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TMS FMX Cloud Pack
TMS Cloud Pack for FireMonkey Windows support

Windows support in the TMS Cloud Pack for FireMonkey is based on the Delphi Chromium Embedded opensource library and can be installed and compiled by following the steps below.

1) Download and Extract
2) Open the package ChromiumFMX.dpk, compile and then install the package.
3) Add the directory where the ChromiumFMX source is located to your Win32 library path in the IDE (ceffmx.pas, ceflib.pas, ...)
4) Navigate to the directory where the TMS Cloud Pack for FireMonkey source is installed.
5) Open the file FMX.TMSCloudWebBrowser.Win and comment the line {$DEFINE CHROMIUMOFF}
6) Copy the files inside the lib directory from the extracted file to the directory where your application executable is or will be located.
7) Create or open a new or existing project and build your project.

Our browser solution for the Windows target is only available in the registered version of TMS Cloud Pack for FireMonkey. Windows is NOT supported in the trial version.