Version History



  • Fixed : Issue with dropdown height not adjusted when adding items programmatically in TTMSFNCComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with displaying TTMSFNCTaskDialog in WEB
  • Fixed : Issue with displaying TTMSFNCFontDialog in WEB
  • Fixed : Issue with calculating days before and after a displayed month in TTMSFNCCalendar
  • Fixed : Issue with TTMSFNCEdit and paste
  • Fixed : Issue with OnItemClick triggering twice in TTMSFNCTileList
  • Fixed : Issue persisting Options visibility in TTMSFNCRichEditorFormatToolBar


  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCTimeline
  • Improved : OnEnter and OnExit events for TTMSFNCCustomPicker-based components
  • Improved : Core Improvements
  • Fixed : Issue with modifying a focused element in TTMSFNCTouchKeyboard
  • Fixed : Issue with hiding TTMSFNCPopupTouchKeyboard
  • Fixed : Issue with default value not showing in Delphi 12 in TTMSFNCSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with crash upon closing in TTMSFNCPopupTouchKeyboard
  • Fixed : Issue with Keyboard property having the wrong type in TTMSFNCPopupTouchKeyboard


  • Improved : Fitting of large images on PDF from TTMSFNCRichEditor export
  • Fixed : Issue with visibility of the message box in VCL in TTMSFNCChat
  • Fixed : Issue with setting ItemIndex in TMS WEB Core in TTMSFNCRadioGroup
  • Fixed : Issue with initializing picker in FMX in TTMSFNCRadioGroupPicker and TTMSFNCCheckGroupPicker
  • Fixed : Issue with destroying TTMSFNCTileList on iOS
  • Fixed : Issue with SelectedItemIndex retaining previous value when clearing items in TTMSFNCTileList


  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCBadge
  • New : Grouping support in TTMSFNCTableView
  • New : BadgeAlign property for each item in TTMSFNCTableView
  • Improved : Rendering of large images in PDF export of TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Improved : Client alignment of images in TTMSFNCTileList
  • Fixed : access violation with compacting popup in TTMSFNCToolBar
  • Fixed : Issue with exporting images in TTMSFNCSignatureCapture


  • Fixed : Issue with text selection in Android in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with collapsing ribbon and page-control combination
  • Fixed : Issue with OnSelect event for keyboard actions in TTMSFNCSearchEdit
  • Fixed : Access viloation when selecting a pre-selected item in TTMSFNCComboBox


  • New : Minimum Column Width added in TTMSFNCTreeView to use with stretching
  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCFindDialog TTMSFNCReplaceDialog and TTMSFNCPageSlider
  • Improved : RTF parsing in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : RegisterRuntimeClasses added for TTMSFNCProgressBar and TTMSFNCRating
  • Fixed : Issue with width and height in numeric and cellphone keyboard types in TTMSFNCTouchKeyboard
  • Fixed : Issue with mEntireWord filter setting for TTMSFNCSearchList TTMSFNCSearchEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with loading sources in TMS WEB Core in TTMSFNCMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with icon resolution in TTMSFNCTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with frames and TTMSFNCPageControl
  • Fixed : Issue with adding custom items to TTMSFNCSpinner at design-time
  • Fixed : Access violation moving/copying items in iOS in TTMSFNCTableView


  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCTouchKeyboard TTMSFNCPopupTouchKeyboard and TTMSFNCSpinner
  • Fixed : Issue with inserting a new message in TTMSFNCChat
  • Fixed : Issue with dragging on column makes scroll movement in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue loading images from RTF files in TTMSFNCRichEditor in FMX
  • Fixed : Access violation in TTMSFNCRadioGroup on iOS


  • New : WordWrap property in ItemsAppearance for the TTMSFNCPlanner
  • New : RAD Studio 12 support added
  • New : HoverItem property and OnHoverItemChanged event added in TTMSFNCPlanner
  • Improved : OnItemDelete called after deleting the item instead of before in TTMSFNCListEditor
  • Fixed : Regression with expand/collapse recursive in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with writing proper signature point count in TTMSFNCSignatureCapture
  • Fixed : Issue with filtering while typing in TTMSFNCSearchEdit


  • Fixed : Issue with Lazarus not compiling for TTMSFNCSearchEdit


  • Fixed : Issue with installer pointing to wrong older files


  • Improved : Encoding parameters in TTMSFNCTreeView for saving and loading data


  • Improved : Added support for TTMSFNCRichEditor.CalcHeight()
  • Fixed : Issue with stroke not correctly applied to underlying treeview in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with TTMSFNCSearchEdit key lookup in specific circumstances
  • Fixed : Issue with TTMSFNCSearchEdit OnSelect not being triggered with keyboard


  • Fixed : Issue with TTMSFNCTileList designtime compilation on Lazarus


  • Fixed : Issue with compilation on Lazarus in TTMSFNCMemo


  • New : TTMSFNCMemo : PopupMenu support on Windows
  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCTileList
  • New : DefaultButton property in TTMSFNCTaskDialog
  • New : Added Editable property in TTMSFNCLabelEdit
  • Fixed : TTMSFNCMemo : Issue when pasting using Context menu
  • Fixed : Removed ability to resize with mouse in TTMSFNCTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Lookup value not correctly updated in OnLookupNeedData event in VCL in TTMSFNCEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with uninitialized variable related to multi-select in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with loading data related to checkboxes in TTMSFNCGridDatabaseAdapter
  • Fixed : Issue with closing on Android in TTMSFNCTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with closing combobox dropdownwindow with Return Key in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with changing properties not reflecting in designtime in TTMSFNCRadioButton
  • Fixed : Issue with certain keys causing access violations in handling edit controls
  • Fixed : Issue with OnAccept triggering before OnCancel in TTMSFNCLabelEdit
  • Fixed : Images not drawn for the selected item in TTMSFNCComboBox


  • Fixed : Issue with week number calculation in TTMSFNCCalendar
  • Fixed : Issue with sorting causing miscalculation of scrollbar range in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with IgnoreCase in sort operation in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue calculation last element in TTMSFNCToolBar


  • Improved : UseInternalCodeCompletion property to allow the use of internal HTML CSS and JS Code completion in TTMSFNCMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with page registration in combination with responsive manager in TTMSFNCPageControl
  • Fixed : Issue parsing negative money numbers upon exiting in TTMSFNCEdit


  • Improved : Take special characters into account when filtering in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : issue with programmatically inserting merge fields in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with disconnected dataset in TTMSFNCGridDatabaseAdapter
  • Fixed : Issue with MoveNode not being able to move to root in TTMSFNCTreeView


  • Improved : TTMSFNCPassLock Properties to customize OK and CE button caption
  • Fixed : Issue compiling SearchList on Lazarus


