Frequently Asked Component Specific Questions
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Printing webview contents
Printing webview contents
Printing the webview current document, can be done with the following code, it requires the units
MacApi.AppKit MacApi.ObjectiveC MacApi.ObjcRuntime
var printInfo: NSPrintInfo; printOperation: NSPrintOperation; fv, dv: NSView; begin printInfo := TNSPrintInfo.Wrap(TNSPrintInfo.OCClass.sharedPrintInfo); fv := TNSView.Wrap(objc_msgSend((TMSFMXNativeWebView1.WebView.mainFrame as ILocalObject).GetObjectID, sel_getUid('frameView'))); dv := TNSView.Wrap(objc_msgSend((fv as ILocalObject).GetObjectID, sel_getUid('documentView'))); printOperation := TNSPrintOperation.Wrap(TNSPrintOperation.OCClass.printOperationWithView(dv, printInfo)); printOperation.setShowPanels(True); printOperation.runOperation; end
Initializing controls on multiple forms
Initializing controls on multiple forms
When creating an application that manages multiple forms, only the mainform will initialize and display its controls. In this example, the mainform contains an UINavigationController and pushes a UIViewController in view that is placed on a secondary form. Executing the following code, will navigate to the viewcontroller, but the viewcontroller and its children will not be visible / initialized.
procedure TForm1.InitializeControl(AControl: TControl); var I: Integer; begin if not Assigned(AControl) then Exit; if AControl is TTMSFMXNativeUIBaseControl then begin (AControl as TTMSFMXNativeUIBaseControl).Initialize; for I := 0 to AControl.ControlsCount - 1 do InitializeControl(AControl.Controls[I]); end; end;
procedure TForm1.TMSFMXNativeUIButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin InitializeControl(SecondaryForm.TMSFMXNativeUIViewController1); TMSFMXNativeUINavigationController1.PushViewController(SecondaryForm.TMSFMXNativeUIViewController1,true); end;
Changing font size
Changing font size
The font for header cells is set with:
and the font for regular cells is set with:
TMS Pack for FireMonkey Windows support
TMS Pack for FireMonkey Windows support
Windows support in the TMS Pack for FireMonkey is based on the Delphi Chromium Embedded opensource library and can be installed and compiled by following the steps below.
1) Download and Extract
2) Open the package ChromiumFMX.dpk, compile and then install the package.
3) Add the directory where the ChromiumFMX source is located to your Win32 library path in the IDE (ceffmx.pas, ceflib.pas, ...)
4) Navigate to the directory where the TMS Pack for FireMonkey source is installed.
5) Open the file FMX.TMSFMXPackWebBrowser.Win and comment the line {$DEFINE CHROMIUMOFF}
6) Copy the files inside the lib directory from the extracted file to the directory where your application executable is or will be located.
7) Create or open a new or existing project and build your project.
Our browser solution for the Windows target is only available in the registered version of TMS Pack for FireMonkey. Windows is NOT supported in the trial version.
Printing a PDF File
Printing a PDF File
To print a pdf file from iOS, you can use the following code to access the UIPrintInteractionController (it requires MacApi.ObjectiveC, iOSApi.UIKit and iOSApi.Foundation units)
type TUIPrintInteractionControllerCompletionHandler = procedure(printInteractionController: Pointer; completed: Pointer; error: Pointer) of object; UIPrintInteractionControllerClass = interface(NSObjectClass) ['{D3566B82-3014-40C6-B7E3-DFC22AF39319}'] {class} function canPrintData(data: NSData): Boolean; cdecl; {class} function canPrintURL(url: NSURL): Boolean; cdecl; {class} function isPrintingAvailable: Boolean; cdecl; {class} function printableUTIs: NSSet; cdecl; {class} function sharedPrintController: Pointer; cdecl; end; UIPrintInteractionController = interface(NSObject) ['{0FEF6AA7-132B-41C8-BB12-045C43027D4B}'] function delegate: Pointer; cdecl; procedure dismissAnimated(animated: Boolean); cdecl; function printFormatter: UIPrintFormatter; cdecl; function printInfo: UIPrintInfo; cdecl; function printPageRenderer: UIPrintPageRenderer; cdecl; function printPaper: UIPrintPaper; cdecl; function printingItem: Pointer; cdecl; function printingItems: NSArray; cdecl; procedure setDelegate(delegate: Pointer); cdecl; procedure setPrintFormatter(printFormatter: UIPrintFormatter); cdecl; procedure setPrintInfo(printInfo: UIPrintInfo); cdecl; procedure setPrintPageRenderer(printPageRenderer: UIPrintPageRenderer); cdecl; procedure setPrintingItem(printingItem: Pointer); cdecl; procedure setPrintingItems(printingItems: NSArray); cdecl; procedure setShowsPageRange(showsPageRange: Boolean); cdecl; procedure presentAnimated(animated: Boolean; completionHandler: TUIPrintInteractionControllerCompletionHandler); cdecl; function showsPageRange: Boolean; cdecl; end; TUIPrintInteractionController = class(TOCGenericImport<UIPrintInteractionControllerClass, UIPrintInteractionController>) end;
var pi: UIPrintInfo; pic: UIPrintInteractionController; fileURL: Pointer; begin pi := TUIPrintInfo.Wrap(TUIPrintInfo.OCClass.printInfo); pi.setOutputType(UIPrintInfoOutputGeneral); pi.setJobName(TMSFMXNativeUIWebView1.WebView.request.URL.absoluteString); pi.setOrientation(UIPrintInfoOrientationPortrait); pi.setDuplex(UIPrintInfoDuplexLongEdge); pic := TUIPrintInteractionController.Wrap(TUIPrintInteractionController.OCClass.sharedPrintController); pic.setPrintInfo(pi); pic.setShowsPageRange(True); fileURL := TNSURL.OCClass.fileURLWithPath(NSSTR(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))+'sample.pdf')); pic.setPrintingItem(fileURL); pic.presentAnimated(True, PrintCompleted); end;
How to programmatically save the captured signature to an image file.
