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Work@Home with Slack in the latest TMS FNC Cloud Pack update!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Stay Safe!

First of all, the TMS team wishes you a good health during these difficult times. Not only privately but also for the business you are running / working for. We at TMS are currently working from home and are doing our best to provide you with the highest care at software level and support that we can provide in the current circumstances. Even working at home doesn't stop us from releasing new and exciting stuff!

Work @Home

With the latest release (v1.2.0.0) of the TMS FNC Cloud Pack we are introducing Slack. One of the most productive collaboration service out there and we have created a component for you that allows you to connect, share, update, upload and download content on the various channels under your work project. Below is a list of features the TTMSFNCCloudSlack component is supporting.

  • Retrieve all the users in your Slack team
  • Retrieve the information and profile for a specific Slack user
  • Download the profile picture of a user
  • Retrieve all conversations in your Slack team or get a specific type as public channels, direct messages, ...
  • You can also get all the conversations that a specific user has access to
  • Retrieve the posted messages from a specific conversation
  • Retrieve the replies to a message.
  • Download the files that were posted in a message
  • Post your message in a conversation or a reply to a specific message
  • Upload a file to a specific conversation

TMS FNC Cloud Pack

The TMS FNC Cloud Pack was released in April, 2019 (, and has gotten a lot of improvements on the existing services. We have now added a new service (TTMSFNCCloudSlack) and are continuing our search for more services. If you have an idea for new services, suggestion for enhancing existing services or missing a service that is not yet implemented, please do not hesitate to ask us.

Please remember, TMS FNC Cloud Pack is part of the FNC family and FNC is a cross-platform / cross-framework component library. Write your code once and target multiple operating systems!

Pieter Scheldeman

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