  • New : Text property is read/write now in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • New : OnBeforeCloseDialog event added in TTMSFNCTaskDialog
  • New : Auto completion capabilities in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Improved : URL detection in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Improved : OnDialogCreated event for mobile platforms in TTMSFNCTaskDialog
  • Improved : Handling input of multiline text with different linefeed characters in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Improved : HTML parser to handle line breaks in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Improved : Accepting negative numbers in TTMSFNCEdit money type
  • Fixed : Rare issue with long URLs and wordwrap in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Rare issue with RTF font parsing and bullets in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with setting element colors to Windows system color values in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with selection after handling OnClickHyperLink in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with return key when default mrOK button is on the form in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with persisting tabs in streams in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with paste in empty TTMSFNCRichEditor in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with parsing alignment information from RTF in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with importing RTF for alignment on pictures in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with compiling TTMSFNCTrackBar on Lazarus
  • Fixed : Issue with centering checkboxes/radiobuttons in TTMSFNCGridDatabaseAdapter
  • Fixed : Issue with TTMSFNCSearchEdit on Android
  • Fixed : Issue with RTF import and line-height of zero-length lines in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Access violation in TTMSFNCMemo in Lazarus


  • Improved : Split OnValueChanged into OnValueChange and OnValueChanged in TTMSFNCTrackBar and TTMSFNCRangeSlider
  • Fixed : Issue with DialogColor on mobile devices in TTMSFNCTaskDialog


  • New : Multi-tab support in TTMSFNCMemo
  • New : Automatic file type detection and loading in TTMSFNCMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with selection on Windows in TTMSFNCControlPicker
  • Fixed : Issue with focus in TTMSFNCListEditor when used in TTMSFNCControlPicker
  • Fixed : Issue with OnItemSelected event not triggering in TTMSFNCComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with OnChanged event not called when typing in TTMSFNCSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with MoveNode not being able to move to root in TTMSFNCTreeView


  • Fixed : Issue with code completion and clipboard encoding in TTMSFNCMemo


  • Fixed : UTF8 issues in TTMSFNCMemo on Lazarus
  • Fixed : TTMSFNCPassLock issue with OK and CE button not showing


  • Fixed : Issue with LookupInColumn and sorted rows in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Encoding issues in TTMSFNCMemo


  • New : Scroll to bottom and Scroll to top functionality in TTMSFNCChat
  • New : Rotated text support in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : TTMSFNCHotSpotImage drawing fill colors in Android
  • Fixed : Scrollbar click on Windows caused dropdown closing in TTMSFNCComboBox
  • Fixed : Removed return key dropdown toggle on mobile platforms in TTMSFNCComboBox
  • Fixed : Rare rendering issue in TTMSFNCRichEditor when client aligned
  • Fixed : Issue with minimizing a TTMSFNCRibbonForm on macOS
  • Fixed : Issue with editing merged cells in FMX in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with clearing and adding items in TMS WEB Core in TTMSFNCPlanner
  • Fixed : Issue with aligning buttons when parenting in TTMSFNCToolBar


  • Fixed : Issue with rendering TTMSFNCGrid in TMS WEB Core
  • Fixed : Issue with TTMSFNCRichEditor clipboard in macOS


  • Improved : Extended Appearance property in TTMSFNCTaskDialog
  • Improved : Automatic Drag and drop of files and text when not implemeting events
  • Improved : AutoGlyphMargin property for automatically showing glyphmargin when adding breakpoints/ bookmarks
  • Fixed : WEB Core loading multiple instances
  • Fixed : Threading issues on Lazarus in TTMSFNCMemo
  • Fixed : Simplified ToJSONInternal of TTMSFNCCodeCompletionList
  • Fixed : SetText String value too long in WEB Core
  • Fixed : LibraryLocation defaults to llOffline
  • Fixed : Last item code completion list not rendering
  • Fixed : Issue with resource extraction in dependent packages in TTMSFNCMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with missing documentation link in TTMSFNCMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with font initialization in VCL high DPI in TTMSFNCMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with dot character not being accepted in VCL in TTMSFNCSearchEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with designtime Header/Footer visibility in TTMSFNCTableView in Lazarus
  • Fixed : Issue with OnEnter/OnExit not properly called in TTMSFNCListEditor
  • Fixed : Drag and drop not automatically loading file / inserting text


  • New : introducing TTMSFNCMemo component
  • New : introducing TTMSFNCChat component
  • New : Property URLColor added for panel items in TTMSFNCStatusBar
  • New : Property Appearance added in TTMSFNCTaskDialog
  • New : OnCellClick and OnCellDblClick events in TTMSFNCGrid
  • New : Action support in TTMSFNCToolBarButton
  • Improved : Automatically resize custom controls to fit if they are exceeding MaxDialogWidth in TTMSFNCTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with selection after clicking hyperlink in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with inplace editors not being destroyed properly on iOS in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with events not being triggered in TTMSFNCRadioGroup and TTMSFNCCheckGroup
  • Fixed : Issue with drag and drop in TTMSFNCKanbanBoard
  • Fixed : Issue with displaying current time in pmDay mode in TTMSFNCPlanner
  • Fixed : Issue with button alignment in TTMSFNCTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with alignment on mobile platforms in TTMSFNCTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with Options.ScrollBar not applying changes in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with InputText updating in TTMSFNCTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with Generics in Visual Studio Code for the TTMSFNCPassLock
  • Fixed : Issue with DefaultRadioButton property in TTMSFNCTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Drawing polygon was not updated with AddPolygonHotSpot in TTMSFNCHotSpotImage


  • Fixed : Issue with popup handling inside popup
  • Fixed : Introducing RadioTabStop for handling tabs when focusing a radiobutton with the mouse in TTMSFNCRadioGroup


  • Improved : Fill and Stroke settings in picker components
  • Fixed : Memory leak in TTMSFNCGridDatabaseAdapter
  • Fixed : Issue with printing images from TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with etSignedNumeric type in TTMSFNCEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with OnExit handling on TTMSFNCListEditor


  • Improved : Handling for TTMSFNCSearchList with WheelIncrement
  • Fixed : Issue with TabStop in TTMSFNCRadioGroup


  • Improved : Core Improvements


  • Fixed : Issue with dragging items in TTMSFNCKanbanBoard
  • Fixed : Issue with closing on iOS in TTMSFNCTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with OnDblClick in TTMSFNCSearchList in FMX framework


  • Fixed : Renamed ButtonShape bsNone value to bsNoButton to avoid conflicts in TTMSFNCTrackBar
  • Fixed : Issue with edit visible on top of cell text in certain situations


  • Fixed : Issue with persisting multiselect when resizing in TTMSFNCTableView
  • Fixed : Issue with dropdown opening again after date selection in TTMSFNCDatePicker


  • New : CustomItemEditorForm to custom design and integrate your own item editing dialog in TTMSFNCPlanner
  • Improved : Several improvements for TMS WEB Core applications on mobile devices
  • Fixed : TMSFNCListEditor issue with editor in WEB
  • Fixed : TMSFNCGrid initializing font size in VCL
  • Fixed : TMSFNCCheckedListBox initializing in WEB
  • Fixed : Rare word-wrap issue in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with stretch column index out of bounds exception when using TTMSFNCTreeView or descendants in a TFrame
  • Fixed : Issue with keyboard selection in TMSFNCTreeView and TMSFNCListBox when not multiselect
  • Fixed : Issue with formula clipboard handling in TTTMSFNCSpreadGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with OnItemClick and OnItemDblClick reference pointing to the same variable in TTMSFNCKanbanBoard
  • Fixed : Issue with Interaction property in TTMSFNCTrackBar TTMSFNCRangeSlider and TTMSFNCSpinEdit
  • Fixed : High DPI issue with TMSFNCListBox on TFrame
  • Fixed : Borders of the new TMSFNCGrid