How to programmatically save the captured signature to an image file.
You can just call AdvSignatureCapture.SaveToImageFile(FileName)
It will look at the extension of the filename to save to BMP, PNG or JPEG file.
No caret is visible when editing a cell in the grid
No caret is visible when editing a cell in the grid
When there is no caret visible when editing a cell in the grid, this is because the font size is too high in relationship to the height of the cell. This is a behavior that is actually something in Windows and not specific to our component. When in a Windows multiline edit control, the font size in relationship to the editor height is too large, it won't display the caret. This can be easily simulated by dropping a TMemo on the form and decrease its height. At some point the caret will disappear. To avoid this, either decrease the font size or keep increase the row height.
Create a new custom grid descending from TTMSFMXGrid
Create a new custom grid descending from TTMSFMXGrid
When you create a new grid that descends from our TTMSFMXGrid control, make sure that in the new class, you override the protected method GetDefaultStyleLookupName to ensure your new grid control uses the base class TTMSFMXGrid default style resource. Sample code:
TTMSFMXGridEx = class(TTMSFMXGrid) private { Private declarations } protected { Protected declarations } function GetDefaultStyleLookupName: string; override; function GetClassStyleName: String; override; public { Public declarations } procedure ApplyStyle; override; published { Published declarations } end; function TTMSFMXGridEx.GetClassStyleName: String; begin Result := ClassParent.ClassName + 'style'; Delete(Result, 1, 1); end; function TTMSFMXGridEx.GetDefaultStyleLookupName: string; begin Result := GetClassStyleName; end;
Create a polygon in Delphi
Create a polygon in Delphi
This code snippet shows how to add a polygon (triangle in this case) to TWebGMaps:
var pol: TPolygonItem; pt: TPath; pi: TPathItem; begin pt := TPath.Create; pi := pt.Add(); pi.Latitude := 50; pi.Longitude := 2; pi := pt.Add(); pi.Latitude := 50; pi.Longitude := 3; pi := pt.Add(); pi.Latitude := 55; pi.Longitude := 2.5; pol := WebGMaps1.Polygons.Add(false, false, false, pt, clRed, clYellow, 255, 255, 2, true, 255); WebGMaps1.CreateMapPolygon(pol.Polygon); end;
Programmatically open the TAdvTreeComboBox
Programmatically open the TAdvTreeComboBox
Call: AdvTreeComboBox.ShowTree;
How to save and restore the planner row and column heights
How to save and restore the planner row and column heights
There is not a built-in method that will save/load these sizes. You can do this programmatically at application level by looping through columns & rows and save/load values for:
Dbplanner1.GridControl.ColWidths[colindex]: integer Dbplanner1.GridControl.RowHeights[rowindex]:integer
TMS FMX Cloud Pack
TMS Cloud Pack for FireMonkey Windows support
TMS Cloud Pack for FireMonkey Windows support
Windows support in the TMS Cloud Pack for FireMonkey is based on the Delphi Chromium Embedded opensource library and can be installed and compiled by following the steps below.
1) Download and Extract
2) Open the package ChromiumFMX.dpk, compile and then install the package.
3) Add the directory where the ChromiumFMX source is located to your Win32 library path in the IDE (ceffmx.pas, ceflib.pas, ...)
4) Navigate to the directory where the TMS Cloud Pack for FireMonkey source is installed.
5) Open the file FMX.TMSCloudWebBrowser.Win and comment the line {$DEFINE CHROMIUMOFF}
6) Copy the files inside the lib directory from the extracted file to the directory where your application executable is or will be located.
7) Create or open a new or existing project and build your project.
Our browser solution for the Windows target is only available in the registered version of TMS Cloud Pack for FireMonkey. Windows is NOT supported in the trial version.
TMS WebOSMaps for FireMonkey Windows support
TMS WebOSMaps for FireMonkey Windows support
Windows support in the TMS WebOSMaps for FireMonkey is based on the Delphi Chromium Embedded opensource library and can be installed and compiled by following the steps below.
1) Download and Extract
2) Open the package ChromiumFMX.dpk, compile and then install the package.
3) Add the directory where the ChromiumFMX source is located to your Win32 library path in the IDE (ceffmx.pas, ceflib.pas, ...)
4) Navigate to the directory where the TMS WebOSMaps for FireMonkey source is installed.
5) Open the file FMX.TMSWebOSMapsWebBrowser.Win and comment the line {$DEFINE CHROMIUMOFF}
6) Copy the files inside the lib directory from the extracted file to the directory where your application executable is or will be located.
7) Create or open a new or existing project and build your project.
Our browser solution for the Windows target is only available in the registered version of TMS WebOSMaps for FireMonkey. Windows is NOT supported in the trial version.
Displaying the Font dialog through NSFontManager
Displaying the Font dialog through NSFontManager
The sample at the URL below demonstrates how the font dialog can be opened and be used to select a font for your application.
Caret not visible in the edit control
Caret not visible in the edit control
It is a known shortcoming of the Windows operating system EDIT class (that standard VCL TEdit and also TMS TAdvEdit uses) that the caret is not displaying when the height of the control is too small in relation to the choosen font. As this is a Windoiws limitation, it can only be solved by either increasing the control height or decreasing the font size.