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Support is a built-in feature of TMS products!

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

At TMS, we are a team of software developers, developing software for software developers. We do exactly the same as our customers are doing, that is developing software. And so we know all too well that when we are stuck with something, a fast helping hand is much appreciated.

That is why giving good and fast support is high on our priority list. That is why all our products come with minimum one year free support and free updates included. Yes, it is standard included in the product price, no extra costs at all, no limit on the number of questions!

Our support is handled in two ways: via a support online forum and by direct email for those who prefer a direct and private conversation.
For reasons of efficiency and quality of the support there is a very short line to the experts of the specific product support is asked for. In many cases, a direct dialogue is possible with the product expert.

On a daily basis, our support is standby for answering your questions about:

  • your account, licensing conditions, purchasing products, renewing licenses
  • doubts about product features, supported operating systems, supported IDEs
  • issues with installing products
  • doubts about a specific behavior in the product
  • advice for achieving a high performance implementation with our products
  • a problem, bug, unexpected behavior in a component
  • ...

From time to time, our support is also contacted to request new product features or even new products. We very much welcome such questions and these have over the years steered the development of products in a significant way. For such suggestions, we enter in dialogue and make a judgment whether there is an estimated wide interest for a specific feature or not. When there is a wide interest, in many cases we take up the requested feature in the planning for a new development cycle of a product. When the request is very specific or of use only to a very small group of customers, we propose to deliver it as a custom paid development project.

We strive for satisfactory answers and solutions within 24hrs on work days. We're glad to report that our statistics show we achieve this goal for over 80% of the questions!

Thinking about the words of the painter and genius Salvador Dali "Have no fear of perfection, you will never reach it", we reflect on how we can get this number of 80% even higher.

That for sure is a challenge, given the technology landscape certainly didn't become easier. Where in the early days of our company, we had only a few Delphi or C++Builder versions to support and one operating system Windows XP, these days there is a myriad of technology to deal with. Ever changing and updating operating systems Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Linux. Always evolving browsers Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Edge. Cloud services we interface with that changes APIs. A vast amount of different SQL and noSQL databases. And so on... The number of combinations, parameters, versions, ... is mind boggling. In a follow-up blog, we'll discuss how the process of delivering fast & quality support in a complex technology landscape can be achieved with your help.

Without a doubt, you also have ideas, suggestions, feedback or comments about support in general, so we look forward to hear about these.

Bruno Fierens

This blog post has received 3 comments.

1. Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at 3:59:51 PM

I can confirm this: I''m using TMS components for years now and I was always more than satisfied with the response time and the replies I got from you. Keep it going!

Andreas Friedrich

2. Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at 8:51:42 PM

I can also attest to the amazing support...

On one particular issue, the forum response from Bruno was just under 3 minutes!

I usually see same-day, or next-day responses. And when the response is "fixed and delivered in next update" that isn''t a problem - the update cycle is pretty short for all products (and the times I couldn''t wait I received fix in email).

Blanchard Edward

3. Thursday, February 28, 2019 at 6:27:54 PM

I can confirm this: TMS has fantastic support!

Aschbacher Peter

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