  • New : Various overall look and feel improvements
  • New : TTMSFNCTreeView load JSON object
  • New : TTMSFNCTreeView HTML template per column to set the view of the nodes
  • New : TTMSFNCStatusBar use controls in panels
  • New : TTMSFNCGrid Padding parameter added in autosize procedures
  • New : GlobalFont property in components with multiple fonts
  • Improved : Selected item handling in TTMSFNCComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with realignment causing extreme slowness at designtime in FMX.
  • Fixed : Issue in TTMSFNCSearchEdit with changing dropdown width


  • New : Interaction.JumpToExactValue property in TTMSFNCTrackBar
  • Fixed : MoveNode no longer destroys and recreates the node in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with dialog width in VCL Delphi 11.1 in TTMSFNCTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with closing on Android in TTMSFNCTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with StringToColumnStates in TTMSFNCGrid
  • : Improved: Exposed Day and Date properties in TTMSFNCCalendar


  • Improved : next line editing respects previous alignment in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with endless recalculation in Lazarus in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with InitSample in Lazarus in TTMSFNCRibbon and TTMSFNCPageControl
  • Fixed : Issue with AddItemAtSelection resource in TTMSFNCPlanner


  • Fixed : Unicode handling issue in TTMSFNCRichEditor on Lazarus


  • Fixed : Issue with reordering nodes at root level in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with click detection in TMS WEB Core in TTMSFNCPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with DblClick select for text with different alignments in TTMSFNCRichEditor


  • New : OnBeforeSortNodes and OnAfterSortNodes events in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • New : ClearSelection method added in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with anchoring in item when text alignment is changed
  • Fixed : Issue with LookupNode function in TTMSFNCTreeView not auto-expanding
  • Fixed : Issue in HTML color parsing in FireMonkey in TTMSFNCRichEditor


  • New : OnBeforeSelectAllNodes and OnAfterSelectAllNodes events in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Improved : OnCellEditValidate* events blocked clicking on another cell to cancel editing in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with opening TTMSFNCTaskDialog on Android
  • Fixed : Issue with clearing/deleting nodes and focused node pointer in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with auto-completion in TMS WEB Core in TTMSFNCEdit
  • Fixed : Issue editing cell contents on Android when all text is selected in TTMSFNCGrid


  • New : RAD Studio 11 High DPI Support
  • New : BitmapMargins property in TTMSFNCImage
  • Improved : TTMSFNCPlannerModeEditor updated design and implemented in design-time
  • Improved : OnCellEditValidate* events now blocking from leaving inplace editor
  • Improved : Less sensitive downward scrolling in combination with more options in TTMSFNCTableView
  • Fixed : Issue with size of inplace edit in TMS WEB Core in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with returning existing category for category IDs not yet existing in TTMSFNCTableView
  • Fixed : Issue with dblclick in combination with modal dialogs consuming focus in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with copy/pasting cells from clipboard in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with OnBeforeItemShowDetailControl event when calling ShowDetailControl programmatically in TTMSFNCTableView
  • Fixed : Issue with Locate not selecting record in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue retrieving and inserting nodes based on row parameter in TTMSFNCTreeView


  • Fixed : Issue with keyboard popping up when ReadOnly = False in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with font scaling in FMX in TTMSFNCGrid


  • New : TimeSelector property added in TTMSFNCDigitalTimePicker
  • New : IDE Theme enabled designers
  • New : High DPI enabled designers
  • Improved : TDataset Append and Insert in combination with database adapter in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Improved : Exposed OnItemBeforeDrawBackground OnItemAfterDrawBackground OnItemBeforeDrawContent OnItemAfterDrawContent OnItemBeforeDrawText and OnItemAfterDrawText events in TTMSFNCDigitalTimePicker


  • Improved : Interaction.Lookup.VisibleNodesOnly to lookup within visible nodes in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with drawing merged cells out of the cell range in TTMSFNCGrid


  • New : OnRadioButtonDblClick event in TTMSFNCRadioGroup
  • New : OnFocusedNodeChanged event in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • New : OnCheckBoxDblClick event in TTMSFNCCheckGroup
  • New : KEY expands one level - KEY collapses one level * KEY expands recursively / KEY collapses recursively in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Rare HTML generation issue with text background color in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with tsaFull not fully drawing background for node in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with saving and setting ItemIndex when clearing items in TTMSFNCListBox
  • Fixed : Issue with BorderSpacing not exposed in TTMSFNCRichEditor


  • New : Delphi 11 and C Builder 11 support
  • Improved : update names for UpdateControlSize and UpdateSize for WEB warnings
  • Fixed : Issue with resetting ColumnCount when updating columns from database adapter in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with flashing in TTMSFNCPageControl and TTMSFNCTabSet
  • Fixed : Issue with compact toolbars not getting hidden in TTMSFNCRibbon
  • Fixed : Issue with autocomplete and special characters in TTMSFNCEdit
  • Fixed : Issue in macOS destroying the inplace editor popup in certain conditions in TTMSFNCTreeView


  • New : Interaction.MouseWheelDelta scrolling sensitivity for TTMSFNCTreeView
  • New : COMPARE() string compare function added in TTMSFNCSpreadGrid
  • Improved : IsLoading called for subcontrols to increase loading performance in TTMSFNCToolBar
  • Fixed : Issue with leading and trailing spaces in filtering in TTMSFNCCustomGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with inserting text before the caret in inplace editor in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with hiding certain editors when clicking on the checkbox of a checkbox column in TMS WEB Core in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with hanging scroll actions in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with back button not visible in TMS WEB Core in TTMSFNCTableView
  • Fixed : Issue with HTML parsing in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue updating Visible property triggering multiple unnecessary UpdateToolBar calls in TTMSFNCToolBar


  • New : TTMSFNCRichEditorPrintIO component to print grid
  • New : TTMSFNCGridPrintIO component to print grid
  • New : Property Appearance.LineRightFill and Appearance.LineRightStroke added in TTMSFNCTrackBar
  • New : Property Appearance.LineMiddleFill LineMiddleStroke Appearance.LineRightFill and Appearance.LineRightStroke added in TTMSFNCRangeSlider
  • Fixed : Issue with scrolling events OnHScroll and OnVScroll not called in TTMSFNCPlanner
  • Fixed : Issue with etUpperCase editor type not functioning properly in TMS WEB Core in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with etSpinBox editor type not functioning properly in TMS WEB Core in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with etMoneyEdit throwing JavaScript error in TMS WEB Core in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with category filtering in TTMSFNCSearchEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with argument out of range when mousewheel scrolling in TTMSFNCGridDatabaseAdapter
  • Fixed : Issue with TTMSFNCSearchEdit focus
  • Fixed : Issue with OnEnter and OnExit not called in TTMSFNCSearchEdit
  • Fixed : Issue detecting page ends with multirow cells in TTMSFNCGridPDFIO


