImage in TWebTableControl.Options
  • New : AutoCellFormat in TWebTableControl.Options
  • New : Assert class extended to send optional custom messages along during unit testing
  • New : Application.OnExit Application.OnException event added
  • New : App.AuthURL added in TWebRESTClient
  • New : Allow to work with key/value pairs in TWebDBComboBox


  • Fixed : Issue with TWebSpeedButton flat setting


  • New : Support for linear and radial gradients in TCanvas drawing
  • New : Application.BootstrapVersion property added
  • Improved : TWebTableControl default enabled state is true
  • Improved : Language exception handling
  • Fixed : Rare issue with mapped HTML control color initialization
  • Fixed : Issue with linked HTML elements and overflow attribute
  • Fixed : Issue with key param in control.OnKeyPress
  • Fixed : Issue with assigning an ElementID in TWebSyntaxMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with adding multiple forms at once to a project from the IDE
  • Fixed : Issue with XYToClient in connection with TWebScrollBox
  • Fixed : Issue with OnStartCapture and OnStopCapture events in TWebMediaCapture


  • Improved : Popup form positioning in scrolled browser windows
  • Fixed : Issue with sorting in TWebTableControl when row header is used
  • Fixed : Issue with runtime changing menu item properties in TWebPopupMenu
  • Fixed : Issue with cell coordinates in OnClickCell in combination with cell merging
  • Fixed : Issue in TWebDBGrid rendering in insert state when FixedCols = 0
  • Fixed : DB active record indicator issue on last row in TWebDBGrid fixed
  • Fixed : Access of cells in TWebStringGrid when cell merging is used
  • Fixed : Issue with Camera assigning in TWebMediaCapture


  • Fixed : Issue with Miletus Win32/Win64 app generation


  • New : Property Application.FormCaptionHeight added
  • New : Application.DownloadBinaryFile overload with TJSBlob data type
  • Fixed : ParentFont issue for TWebSpeedButton in Visual Studio Code
  • Fixed : Issue with setting data in TWebDBGrid after inserting first row in dataset
  • Fixed : Issue with decimals in TWebEdit weFloat mode


  • New : Touch & wheel event support added in TWebElementActionList
  • New : TWebXLSX added
  • New : TWebSpeechRecognition added
  • New : TWebSearchEdit added
  • New : TWebMultiMediaPlayer.Poster added
  • New : TWebEditBtn added
  • New : TWebDropDownControl, TWebEditDropDownControl added
  • New : TWebDateTimePicker.AutoDropDown property added
  • New : TWebDBListControl added
  • New : TWebCountryListBox, TWebCountryDropDown, TWebCountryComboBox added
  • New : TWebComboBox.OnFocusIn TWebComboBox.OnFocusOut events added
  • New : TWebCheckListBox added
  • New : TWebCSSClass added
  • New : Support to add controls to TWebStringGrid, TWebTableControl
  • New : Row selection in TWebTableControl added
  • New : Multi-language support in MessageDlg() added
  • New : MaterialGlyphType support added
  • New : Browser multi-screen API wrapped added
  • Improved : Use of Brush.Style for drawing shapes
  • Improved : TWebIndexedDBDataSet does not need to be closed anymore before destroying programmatically
  • Improved : Published DropDown related properties in TWebCountryDropDown
  • Improved : Performance enhancements TWebStringGrid TWebDBGrid
  • Improved : Internal use of TWebStringGrid JavaScript event handlers
  • Improved : Focus handling in TWebStringGrid
  • Improved : Exception handling in async promise handlers
  • Fixed : Issue with editing in TWebDBGrid with checkboxes
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebMultiMediaPlayer.PlaybackRate not applied when set at design-time
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebContinuousScroll.OnObjectToArray not working
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebContinuousScroll.OnGetData not triggering
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebClientDataset.AfterScroll when used with grid or tablecontrol


  • Improved : Various TMS WEB Core framework component improvements


  • New : TWebListBox.ElementItemClassName property added
  • New : JavaScript Library Manager added
  • New : Direct form type added
  • New : Bootstrap hints for Bootstrap forms support added


