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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

IntroIf you’re developing in C++ and looking for a powerful, flexible, and highly customizable data grid solution, then TMS FNC Data Grid is the perfect choice. In this blog, we'll walk you through the process o...

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

We're pleased to inform TMS IntraWeb Component Pack Pro (Script Edition) v3.7 is available now. TMS IntraWeb Component Pack Pro offers over 70 components for creating feature-rich web applications with IntraWeb (VCL for the Web) including grids, cale...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

From Wednesday last week, we started using Delphi 2010 full time here. Now, 7 days later with an IDE with hundreds and hundreds of our components installed, we're happy to report there is no way back. Delphi 2010 instantly became our preferred IDE. T...

With the TWebUpdate component, TMS software provides the capability to let Delphi or C++Builder applications update themselves via the internet HTTP or FTP protocol or via a network share. The TWebUpdate can not only handle EXE files, DLL files...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The VCL component TMonthCalendar that is a wrapper for the Microsoft COMCTRL MonthCalendar has a WeekNumbers property with which you can control whether week numbers are displayed or not in the calendar. It also has properties ShowToday and ShowToday...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

With the Bing API, Microsoft provides a set of easy to use services that can be useful for your Delphi web applications as well as Win32 applications. A starting point to discover the capabilities of the Bing API is Th...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

We're excited to announce the first release of the new feature-rich Silverlight component for single/multi-resource scheduling Silverlight applications. The Silverlight Planner is a Silverlight control for implementing a broad range of planning an...

In all Delphi versions before Delphi 2009 update pack 3, there is a bug with the standard TDateTimePicker component with respect to handling the checkbox click when DateTimePicker.ShowCheckBox is set to true. Where on operating systems older than Win...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Today I thought it was about time that I would try out the latest and "greatest" Microsoft messaging product hoping that it would at least have some usability improvements over the version v8.1 that I have installed. First major hurdle is working ...

Monday, June 29, 2009

More often than I like, I read about or hear or encounter managers pondering about the language choice for a new project and arguing to not choose for Delphi because of Delphi developer availability or rather the lack thereof. While it is undeniably...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We'd like to inform a new version of the TMS Smooth Controls Pack v2.5 has been released. This is a set of components to create rich and sophisticated looking Windows applications with support for touch, animations, anti-aliased graphics, opacities e...