  • Fixed : Issue with unicode rendering on Lazarus of TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with retrieving correct item when filtering in TTMSFNCKanbanBoard
  • Fixed : Issue with closing TTMSFNCTaskDialog on Android
  • Fixed : Issue with argument out of range when mousewheel scrolling in TTMSFNCGridDatabaseAdapter
  • Fixed : Issue with applying horizontal and vertical alignment in combination with wordwrapping in TTMSFNCHTMLText
  • Fixed : Issue minimizing in VCL in TTMSFNCRibbonForm
  • Fixed : Issue in Lazarus exporting to image in TTMSFNCSignatureCapture


  • New : TTMSFNCPassLock numeric display with password entry and optional clear and back buttons
  • New : TTMSFNCControlPicker abstract picker to add any type of list control
  • New : Property TTMSFNCComboBox.AutoFilter added
  • Improved : Style handling in TTMSFNCSwitch
  • Improved : Missing Default and Cancel options in FMX for TTMSFNCButton
  • Fixed : Issue with runtime creation of TTMSFNCResponsiveList
  • Fixed : Issue with drawing outside of control in TTMSFNCSwitch
  • Fixed : Issue with copy/pasting generating duplicate pages in a TTMSFNCPageControl at designtime
  • Fixed : Issue with Delete key triggering LookupNode when FLookupString is empty in TTMSFNCTreeView


  • New : beta support for FMXLinux
  • Fixed : Stack overflow due to circular assignable properties in TTMSFNCObjectInspector
  • Fixed : Missing platform attribute for registring recurrency editor in TMS WEB Core
  • Fixed : Issue with radiobutton check state in recurrency editor in TMS WEB Core
  • Fixed : Issue with exporting strikethrough and underline cell properties in TTMSFNCGridPDFIO
  • Fixed : Issue with edit control and mouse wheel in TMS WEB Core in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with detail view event handler being called when view is not visible yet in TTMSFNCTableView
  • Fixed : Issue with black background on Androind in TTMSFNCTaskDialog


  • New : beta support for Visual Studio Code
  • Improved : Added AIncludeRows parameter to XYToColumn to include rows while detecting which column is located at X and Y coordinate in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with timer event in TTMSFNCTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with checkbox and selection combination not functioning properly in TTMSFNCGridDatabaseAdapter
  • Fixed : Issue with char indexing on mobile in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with OnDateSelected event in TTMSFNCDatePicker


  • New : TTMSFNCHotSpotImage and TTMSFNCHotSpotImageEditor
  • New : Property TTMSFNCComboBox.BitmapContainer added
  • Improved : TTMSFNCTreeView performance
  • Fixed : Issue with styling popup in TTMSFNCCustomPicker descendants
  • Fixed : Issue with setting RowHeights to 0 still painting rows on macOS in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with missing AColumn parameter from OnIsNodeChecked event (breaking change) in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with editable picker and dropdown focus
  • Fixed : Issue with client aligned bitmap in WEB in TTMSFNCButton
  • Fixed : Issue with cell borders not drawn correctly when sides are defined
  • Fixed : Issue with EditFieldPrecision persistance in TTMSFNCSpinEdit


  • Fixed : Issue with moving parent nodes inside children in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with disappearing rows when applying row break manually
  • Fixed : Issue with OnRadioButtonClick event triggered twice in TTMSFNCRadioGroup in FMX
  • Fixed : Issue with OnDateTimeSelected event after dropdown close in TTMSFNCDateTimePicker
  • Fixed : Issue with OnCheckboxClick event triggered twice in TTMSFNCCheckGroup in FMX


  • New : Added methods LoadXMLFromText LoadXMLFromFile and LoadXMLFromStream in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Improved : Tickmark label font appearance in TTMSFNCRangeSlider
  • Fixed : Issue with text centering in accessory due to word-wrappin in TTMSFNCTableView
  • Fixed : Issue with sel start and sel length in inplace editor in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with parsing inline images in HTML files for TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with column drag and drop size index in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with OnClick event not being triggered
  • Fixed : Issue with FindFirstItem and FindNextItem not returning the correct items in TTMSFNCPlanner
  • : Fixed: Issue with defining row break causing incorrect cell bounds


  • Improved : Exposed ShowFocus property in TTMSFNCComboBox
  • Improved : Core Improvements
  • Fixed : TTMSFNCSplitter issue with exception when in other control
  • Fixed : Issue with swiping more options in combination with LongPressToEdit in TTMSFNCTableView
  • Fixed : Issue with button focus in TTMSFNCTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Issue in TTMSFNCTableView with anchor click when item was selected


  • New : Property TTMSFNCDaskDialog.DisplayedButtons added
  • New : Planner Database with PDFLib Demo added
  • Improved : Core Improvements
  • Fixed : TTMSFNCRating images changed to png
  • Fixed : Issue with word wrapping in WEB in TTMSFNCButton
  • Fixed : Issue with signature capture export on TMS WEB Core
  • Fixed : Issue with scrolling and hidden columns
  • Fixed : Issue with formula recalculation through cell editing
  • Fixed : Issue with button focus in TTMSFNCTaskDialog


  • New : TTMSFNCProgressBar OnLevelsChanged event implemented
  • Improved : TTMSFNCHTMLText and TTMSFNCNavigationPanel Anchor click behavior
  • Fixed : TTMSFNCSplitter Initial Alignment in runtime on TMS WEB Core
  • Fixed : TTMSFNCRating images in TMS WEB Core
  • Fixed : Issue with consistent anchor event naming
  • Fixed : Double clicking behavior on item anchors in TTMSFNCCheckGroup and TTMSFNCRadioGroup
  • Fixed : Core Fixes
  • Fixed : Bug with new Anchor implementation causing exception in TMS WEB Core


  • New : Anchor events in various components
  • Fixed : Issue with current time display in half day period mode in TTMSFNCPlanner
  • Fixed : Issue with HTML editor crashing when editing Text


  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCWaitingIndicator
  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCSplitter
  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCRichEditorHorizontalRuler
  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCRating
  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCProgressBar
  • Fixed : Issue with state of expanded/collapse icons for nodes without children in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Access violation in TTMSFNCGrid when switching column type at designtime


  • Improved : smaller improvements and fixes in TMS FNC Core
  • Improved : added procedure ClearSelection in TTMSFNCPlanner
  • Fixed : Issue with special Android characters not being processed in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with scrolling and selection with active dataset connection in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with return key closing soft keyboard in Android in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with detecting anchors when assigning tag in TTMSFNCPlanner


  • Improved : TMSFNCTaskDialog common button order in Mac OS similar to Mac guidelines
  • Improved : Name reflected in columns editor in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with rowselect programmatically and via interaction not clearing grid properly
  • Fixed : Issue with mousewheel scrolling in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with calculating instruction height on mobile in TTMSFNCTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with XLS export on macOS 64 bit Android and iOS


