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New releases: TMS Smooth Controls + TMS Advanced ToolBars & Menus

Friday, October 2, 2009

Our team has finished this week the release of two important updates. First of all, there is the release of TMS Advanced ToolBars & Menus v4.0. Main new feature of the components is the built-in support for an emulation of the Windows 7 scenic ribbon style. With a single property you can switch between the Office 2007 ribbon style and the Windows 7 scenic ribbon style. For the application button in Office 2007 style, the control now offers to draw the orb itself making it no longer necessary to provide an anti aliased image. There is a single color setting with which the color of the orb can be changed.

Also this week, our team has released TMS Smooth Controls Pack v2.7. In this new version, we have exposed the Delphi 2010 / C++Builder 2010 touch/gesture support. The TAdvSmoothCalendar now also features left to right and right to left mouse movements to change the month. The version v2.7 also introduces two new components: TAdvSmoothCalculator and TAdvSmoothCalculatorDropDown.

Bruno Fierens

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1. Sunday, February 10, 2013 at 7:58:39 AM



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