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macOS & Android 64 bit compile-ready support

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


macOS & Android 64 bit compilation support has been added to our products. Below is a list of products that are currently enabled to compile for macOS & Android 64 bit

We continue adding macOS & Android 64 bit support to our other products, and will mention that in the version history whenever an update is released.

macOS & Android 64 bit compile-ready support?

Our products are prepared to compile for macOS & Android 64 bit, but this is not automatically enabled. Unfortunately, RAD Studio Rio 10.3.2 is an update that uses the same version number as older RAD Studio 10.3.* versions and therefore we have decided to not automatically install for macOS 64 bit, but make it compile-ready. For Android 64 bit, that has been added to RAD Studio Rio 10.3.3, the same technique is used. To compile your applications for macOS & Android 64 bit, please follow the steps below.

  1. Install/Update one of the products in the above list
  2. Update the macOS & Android 64 bit library path with the path to the source files (*.pas)
  3. Compile/Deploy your application for macOS & Android 64 bit by changing the target platform

MapView TMS mCL

TMS mCL originally has a MapView component that was working in a 32 bit macOS operating system and was then removed from the frameworks due to technical reasons. Now, with 64 bit, you will be able to use the MapView component again.


Please provide any feedback regarding macOS & Android 64 bit compilation support so we can further improve our products.

Pieter Scheldeman

This blog post has received 24 comments.

1. Wednesday, August 14, 2019 at 9:23:14 PM

"Update the macOS 64 bit library path with the path to the source files"

Where do I set this path?

In terms of the ''source files'' are these the TMX .bpl files?

users/public/public documents/embarcadero/studio/20.0/bpl


in ../OSX32


but nothing in ../OSX64

Smeaton Trevor

2. Wednesday, August 14, 2019 at 9:27:15 PM

Source code files are *.PAS files.

Bruno Fierens

3. Wednesday, August 14, 2019 at 11:15:12 PM

"Update the macOS 64 bit library path with the path to the source files"

Where do I set this path?

In terms of the ''source files'' are these the TMX .bpl files?

users/public/public documents/embarcadero/studio/20.0/bpl


in ../OSX32


but nothing in ../OSX64

Smeaton Trevor

4. Thursday, August 15, 2019 at 6:40:01 AM

1) Source code files are *.PAS files.
2) Path is set via IDE Tools, Options, Compiler library path

Bruno Fierens

5. Thursday, August 15, 2019 at 1:16:22 PM

Thank you for your help, all up and running now. Some slight changes to menu options maybe, and I ran into an ImageIO problem for the first time. My notes, Delphi 10.3.2 / Mac OSX 10.14.6:

"2. Update the macOS 64 bit library path with the path to the source files"

Tools | Options | Language | Delphi Options | Library | Library Path ...

Add: C:\Users\Trevor\Documents\tmssoftware\TMS FMX UI Pack

To fix issue with linking ImageIO

Tools | Options | Deployment | SDK Manager | macOS 64 bit - MacOSX 10.14

Click ''Add new path item''

Path on Remote machine: $(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks
Framework name: ImageIO

Click ''Update Local File Cache''

libcgsqlite3.dylib is now a "featured" file. Go to Deployment Manager and use the Add Featured Files to add it.

Smeaton Trevor

6. Friday, August 16, 2019 at 8:37:44 AM


I added the library path for OSX64 but still my project won''t compile: Unit ''FMX.TMSBaseControl'' not found...

Porters Wim

7. Friday, August 16, 2019 at 9:39:50 AM

You find FMX.TMSBaseControl.pas?
Is the folder where this .PAS file is located added to your OSX64 library path? If it is, the compiler should find the file.

Bruno Fierens

8. Friday, October 4, 2019 at 10:33:28 PM

Followed the directions in comment #5 and still get the ImageIO error. Here''s a snapshot of the error:

It''s in the shared directory between mac and windows visible on my VMWare environment. Am I missing some environment variable accounting for a different expected path in the application?

Manwaring Curtis

9. Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 2:27:11 AM

Please disregard #8. I found the answer here:

ImageIO wasn''t listed in the Frameworks section, but in the other sections.

Manwaring Curtis

10. Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 9:40:19 PM

Thanks for informing

Bruno Fierens

11. Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 9:46:31 PM

I created a new multi-device application with just a blank form, and then tried to compile it for macOS 64-bit and receive this error:
[dccosx64 Error] E2597 Id: file not found: /user/lib/libobjc.dylib

Any idea what to do next?

Howard Sanderson

12. Monday, October 28, 2019 at 12:08:28 PM

I''ve just created a new multi-device application with just a blank form, and then tried to compile it for macOS 64-bit and receive this error:
[dccosx64 Error] E2597 Id: file not found: /user/lib/libobjc.dylib.
What could be the reason ?


13. Monday, October 28, 2019 at 5:10:12 PM

This is a Delphi related issue and is discussed here:

Bruno Fierens

14. Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 3:22:14 PM

My examples show the map with TMS WebGMaps with the message "For development purposes only". How to solve this?


15. Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 3:24:58 PM

A blog post comment is not a support channel.
We already replied to your email to support with a link to the FAQ around this matter.

Bruno Fierens

16. Friday, May 29, 2020 at 5:25:44 PM

Hi, I''ve tried following instructions in some of the comments, but I''m still getting the "Unit ''FMX.TMS_____'' not found." errors. I''m only seeing a OSX32 folder, but no OSX64 folder in tmssoftware\TMS FMX UI Pack RSXE12. This is with the trial version since I''d like to check compatibility before buying.


17. Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 2:26:41 AM

"Update the macOS & Android 64 bit library path with the path to the source files (*.pas)"
you mean my project file folder ? i did that but i still get this err message : "[DCC Error] E2597 D:\PlatformSDKs\android-ndk-r20b\toolchains\aarch64-linux-android-4.9\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\aarch64-linux-android\bin\ld.exe: cannot find -lTMSCPLib"


18. Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 10:14:52 AM

What Delphi version do you use?
For Delphi 10.4 support is available for the trial version & registered version.
For Delphi 10.3 support is available for the registered version.

Bruno Fierens

19. Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 10:21:09 AM

Replying to Comment. 18 :
Delphi 10.4. Can you pleas explain the stepms in more details, the Search Path part


20. Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 10:44:52 AM

The latest version trial install should have installed the macoS64 and android64 support.
If somehow a problem persists, contact our technical support:
A blog comment is not the place for technical support issues.

Bruno Fierens

21. Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 11:22:50 AM

Reply to Comment .20

Yes, Android64 folder exists, but no libAndroid64 folder. We can''t compile successfully whiteout the correct libTMSCPLib.a file. the libAndroid folder has files compatible onlt with the Android32 bit. Something is missing and the answer is in this post but I can''t understand the search path Part.


22. Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 2:24:55 PM

Contact our technical support:
A blog comment is not the place for technical support issues.

Bruno Fierens

23. Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 3:04:00 PM

Reply to Comment 22 :
I tried, wasted an hour in the Contact with email forum. it always gives me an error whenever i try to submit my question !.


24. Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 4:30:42 PM

What error?
Click the button to send email with attachment and you use your regular mail client to send email.

Bruno Fierens

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