  • New : Tabs collection added to have list of programmable tabs in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • New : SetSelectionRightIndent() method added in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • New : Public property RTFAnsiEncoding: boolean added in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • New : Property TTMSFNCRichEditorHTMLIO.PlainHTML added
  • New : Introducing FNC Styles
  • Improved : Higher quality image stretching added in TTMSFNCRichEditor on Windows
  • Improved : Font rendering on high DPI screens in TTMSFNCRichEditor on Windows
  • Improved : Calling Clear resets the default font in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Memory leak issue with InsertMultiLineText() in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with font charset handling in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvRichEditorBulletType in TTMSFNCRichEditorµ
  • Fixed : EditCanModify not called within BeginUpdate/EndUpdate block in TTMSFNCRichEditor


  • New : Delphi 10.4 Sydney and C Builder 10.4 Sydney support


  • New : Added OnNavigateBack OnNavigateForth and OnNavigateFooter events in TTMSFNCCalendar
  • New : Added DayNameAppearance.Height property in TTMSFNCCalendar
  • Improved : Date validation in TTMSFNCDatePicker
  • Improved : Core Improvements
  • Fixed : Issue with resizing in TTMSFNCTableView
  • Fixed : Issue with recalculating items during startup in TTMSFNCKanbanBoard
  • : Imrpoved : Exposed OnValidate event in TTMSFNCDatePicker


  • Improved : Core Improvements
  • Fixed : horizontal scrolling not working when there is no vertical scrolling in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with UTF8 keys not being processed correctly in TTMSFNCGrid


  • Fixed : Issue with scrollbar handling in TTMSFNCRichEditor on Lazarus
  • Fixed : Issue with persistence in TMS FNC Core


  • Fixed : Issue with selection background color for TTMSFNCRichEditor on Lazarus
  • Fixed : Core Fixes


  • Fixed : Unicode char encoding in RTF and HTML for Lazarus for TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with object inspector in 64 bit
  • Fixed : Issue with autosizing calculation rounding in TTMSFNCHTMLText


  • Improved : Exposed Font property in TTMSFNCDatePicker TTMSFNCDigitalTimePicker and TTMSFNCAnalogTimePicker
  • Fixed : Issue with grid database adapter loading SVG streams from blob fields
  • Fixed : Issue with editing under Android in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with HorizontalTextAlign in TTMSFNCLabelEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with Enabled setting under TTMSFNCCheckBox TTMSFNCRadioButton TTMSFNCCheckGroup and TTMSFNCRadioGroup


  • Fixed : Issue with returned IP address in TTMSFNCIPEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with Column and Row property persistence in TTMSFNCDigitalTimePicker and TTMSFNCDigitalTimeSelector
  • Fixed : Core Fixes


  • Improved : Issue with persisting scroll location after expanding / collapsing in TTMSFNCKanbanBoard
  • Improved : Exposed DropDownWidth property in TTMSFNCComboBox
  • Improved : Android editing in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with special character processing from RTF in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with frequency in editable mode in TTMSFNCSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with float type precision in TTMSFNCEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with edit field alignment on mobiles in TTMSFNCSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with TTMSFNCSearchEdit keypress in Lazarus
  • Fixed : Issue with OnValueChanged event in TTMSFNCSpinEdit


  • Fixed : Issue with setting Text property at designtime in TMS WEB Core in TTMSFNCButton
  • Fixed : Issue with keyboard date selection in TTMSFNCDatePicker
  • Fixed : Issue with getting IP address from TTMSFNCIPEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with custom calc group incorrect index in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with control has no parent window in VCL when editing in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with background color in TTMSFNCTrackBar
  • Fixed : Issue with autosizing rows and columns after moving in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with BitmapContainer not being given to internal TTMSFNCBitmapSelector in TTMSFNCToolBarBitmapPicker


  • Improved : ShowFocus property under DateAppearance to remove the dotted border around the focused date in TTMSFNCCalendar
  • Improved : Mouse wheel scrolling support added for TTMSFNCResponsiveList when used under the FMX framework
  • Fixed : Issue with resizing on border of fixed columns/rows in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with control color in disabled state in TTMSFNCTrackBar TTMSFNCRangeSlider TTMSFNCSpinEdit TTMSFNCComboBox TTMSFNCStrokeKindPicker TTMSFNCFillKindPicker TTMSFNCDatePicker TTMSFNCAnalogTimePicker TTMSFNCDigitalTimePicker and TTMSFNCDateTimePicker
  • Fixed : Issue with TTMSFNCBitmap declaration incorrect needs to change to TTMSFNCBitmapHelperClass in some events in TTMSFNCTreeView TTMSFNCListBox and TTMSFNCTableView


  • New : designtime and runtime SVG Support
  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCTrackBar TTMSFNCRangeSlider TTMSFNCSpinEdit TTMSFNCComboBox TTMSFNCSwitch and TTMSFNCLabelEdit
  • Improved : Keyboard handling in TTMSFNCSearchEdit
  • Improved : HTML export from for bullet items in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Improved : Core Improvements
  • Fixed : Smaller improvements and fixes
  • Fixed : Regression: hovering tabs close button and hints not working after previous fix in TTMSFNCTabSet
  • Fixed : Issue with text color in disabled state for TTMSFNCButton
  • Fixed : Issue with text base alignment in TTMSFNCRichEditor in Lazarus
  • Fixed : Issue with sized images in RTF in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with setting font on selected linebreak in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with handling text that is wider than the control width in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with disabled radiobuttons in TTMSFNCRadioGroup
  • Fixed : Issue with OnChange after clipboard paste in TTMSFNCRichEditor


  • Improved : Core Improvements
  • Fixed : Issue with setting selected date in TTMSFNCDatePicker
  • Fixed : Issue with setting SelectedTime to 00:00:00 in TTMSFNCDigitalTimePicker and TTMSFNCAnalogTimePicker
  • Fixed : Issue with applying style in TTMSFNCPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with applying font in picker components such as TTMSFNCDatePicker
  • Fixed : Issue with OnHeaderCompactButtonClick in TTMSFNCNavigationPanel


  • Improved : macOS 64 bit compilation support
  • Improved : Core Improvements
  • Fixed : Issue with correct DBKey value in Database after selecting inserting or updating an item in TTMSFNCPlanner


  • New : PDF Export functionality in combination with TTMSFNCGraphicsPDFIO for TTMSFNCPlanner and TTMSFNCGrid
  • Improved : Core Improvements


  • Fixed : Issue with resizing treeview in combination with splitter in TMS WEB Core
  • Fixed : Issue with incorrect time selection in TTMSFNCDateTimePicker
  • Fixed : Issue with TTMSFNCRichEditorMiniHTMLIO.Insert and clipboard


  • Fixed : Issue with editing in custom editor (TTMSFNCEdit) in TMS WEB Core


  • New : AllowNumericNullValue property and Clear method added in TTMSFNCDigitalTimePicker
  • New : AllowNumericNullValue property and Clear method added in TTMSFNCDateTimePicker
  • New : AllowNumericNullValue property and Clear method added in TTMSFNCDatePicker
  • New : AllowNumericNullValue property and Clear method added in TMSFNCAnalogTimePicker
  • Fixed : Issue with invalid pointer in Android in combination with alignment in TTMSFNCNavigationPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with destroying custom inplace editor in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with closing popup when focusing other control and moving parent form in TTMSFNCEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with closing editor in TTMSFNCObjectInspector
  • Fixed : Issue with autocomplete not functioning properly in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with TTMSFNCStatusBar alignment
  • Fixed : Issue with OnTimeSelected event in TTMSFNCDigitalTimePicker
  • Fixed : Issue with OnTimeSelected event in TMSFNCAnalogTimePicker
  • Fixed : Issue with OnDateTimeSelected event in TTMSFNCDateTimePicker
  • Fixed : Issue with OnDateSelected event in TTMSFNCDatePicker
  • Fixed : Issue with HTML image not drawing in TTMSFNCStatusBar.


