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TMS FNC Maps Team Effort (v1.2)

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Team Effort

Since the first release we have been working hard and only 4 months after the release, we pushed out an update (v1.1) for TMS FNC Maps with loads of exciting stuff. Now, we are here with another update (v1.2), that brings even more exciting features and a new service.

  • Introducing Apple MapKit JS service

  • TTMSFNCOpenLayers with the ability to configure a custom tile server
  • TTMSFNCMapBox & TTMSFNCTomTom with a property to control the map style
  • Anchoring & Z-Index support in TTMSFNCGoogleMaps
  • TTMSFNCElevation: A new non-visual component to retrieve elevation data based on coordinate
  • Greatly Improved performance loading & parsing GPX files
  • Faster loading of markers & poly elements
  • Getting elevation data from GPX files

Bringing all of the above together in a significant update requires a lot of hard work and team effort. TMS FNC Maps v1.2 is a result of a collaboration between various people within the TMS family:

  • Bart Holvoet: Extensive API knowledge and master in REST services, implementation
  • Gjalt Vanhouwaert: Intensive feedback & testing, creating cross-platform demos
  • Holger Flick: Providing feedback & testing, creator of the TMS FNC Maps book
  • Pieter Scheldeman: Architecture & design choices, research on APIs & services, implementation
  • Masiha Zemarai: Marketing campaign, social media & support

REST API & mapping services

Bringing together multiple mapping services and REST APIs with radically different architecture in one unified cross-platform, cross-framework product was quite a challenge. Thanks to our TMS team effort we succeeded in making this a seamless experience for our customers who can switch services by changing a single property value.

- Bart

Creating cross-platform demos

I joined the TMS FNC Maps task force to create some demos for the customers. My first thought was that it would take days before I could get started with anything useful. But the implementation feels so natural that you can already have a simple application with only 2 lines of code. All of the handling that you want, is implemented in such a way that even for some really cumbersome things, you just need one line of code.
You can find a simple example in one of my videos.
You can find an online demo here.

In just one day I created three different demos for four different platforms.
This is the perfect example of the simplicity of working with TMS FNC Maps. And the power of FNC components in general.

- Gjalt

Edge Chromium

TTMSFNCWebBrowser has been updated to offer the support for the latest Edge Chromium stable version. This update will automatically be available when installing TMS FNC Core. More details on how to install Edge Chromium can be found here.

TMS FNC Maps Book

TMS FNC Maps offers a set of demos and documentation to get you started, but if you really want to energize your developments the TMS FNC Maps Book is a must have!

Pieter Scheldeman

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