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TMS WEB Core for Visual Studio Code v1.0 released

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

After an intensive development and beta cycle, we are proud to announce the release of TMS WEB Core for Visual Studio Code v1.0 today! Visual Studio Code is the 3rd IDE that can host the TMS WEB Core framework for web client application development after the earlier released versions for Delphi and Lazarus. TMS WEB Core offers Object Pascal software developers visual RAD component-based web client development with the strongly typed and object-oriented Pascal language.

TMS WEB Core for Visual Studio Code brings exciting new capabilities

  • WYSIWYG visual designer. The designer is a web view and renders HTML/CSS from controls and/or templates “as is” in the IDE.
  • Cross-platform IDE. TMS WEB Core for Visual Studio Code runs directly on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Debugging from the IDE. Debugging of applications running in the browser is possible from the Visual Studio Code IDE itself.
  • Uses the OmniPascal Visual Studio Code extensions for fast code completion and syntax highlighting.
  • Integrated online-help. Press F1 with a component, property or event selected and help shows up in the IDE.
  • High-DPI/Retina enabled IDE. Razor sharp code and designer on any screen.
  • Optional TMS WEB Core distribution via the Microsoft Visual Studio Code marketplace.

The TMS WEB Core framework used in TMS WEB Core for Visual Studio Code product is identical to the framework used in the Delphi or Lazarus IDE. This means existing Delphi projects can be opened and worked on from Visual Studio Code and vice versa.

TMS WEB Core for Visual Studio Code brings an unparalleled web development productivity

  • Large number of included visual and non-visual components: With these components, a RAD approach allows you to build solutions fast.
  • Visual data-binding: A data-binding mechanism similar to Delphi VCL data-binding enables to hook-up your client application via client datasets to data sent from a REST API based backend quickly.
  • Use existing or custom HTML web templates: The Visual Studio Code IDE has built-in strong support for editing HTML/CSS and a vast array of extensions. This adds even more power to it. The visual designer shows the pages ”as is” using the templates.
  • Integrate any existing JavaScript library: The underlying pas2js compiler for transpiling Object Pascal code to JavaScript code running in the browser facilitates programmatic access to any existing JavaScript library. This opens up the huge availability of all kinds of easily available web functionality to integrate.
  • Debug using Object Pascal code: All modern debugging capabilities like breakpoints, watches, stepping in code, ... can be done in the Object Pascal code base from the Visual Studio Code IDE.

With this first release, we embark on an exciting adventure with the mission to bring Object Pascal developers a fast, productive, feature-rich, and enjoyable web development experience. Version 1.0 is the first step, and our team is already working on follow-up versions we will release shortly. This includes:

  • Built-in PWA project creation support.
  • Built-in Electron cross platform desktop application development support.
  • Installable 3rd party component support, including full usage of the TMS FNC component offerings.
  • New Object Pascal language features support.
  • Modern project creation wizards.
  • ... and many more

Get in the front seat today

Take a head start now and get TMS WEB Core for Visual Studio Code at our launch price starting from 295EUR for a single developer license or download and explore this new ground-breaking product using the trial version!

Bruno Fierens

This blog post has received 3 comments.

1. Tuesday, September 8, 2020 at 5:57:51 PM

Exellent. Congratualations. Looking already forward to the next version with PWA support :-)

Hennekens Stephan

2. Tuesday, September 8, 2020 at 6:51:48 PM

Great work guys. Happy customer!

Michael Margerum

3. Tuesday, September 8, 2020 at 10:39:18 PM

I have been following the hard work of the TMS team to deliver to the Delphi community this incredible tool that will revolutionize WEB and App development.
I am already developing with VCS and I am very satisfied with the results.
Thanks to the TMS team.

Borges, Marcos A.

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