  • New : TTMSFNCSearchList.Items.IndexOf() added
  • New : DropDownHeight added to TTMSFNCSearchEdit
  • Improved : Exposed ShowFocus property in TTMSFNCListBox
  • Fixed : Issue with scrolling to item with categories in TTMSFNCListBox
  • Fixed : Issue with handling navigations button when overlapping with tabs in TTMSFNCTabSet
  • Fixed : Issue with database adapter fetching items in TTMSFNCPlannerDatabaseAdapter
  • Fixed : Issue with copy paste actions in TTMSFNCEdit in VCL
  • Fixed : Issue with assigning designtime/runtime non-visual component helpers in various components


  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCDateTimePicker TTMSFNCFontDialog TTMSFNCIPEdit TTMSFNCCheckBox and TTMSFNCRadioButton
  • New : Extended HTML special char support in TTMSFNCHTMLText
  • Improved : Option to turn of focused border in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with input TTMSFNCRichEditor in Android
  • Fixed : Issue with filtering condition in TTMSFNCTableView
  • Fixed : Issue with executing editor under certain circumstances in TTMSFNCObjectInspector
  • Fixed : Issue with assigning data properties in TTMSFNCListBox
  • Fixed : Issue with OnAfterMoveItem/OnAfterSizeItem events called when combining mouse and keyboard in TTMSFNCPlanner


  • New : RAD Studio 10.3 Rio support
  • Fixed : Issue with updating height while changing tabs in TTMSFNCTabSet
  • Fixed : Issue with hints not showing properly when items are close to eachother in TTMSFNCPlanner
  • Fixed : Issue with disappearing buttons when mode is npmButtons and Appearance.ShowOptionsButton is set to False in TTMSFNCNavigationPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with alignment of controls when header/footer is visible false in TTMSFNCPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with OnClick and OnDblClick in TTMSFNCListBox
  • Fixed : Issue with AutoHeaders in TTMSFNCSpreadGrid


  • Fixed : Compatibility with TMS WEB Core


  • Improved : Smaller improvements and fixes
  • Fixed : Issue with OldWidth property in TTMSFNCNavigationPanel not being correctly written in form file in Lazarus


  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCColorWheel TTMSFNCObjectInspector TTMSFNCStatusBar TTMSFNCSignatureCapture and TTMSFNCTaskDialog


  • Improved : Smaller improvements and fixes related to TMS Web Core v1.0
  • : Fixed: Issue with tab free under iOS/Android in TTMSFNCTabSet


  • Fixed : Issue with exception being raised to early when detecting column stretching in TTMSFNCGrid


  • : Fixed: Smaller improvements and fixes related to TMS Web Core
  • Fixed: Issue with mousewheel scrolling and merged cells in TTMSFNCGrid


  • : New: TTMSFNCFillKindSelector, TTMSFNCStrokeKindSelector and picker variants
  • : New: TTMSFNCCalendar and TTMSFNCDateTimePicker
  • : New: TTMSFNCAnalogTimeSelector, TTMSFNCDigitalTimeSelector and picker variants
  • : Fixed: Smaller improvements and fixes
  • New: TTMSFNCKanbanBoard and TTMSFNCKanbanBoardDatabaseAdapter


  • Improved : Image loading in TMS Web Core and HTML engine
  • Improved : Image loading in TMS FNC Grid Database Adapter


  • Fixed : Issue with compiling FNC products against TMS FNC Core
  • Fixed : Issue with TTMSFNCRichEditor toolbar button visibility|
  • Fixed : Issue getting current time in dmDay mode in TTMSFNCPlanner


  • Fixed : Issue with initialization of scaled bitmaps collection
  • Fixed : Issue with badge drawing in TTMSFNCTableView


  • Fixed : Issue with event naming in TTMSFNCPlannerDatabaseAdapter


  • New : OnFieldsToResource OnResourceToFields OnLocateItem for combination with calculated fields in TTMSFNCPlannerDatabaseAdapter
  • Fixed : Issue with calculating height in TTMSFNCListEditor


  • Improved : RTF import in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : OnCellComboBoxCloseUp event not exposed in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with multi-select on mobile platforms in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with font size in high DPI mode
  • Fixed : Issue with focusing inplace editor in TTMSFNCListEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with InsertMultiLineText after changing default properties in TTMSFNCRichEditor


  • New : OnCellComboBoxCloseUp event in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with readonly cell not selectable with keyboard in TTMSFNCGrid


  • Improved : preparations for technical preview TMS WEB Core


  • Fixed : Issue with text clipping in TMS FNC Core
  • Fixed : Issue with missing assignment of DBKey property in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with grid enter key handling in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with drag/drop mode and checkbox state change combination in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with TTMSFNCToolBar / TTMSFNCRibbon clicking at designtime on HTML text editor enabled component


  • Improved : RTF import in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Improved : Parsing of hyperlinks from RTF files in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Improved : HTML font style parsing in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with exporting to XLS in Lazarus
  • : Fixed: Issue with minimum size of item in TTMSFNCPlanner


  • New : Property LineSpacing added in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • New : KeyboardEscapeMode property to clear or stop filtering in TTMSFNCTableView
  • New : Added external TTF file support on Android (via Font.FileName) in TTMSFNCPDFLib
  • Improved : CategoryID can be a number that doesn''t start from 0 in TTMSFNCTableView
  • Fixed : Issue with optimized HTML drawing in TMS FNC Core
  • Fixed : Issue with Tag property being overriden in TTMSFNCToolBar
  • : Improved: Exposed OnAfterItemChanged in TTMSFNCPlanner


  • Fixed : Issue with filtering on iOS/Android


  • Fixed : Issue with fonts referencing in multiple pages in TTMSFNCPDFLib
  • Fixed : Issue with TTMSFNCSearchList at design-time in FMX


  • Fixed : Issue with core updates not being uploaded correctly


  • New : SwipeBounceGesture property to toggle bounce effect when swiping up/down on the list in TTMSFNCTableView
  • Fixed : Issue with matches string giving access violation in some controls
  • Fixed : Issue with lookup category in TTMSFNCTableView
  • Fixed : Issue with default event designtime creation in Lazarus
  • Fixed : Issue with OnShow not called in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Design-time issue with TTMSFNCSearchList in FMX
  • Fixed : Access violation with setting mode at designtime in TTMSFNCRibbon