  • New : geMemo editor type added in TWebStringGrid
  • New : WordWrap property added in TWebStringGrid
  • New : Visual form inheritance support
  • New : TWebResponsiveGrid.OnGetItemTemplate event added
  • New : Support for custom images added in TWebDBNavigator
  • New : SelectCell() added in TWebTableControl
  • New : ScrollRowInView() added in TWebTableControl
  • New : MultiSelect option added to TWebResponsiveGrid
  • New : Miletus use of USB UART on Raspberry Pi
  • New : Miletus extensibility through libraries
  • New : Hyperlinks clicable with Ctrl key in TWebRichEditToolbar
  • New : Hyperlink button added in TWebRichEditToolbar
  • New : FindCellFindNext functions added in TWebTableControl
  • New : Filtering capability added in TWebTableControl TWebDBTableControl


  • Fixed : Issue with license handling by compiler


  • Fixed : Issue with Visual Studio Code repository invoking


  • New : Unit testing project support added
  • New : Exposed PopupMenu for TWebPaintBox
  • Improved : TWebPageControl: Rendering with ShowTabs set to False and ElementClassName not empty
  • Improved : Rendering of aligned TWebLabel with center or bottom layout
  • Fixed : Issue with showing files for TWebFileUpload when using the file picker
  • Fixed : Issue with changing TWebEdit font during OnChange event


  • Fixed : Issue with goColSizing, goRowSizing in grid
  • Fixed : Issue with ElementClassName, ElementID property editor


  • New : TWebWaitMessage.PictureURL property added
  • New : TWebTableControl HideCol(),UnHideCol(),HideRow(),UnHideRow() methods added
  • New : Miletus target for macOS ARM
  • New : Miletus target for Raspberry Pi
  • New : Method GetCursorPos() added
  • Improved : TWebGroupBox rendering
  • Fixed : Issue with link items in TWebListControl
  • Fixed : Issue with binding TWebRatingPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with XYToClient() on popup forms in scrolled windows
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebDBTableControl with EnabledControls and empty dataset


  • New : acNope type added for AutoCompletion setting
  • New : WEBLib.Diagnostics unit added with TStopWatch record
  • New : TWebMainMenu & TWebPopupMenu: Menu Item Hint displayed when hovering
  • New : TWebHttpRequest.OnProgress event added
  • New : TWebHttpRequest.GetSize() added
  • New : TWebEdit.SpellCheck property added
  • New : Support for frames
  • New : ShowPicture, FontHoverColor, DragColor property added for TWebFileUpload
  • New : Published Title,Text,URL properties for TWebShare + Execute function


  • New : heInput event type added in TWebElementAction
  • New : TWebToastItem.Update method added
  • New : TWebClipboard.CopyToClipboard added
  • New : Headers property added in TWebContinuousScroll
  • New : Extended TWebGoogleMaps.AddMarker() with XOffset,YOffset parameter
  • New : Exposed TWebBitBtn.Font
  • New : Clear method in TWebContinuousScroll
  • New : Classes for HTML TABLE,TD,TR element access
  • New : Added TWebScrollBox.ScrollBy() method
  • Improved : Various smaller improvements and fixes


  • Fixed : Issue with resizeable popup dialogs
  • Fixed : Issue with multiform applications


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Visual Studio Code

What our customers say

An amazing piece of work. Can''t wait to start working with WebCore in V Code.

- Hennekens Stephan

This is huge! Visual Studio Code is my go-to for a cross platform editor. Good luck!

- Frazor Scott

I installed it and the designer in VSC ran out of the box, I''m speechless - this is something great

- Ulrich Groffy

As a developer for 30+ years, and a Delphi developer since 1996, I've a solid foundation on desktop development. But I was skeptical of indulging in web development. Though the market was demanding a switch, it seemed too difficult to make the transition. TMS Software was my "magic bullet" to get me started with zero intimidation. Love their Web Core and XData products. Now I can develop powerful web applications using Delphi. TMS Software has renewed my love for Delphi and won my heart for their innovators. Thanks to the team for great products and a large volume of demos and manuals. You ROCK!

- Larry

In the past I have purchased other components from other parties. I will say proudly that TMS is the best in support, price and style. Whenever I need a help your team is always there to help me. Keep up the good work

- Mohamed Thooloon


Full compatibility with VCL, FireMonkey and TMS WEB Core
Single high-performance multi-platform codebase