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Visiting the TMS lab day 2: Adding artificial intelligence to TMS WEB Core apps

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

TMS Software Delphi  Components

There is no doubt about it that artificial intelligence is a hot topic. Wondering how this cool technology could be used by Delphi developers creating web applications, we researched how we could leverage existing technology. In the area of artificial intelligence, the Tensorflow.js library is one of the most popular and powerful libraries for use in web clients. So, we embarked on investigating how we could enable using TensorFlow.js easily from our beloved Pascal language in a TMS WEB Core web client application.

First sample: sequential prediction

This first small sample is based on creating first a model with sample data ourselves and then let the machine predict a value based on the model. The model is simply a series of points (X,Y values). After we feed the point data into the model, it is up to the model to predict the next point on a line.

In Pascal, this translates to using a class TTMSTFPredictSequentialNext that internally uses the Tensorflow model tf.keras.models.Sequential. This is made available as a TComponent with following public interface:
  TTMSTFPredictSequentialNext = class(TComponent)
    procedure createModelWithSample(xs, ys: TJSArray);
    function predictYforX(aValue: JSValue): JSValue;

To feed the model with sample data, a Javascript array of X values and Y values is created, initialized with the dots clicked on the user-interface in a TWebPaintBox. Drawing the dot on the TWebPaintBox is just like a Delphi developer would do this for years with the TCanvas in a TPaintbox:
procedure TForm2.DrawDot(X, Y: Integer);
  WebPaintBox1.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
  WebPaintBox1.Canvas.Brush.Color := clRed;
  WebPaintBox1.Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
  WebPaintBox1.Canvas.Pen.Width := 2;
  WebPaintBox1.Canvas.Pen.color := clRed;
  WebPaintBox1.Canvas.Ellipse(X-4, Y-4, X+4, Y+4);
Note that the Sequential model expects normalized data. This means that we need to normalize the pixel coordinates into the 0..1 space, meaning the minimum X value translates to 0, the maximum X value to 1.

Initialize the model
  xs,ys: TJSArray;
  tfModel := TTMSTFPredictSequentialNext.create;
  xs := TJSArray.New;
  ys := TJSArray.New;

  FillData(xs, ys);
  NormalizeData(xs, ys);
  tfModel.createModelWithSample(xs, ys);
Getting the predicted value

Note that here we of course need to first normalize the X value, i.e. convert it to the range 0..1 where 0 is the minimum X value and 1 is the maximum X value. The predicted Y value is normalized as well, so here we need to denormalize it, i.e. convert the value between 0..1 back to Y pixel coordinates based on the minimum and maximum Y value.
  predictY: single;
  X,Y: integer;
  X := LastPointX + 50;
  predictY := tfModel.predictYforX(normalize(X)));
  y := denormalize(predictY);

This is a sample prediction:

TMS Software Delphi  Components

or you can discover how this works by directly using the online TMS WEB Core demo.

Second sample: digit identification

In the second sample, we show how existing model data can be loaded in the TensorFlow model and can be used to identify a drawn number. The model data is taken from a Tensorflow example using a MNIST database. It is loaded into the model with:
  tfModel := TTMSTFDigitIdentifier.Create;
When the model is initialized, we can load the sample data:

We then allow to draw a number with the mouse on a TWebPaintBox:
procedure TForm2.WebPaintBox1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
  Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
  doPaint := true;
  remX := X;
  remY := Y;

procedure TForm2.WebPaintBox1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
  Y: Integer);
  if doPaint then
    WebPaintBox1.Canvas.Pen.Width := 30;
    WebPaintBox1.Canvas.Pen.Color := colorStroke;
    WebPaintBox1.Canvas.MoveTo(X, Y);
    WebPaintBox1.Canvas.LineTo(X + 30, Y);
    remX := X;
    remY := Y;

procedure TForm2.WebPaintBox1MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
  Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
  doPaint := false;

The next step is to get the image data from the TWebPaintBox, normalize its size, i.e. reduce it to a 28x28 image and call the method model.IdentifyDigit() to let the identification happen. This identifyDigit() method expects the image data as type JSImageData, defined in Pascal as TJSImageData. When it is recognized, IdentifyDigit returns a number from 0 to 9, when not, it returns -1. The returned value is set as caption of a panel.

The code used is:
  ImgData: TJSImageData;
  v: JSValue;
  ImgData := normalizeddigit.Canvas.Context.getImageData(0, 0, 28, 28);
  v := tfModel.identifyDigit(x);
  if v = -1 then
    pnlDigit.Caption := '?'
    pnlDigit.Caption := Format('%d', [v]);
You can experiment with the model and code yourself by opening the TMS WEB Core web client app we created for this digit identifying app using the TensorFlow library.

TMS Software Delphi  Components


The area of artificial intelligence is big. Different problems require different models and different approaches. We just presented two small samples here, but it is clear that much more can be done, not only with TensorFlow but also with other libraries. In our lab, we did the experimental work to use this in a convenient way from our beloved Pascal language for these two samples, but clearly, there is still quite some work ahead to expose all capabilities as convenient to use Pascal classes. We're curious and very interested to hear what AI problems you might want to solve and thus, with what priority and on what we should focus first.

Want to learn more about Tensorflow?

You can visit this tutorial if you wish to learn more about the exciting possibilities of ML, AI and Tensorflow:

Lab visit feedback & win!

Our team loves to hear what you think about what is brewing in the lab, how you plan to use the upcoming features, what priority our team should give to it and if you have possibly interesting and/or creative ideas to make this even more powerful for Delphi developers. To reward your interaction & feedback, we'll pick 3 blog comments on October 15 that we liked the most and first prize is a free TMS WEB Core license, the 2nd and 3rd prize is a 50% discount coupon on TMS WEB Core. Let yourself hear to increase your chances!

Meanwhile, you can go ahead and explore the new & exciting territories of web client development that become available for Delphi developers with TMS WEB Core! You can download the trial version that is generally available, go ahead with the standalone version you purchased or with TMS WEB Core and additional tools that are all included in TMS ALL-ACCESS. Note also that in October, you can still take advantage of purchasing TMS WEB Core at launch price from 295EUR for a single developer license. From Nov 1, regular pricing will be active on TMS WEB Core (395EUR for a single developer license).

Bruno Fierens

This blog post has received 4 comments.

1. Friday, October 5, 2018 at 7:33:17 PM

Very exciting, I did not realize this could be done so easily! The second demo did not seem as accurate as I would have expected, was the training complete?

I''ve long integrated neural networks into Delphi for prototype development but was starting to hit problems as the NN sw package I use is 20 years old(Neuroshell 2 :-) ) and only supported on Windows 32 bit. I can now look to further develop our prototype testing with TMSwebcore + TensorFlow to customers globally in a simple manner.

Thanks again!

knowles adrian

2. Saturday, October 6, 2018 at 9:16:09 AM

The digit identification is based on sample model data from the TensorFlow examples that could indeed be more accurate. I assume that with more training sample data, it would be more accurate. We''ll continue to research this integration and possibilities and at the same time also experiment with other AI libraries.

Bruno Fierens

3. Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 12:41:56 PM

Hello Bruno.

This is an excellent example of TMS WEB core power. Is the full source code available for this example as TMS WEB core project?. It would be nice as I am taking a course in TensorFlow with JavaScript and would like to find out how to integrate tensorFlow.js libraries into TM WEB core project.

Ertan Baykal

Ertan Baykal

Baykal Ertan

4. Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 4:34:11 PM

The source code of these projects can be downloaded here:

Bruno Fierens

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