  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCTableView
  • New : Hover background text and border color capability in TTMSFNCResponsiveList
  • New : Helper units to generate an Indy email message from TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with restoring image alignment
  • Fixed : Issue with inserting and posting via row selection in TTMSFNCGridDatabaseAdapter
  • Fixed : Issue with Unix PDF generation and font handling in TTMSFNCPDFLib


  • New : HTMLImages.igNone option added to ignore images during export to HTML in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • New : GetMergeFields method added to retrieve list of available merge fields in the document in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Improved : Triggering of OnChange event in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with single row grids in TTMSFNCGrid in TTMSFNCGridPDFIO
  • Fixed : Issue with control has no parent in TTMSFNCPlannerItemEditorRecurrency
  • Fixed : Issue with control has no parent in TTMSFNCGridDatabaseAdapter
  • Fixed : Core fixes


  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCRibbon ribbon style toolbar component
  • Improved : High DPI handling in TTMSFNCSearchList
  • Fixed : Issues with calculations and virtual cells in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issues searching for correct font in specific circumstances in TTMSFNCPDFLib
  • Fixed : Issue with painting cell borders in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with hiding caption in VCL in TTMSFNCButton
  • Fixed : Issue with handling enter key for inserting rows at read-only cells in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with calculating text rectangle in Android release mode in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with applying bold and italic in specific circumstances in TTMSFNCPDFLib
  • Fixed : Issue with alternate cell build up causing issues when scrolling in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Column calculation incorrectly updated or not updated at all in TTMSFNCGrid


  • Fixed : Issue with displaying unicode text in specific circumstances in TTMSFNCPDFLib
  • Fixed : Issue with binding only working on Windows in TTMSFNCEdit
  • Fixed : Issue moving node at root level in TTMSFNCTreeView


  • Fixed : Issue with initialization in constructor of form in TTMSFNCCheckGroupPicker and TTMSFNCRadioGroupPicker
  • Fixed : Issue with detecting column and row sizing when scrolled in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with Checked property not returning correct value in TTMSFNCCheckGroupPicker


  • New : LoadAllDataAndDisconnect to load all data at once and perform filtering sorting grouping ... in TTMSFNCGridDatabaseAdapter
  • New : LiveBindings Support for TTMSFNCEdit
  • New : Conversion routines Millimeter <-> Pixel and Inc <-> Pixel in TTMSFNCPDFLib
  • Improved : Retrieve text of virtual node in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Improved : Center parameter to draw images centered or top-left in TTMSFNCPDFLib
  • Fixed : Issue with presetting combobox editor value in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue where dataset type changed from sequenced to non-sequenced during inserting in TTMSFNCGridDatabaseAdapter


  • New : Property AllowFormatShortCuts added in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • New : Planner Mode Editor in TTMSFNCPlanner
  • New : Conversion routines Millimeter <-> Pixel and Inc <-> Pixel in TTMSFNCPDFLib
  • Fixed : Issue with unicode and .SaveToText() in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with text break on Android with single-line text in TTMSFNCPDFLib
  • Fixed : Issue with editing due to alternate cell display build-up code for LCL in TTMSFNCGridDatabaseAdapter
  • Fixed : Issue with PrevWord() in specific circumstances in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with OnCorrectWord() event in specific circumstances in TTMSFNCRichEditor


  • Fixed : Compile issues on Lazarus


  • Fixed : Issue with caption still drawing at designtime in TTMSFNCButton
  • Fixed : Issue with Android text breaking in TTMSFNCPDFLib
  • Fixed : Issue sorting and sizing columns occurs simultaneously in TTMSFNCTreeView


  • New : SpaceAsNbSp property added in TTMSFNCRichEditorMiniHTMLIO
  • New : RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo support
  • New : OnChange event added in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Improved : handling of insert of unicode chars in LCL in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Improved : Import of HTML bullet lists and handling of linebreaks in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Improved : DisplayLookup method to display all values from the displaylist in TTMSFNCEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with lookup on RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo in TTMSFNCEdit
  • Fixed : Access violation during move node operation in TTMSFNCTreeView


  • Improved : Several enhancements to support TMS FNC Blox
  • Improved : Changes in TMS FNC Core
  • Fixed : Issue with DropDownButton on VCL in TTMSFNCToolBarButton


  • New : Support for FPC 3.0.2
  • Fixed : Issue with copying disjunct selected cells in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue selecting lookup item entry with mouse in TTMSFNCEdit
  • Fixed : Access violation when destroying editor in TTMSFNCTreeView


  • New : FindNodeByDBKey function in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with export to XLS when grid has hidden rows in TTMSFNCGridExcelIO
  • Fixed : Issue with design-time initialization of SwipeToNextDateTime in TTMSFNCPlanner
  • Fixed : Exception when changing focus while inplace editor is active in TTMSFNCTabSet


  • New : FindNodeByTextAndColumn function in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Improved : When OnGetRecordCount is assigned, do not use RowsInDataSet to return number of rows in TTMSFNCGridDataBaseAdapter
  • Improved : ShowFocus default true in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Improved : Separation into TMS FNC Core and TMS FNC UI Pack
  • Improved : SelectNode := nil clears selection in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Improved : Double-click on node area to expand/collapse in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Improved : Anti-aliased tab drawing in TTMSFNCTabSet
  • Fixed : Issue with getting/setting checkbox state for ctCheckBox column in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with displaying images/checkboxes in TTMSFNCGridPDFIO
  • Fixed : Issue with displaying images correct width/height in TTMSFNCRichEditorPDFIO
  • Fixed : Issue with URL handling when URL.Show = false in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue setting Visible property to False at designtime causing tab key to jump to next page in TTMSFNCPageControl
  • Fixed : Issue in HTML Engine with drawing shadow/colored text
  • Fixed : Issue encoding text with accented characters in TTMSFNCPDFLib


  • Improved : Image drawing in combination with HTML in TTMSFNCPDFLib
  • Fixed : Issue with images being displayed while calculating HTML text in TTMSFNCPDFLib
  • Fixed : Issue applying URLFont in combination with HTML text in TTMSFNCPDFLib


  • Fixed : Issue with connection to TTMSFNCRichEditor in VCL/LCL in TTMSFNCRichEditorToolBar


  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCSpreadGrid
  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCPDFLib, PDF Export Library
  • New : Introducing PDF Export functionality for TTMSFNCGrid, TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Smaller improvements and fixes


  • New : Toolbar popup for TTMSFNCGrid, TTMSFNCRichEditor and TTMSFNCPlanner
  • New : TTMSFNCGridExcelIO, XLS Export for TTMSFNCGrid
  • New : OnAfterApplyFilter event, event triggered after filtering is applied in TTMSFNCGrid
  • New : FindNodeByRow and GetTotalNodeCount functions in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • New : FMX and VCL Styles support
  • Improved : Designtime experience which includes a HTML editor, TreeView editor, grid and planner database setup and many more smaller enhancements
  • Fixed : Smaller improvements and fixes


