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Article & sample for how to use Embarcadero RAD server as server backend for TMS WEB Core applications

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

TMS WEB Core is a framework for creating web client applications from the Delphi IDE in the Delphi language and using RAD component based development. TMS WEB Core is designed to be totally open in many ways, also with respect to binding to a server back-end. This binding to the server back-end is typically done using REST APIs. TMS software has its own high-performance, flexible and low-cost REST API framework TMS XData for accessing databases on a server but it is equally possible to use node.js, ASP.NET Core microservices, other technologies or also the Embarcadero RAD Server that comes with Delphi (there is now one free license included in the Delphi Enterprise or Architect editions) and that offers a powerful, fast & flexible creation of REST API endpoint servers.

TMS Software Delphi  Components   TMS Software Delphi  Components

Embarcadero MVP, famous speaker and writer of several Delphi books Bob Swart, was excited when he learned about TMS WEB Core and wanted to explore the capabilities of using Embarcadero RAD server as a backend for a TMS WEB Core web client application. Based on the results of his research and work, Bob Swart did the effort to create an article that explains and demonstrates how one can use Embarcadero RAD server with TMS WEB Core from start to finish. There is not only the article that Bob Swart makes available but also the sample source code.


Article: TMS Software Delphi  Components

Source code: TMS Software Delphi  Components

Get started today: Technical previews of TMS WEB Core, TMS FNC UI web-enabled controls, web-enabled TMS XData, the first parts under the TMS RADical WEB umbrella are exclusively available now for all active TMS-ALL-ACCESS customers.

Bruno Fierens

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