  • New : TTMSFNCURLBitmapContainer, bitmap container with the ability to download images from an URL
  • New : TTMSFNCToolBarPopup, popup version of the TTMSFNCToolBar
  • New : TTMSFNCSearchList, multi-column list with optional categorized items, pictures and text
  • New : TTMSFNCSearchEdit, editable version of the TTMSFNCSearchList
  • New : TTMSFNCScrollBar, fully configurable scrollbar
  • New : TTMSFNCResponsiveList, responsive design list control
  • New : TTMSFNCListEditor, list editor control
  • New : TTMSFNCHint, application / form wide HTML formatted hints
  • New : TTMSFNCGridDatabaseAdapter, adapter to connect the TTMSFNCGrid to any database
  • Improved : Smaller improvements and fixes


  • New : Support for loading images from file in TTMSFNCHTMLText
  • New : Support for float left text in TTMSFNCHTMLText
  • New : Support for float left & float right images in TTMSFNCHTMLText
  • New : Stroke property exposed in TTMSFNCHTMLText
  • Fixed : Issue with selections till end of line in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with selecting all nodes when multi-select is false in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with parsing unicode chars in RTF in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with inserting text in long paragraphs in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with grouping cells with fixed right columns in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with font caching & zoom in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with flickering when used within VCL styled forms in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with dbl-click and drag/drop operation in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with copying and moving node data properties in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with copy & paste across linebreaks in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with OnCorrectWord() event in specific cases in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue loading complex tree files in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue applying auto-sizing on TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Insert of bullet when caret is at linebreak in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Caret behavior with Ctrl-Home, Ctrl-End in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Access violation calling stopedit in OnExit of custom editor in TTMSFNCTreeView


  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCPanel & TTMSFNCNavigationPanel
  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCCheckGroup, TTMSFNCRadioGroup, TTMSFNCCheckGroupPicker & TTMSFNCRadioGroupPicker
  • Fixed : Issue with calculating size of lookup items in TTMSFNCEdit


  • Fixed : Issue with hanging text selection bullets in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with auto-sizing of labels in TTMSFNCPlanner
  • Fixed : Access violation while creating text service in iOS in TTMSFNCRichEditor


  • Fixed : Issue with property streaming in LCL in TTMSFNCBitmapSelector


  • New : Reordering in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • New : MinimumWidth and MinimumHeight properties to defined lookup dropdown minimum size in TTMSFNCEdit
  • New : Keyboard Lookup in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCToolBarItemPicker
  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCListBox
  • New : Drag & Drop support in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • New : Column sorting in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • New : Column Filtering in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • New : Clipboard support in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Improved : UnselectItem & UnselectAllItems in TTMSFNCPlanner
  • Fixed : Issue with font initialization in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with escape and exiting control closing lookup window in TTMSFNCEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with destroying TTMSFNCPlanner on mobile operating systems
  • Fixed : Issue with calculation of bitmaps and fixed grid cells when applying auto-sizing in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with automatic reference counting in TTMSFNCGraphics


  • New : UseValueList boolean to switch between Value and Display list when using the lookup functionality in TTMSFNCEdit
  • Improved : Parsing HTML picture attributes in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with using the Fixed property on column level in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with diacritic characters in TTMSFNCRichEditor in newer Lazarus versions
  • Fixed : Issue drawing text when using GlobalGPUCanvas := True in FMX
  • Fixed : File filter hides directories as well in TTMSFNCDirectoryTreeView


  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCTabSet and TTMSFNCPageControl
  • New : DisabledBitmaps property TTMSFNCToolBarButton
  • New : Added support to load inline HTML images in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • New : Added database support for TTMSFNCPlanner via the TTMSFNCPlannerDatabaseAdapter
  • Improved : HTML & RTF file parsing for import in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with touch-scrolling with non-scrollable grid in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with special character input in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with etSignedNumeric handling in TTMSFNCEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with cell scrolling when having fixed right rows / fixed footer rows in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue clearing cells in TTMSFNCGrid


  • Improved : HTML export in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Improved : Column sizing detection sensitivity in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with typing '-' with signedfloat when text is selected in TTMSFNCEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with setting correct editor type in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with retrieving right fixed column cell in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with getting and setting date in inplace datepicker in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with TAB key and ENTER key handling in TTMSFNCGrid


  • Improved : Support for setting RowText[] property in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Improved : Parsing of RTF in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Improved : Parsing of HTML in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Improved : HTML import for newer DOCTYPES in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Improved : Context menu shortcut handling in TTMSFNCRichEditor


  • Improved : Using Grid.IO.Delimiter for retrieving text through the RowText[] property
  • Improved : HTML export for text background colors in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Improved : ControlPosition property to control the position of cell checkbox, radiobutton and bitmap in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with setting fixed font style to [] at designtime in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with grid.RowText[] property on 2nd column in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with disappearing combobox when configured with autocompletion in OnGetCellEditorProperties in TTMSFNCGrid


  • Improved : RTF parsing from Microsoft IE / Edge browser
  • Improved : Export of bullet lists to HTML
  • Fixed : Issue with setting FixedRows / FixedColumns updating scrollbars in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with moving, sizing items in custom mode in TTMSFNCPlanner
  • Fixed : Issue with cell to custom datetime conversion in TTMSFNCPlanner


  • New : RAD Studio Berlin Support
  • New : Event OnImageNotFound added in TTMSFNCRichEditorHTMLIO
  • Improved : Cursor handling in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with sort indicator not drawing at correct position in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with reintroducing BeginUpdate with additional parameter, please use BeginUpdate in combination with ClearNodeList to clear all nodes in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with persisting default font color in RTE file in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with missing clear filter option in dropdown in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with displaying items in pmMultiMonth mode in TTMSFNCPlanner
  • Fixed : Issue with combining indexed filtering & sorting in TTMSFNCGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with HTML export of indented text in TTMSFNCRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with BeginUpdate/EndUpdate in TTMSFNCTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue selecting multiple items programmatically in TTMSFNCPlanner


  • First release


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TMS FNC Component Studio

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€ 1,795

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All prices excl. VAT. Renewal price is subject to change and only valid up to 30 days after license has expired. After renewal period a discount price is offered to renew the license.


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What our customers say

Regarding TMSFNCRibbon: It's a great component and I appreciate especially its HighDPI awareness and option for using SVG images - it's a huge saving on my time, thanks for a great job.

- Karel Janecek

As a developer for 30+ years, and a Delphi developer since 1996, I've a solid foundation on desktop development. But I was skeptical of indulging in web development. Though the market was demanding a switch, it seemed too difficult to make the transition. TMS Software was my "magic bullet" to get me started with zero intimidation. Love their Web Core and XData products. Now I can develop powerful web applications using Delphi. TMS Software has renewed my love for Delphi and won my heart for their innovators. Thanks to the team for great products and a large volume of demos and manuals. You ROCK!

- Larry

In the past I have purchased other components from other parties. I will say proudly that TMS is the best in support, price and style. Whenever I need a help your team is always there to help me. Keep up the good work

- Mohamed Thooloon

Hi Bruno Just want to drop you a line about how great your presentation was today. We often fail to point out to someone when they do a great job! You did a great job, you gave me a lot of ideas, and you answered my question very well. THANK you for your great products & super support.

- Lawrence Green

Thank you for developing components where I can best describe it like this: TMS components is a case where "The wheels fit the car, and NOT the car fit the wheels". Well done.

- Sathiparsad


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