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Larry's To Do List: a tuturial on using TMS WEB Core
Sunday, September 16, 2018
Larrys To Do List (guest article)
This is a tutorial describing my journey learning TMS Web Core from TMS Software.
Im a Delphi / Pascal developer who started writing Pascal back in the early Turbo Pascal days and
then moved on to Delphi when it was first released. For the last 20 plus years
Ive been writing Windows accounting apps for my clients, using many of TMS Software's great components.
A few years back, with the advent of mobile devices, my clients started requesting
that pieces of the software be accessible from their smart phones and tablets.
I had tried many approaches but was struggling with the way things are handled on the web vs Windows.
Of late Ive been playing with Bootstrap, jQuery using Ajax to communicate with PHP backends.
But JavaScript wasnt my native language. So, when TMS Web Core came out I was a pretty happy guy.
At last I would be able to put some of my apps onto the web.
As a way of learning TMS Web Core I decided to write a small app to keep track of my To Dos.
Im a list maker who at the start of each day reviews what needs doing.
This hand-written list has the Date Due, a Description and the Priority and usually which client its for.
And when the task is complete, I check it off as being done.
With this in mind, I decided to create a simple MySQL database named todos with initially a single table todolist.
And use TMS Web Core with Bootstrap 4 and PHP to maintain this list.
As I was working on this project the thought came to mind that maybe other Delphi developers
could use this project as a way for them to learn TMS Web Core. Its a project in progress, as Im still learning the ins and outs of TMS Web Core.
Sample screens.
Above is the main screen. The app uses TMS Web Core with various elements
linked to the Bootstrap 4 CSS using primarily ElementId and ElementClass properties in the components of
TMS Web Core. When you click Edit, youll get the screen below.
Here the TMS Web Core components are merged with a Bootstrap 4 form to produce the results shown.
Briefly the Date Due uses the component TWebDateTimePicker linked to a form-group item on the Bootstrap 4 form.
Priority uses the TWebComboBox linked to a select form item on the Bootstrap 4 form.
The Post and Cancel buttons are TWebButton components linked to Bootstrap 4 styled buttons with OnClick events to handle the Posting or Cancelling of the information.
The initial templates I used are at the website Start Bootstrap. They are an MIT license. Heres the link:
Start Bootstrap
I downloaded these templates and placed on my external drive and then copied the necessary html, JavaScript and CSS into my run time folders. All these files are on the run time zip Ill be providing.
Please refer to a description of the folder usage later in this tutorial for more information.
The database.
MySQL is used to store the table todolist.
Here is the definition of the todolist table:
Nearly all tables I use in my apps have a field named Id, which is the primary key and is auto increment. Using this method its very easy to link tables on queries.
The field Complete is treated as a Boolean with zero indicating its still open and one indicating complete.
If there was going to be a large amount of data, I would also be defining alternate keys. But for the tutorial, Im keeping it as simple as possible.
Delphi source files.
I created a folder named Tutorials and within it a folder named ToDo1. In the TutorialsToDo1 folder are the following source files:

The next sections will briefly describe the files. For further information please refer to the comments in the source.
This file contains skeleton html. This file was modified for the Bootstrap 4, jQuery components. Here are the key parts:

Main.pas / Main.dfm / Main.html
This the main screen which contains the menu sidebar, plus a panel that acts as a parent to sub-forms. The ElementId properties on Main.frm are linked to html ids in the Main.html.
Heres the form:

Heres the form after being merged with the html:

Pretty neat. Heres what is in Main.html for Refresh To Dos:

Note the span above with the id Here is the Delphi side:

When the Main form is opened, TMS Web Code merges these items to render the page.
View.ToDo.List.pas / View.ToDo.List.dfm / View.ToDo.List.html
This form is where the To Do items are listed in a Bootstrap 4 table. The form is embedded as a sub-form on the panel container in Main.frm.
Please to the screen shots above which shows the embedded form in the Main container panel.
Here is Main.html and where the embedded form is placed:

Here is View.ToDo.List.html:

The above html is merged with main.container to show the list of To Dos.
Within this form is a TWebTableControl named DataGrid. When this form is created, it calls the PHP script todolist.php.
Here is the call that is made to the php script:

When the LoadFromJSON is made the URL looks like this:

todolist.php builds a JSON response using the criteria passed as shown above. Then encodes the JSON response in PHP as:

Here is a sample of the JSON returned:

Id shown above becomes Column zero in DataGrid, DateDue becomes Column 1 in DataGrid, etc. Heres what it looks like once loaded:

Youll notice that Id is not really showing. Instead is a Bootstrap Button. This is accomplished with the OnGetCellChildren event that is part of TWebTableControl. Here's the code:

If the column passed is Column zero, AValue contains the Id of the To Do item being loaded. A "TWebButton" is created. The contents in Column zero are replaced with a Bootstrap Button and Id is placed in TWebButton.Tag. At this point when you click on one of the Edit buttons, youll be able to retrieve the To Do items Id and in turn create the form EditToDoItem and pass the Id to the form. The editing process is described in the next section. Heres the code that does this:

The Sender: TObject above is the Edit button. The Tag contains the Id of the To Do item. When EditForm is created it uses @AfterCreate that is called once the form is created. And in AfterCreate a call is made to load the To Do items information. At this point the Edit form is shown via EditForm.ShowModal.
Edit.ToDo.Item.pas / Edit.ToDo.Item.dfm / Edit.ToDo.Item.html
This is a popup modal form where you can add new items and edit existing items. This form is created when you click the Edit button to edit existing To Dos or when you click New To Do on the main form. Heres the form:

Heres the form after being merged with the html:

When the form is created to edit a To Do, gettodoitem.php is called passing the Id of the To Do item this way:

The ToDoRequest above is a TWebHttpRequest component. Here is a sample URL passed to gettodoitem.php:

Here is the JSON response:

Part of a TWebHttpRequest component is the event OnResponse. One of the variables passed to this event is the Response which is the JSON response shown above. Here I use TMS JSON to decode and place the values into the form:

Once the information is entered, you will press Post. This button is labeled PostBtn and has an event associated with it, which takes the information off the form and builds arguments which are then passed to posttodoitem.php which updates the To Do list data. The call is made here:

What I used.
Delphi and TMS Web Core.
Im using Delphi Tokyo (10.2.2) with TMS Web Core. I assume you have both Delphi and TMS Web Core already installed.
I separately downloaded and installed the MySQL community edition. Please note, Apache as described below, now comes with MariaDB instead of MySQL, thus the separate download. Here is the link to the MySQL community edition:
MySQL downloadApache and PHP.
Im using MySQL and Apache (with PHP) to handle the web server and database. As noted I installed MySQL separately. Here is a link to XAMPP along with instructions for installation:
Apache downloaddbForge Studio Express for MySQL from Devart.
Apache XAMPP comes with PhpMyAdmin. This is just my opinion, but I think its clunky. Ive been using DevArts UniDac components in my Delphi apps for quite some time and like the way I can easily switch between MySQL and SQL Server. As an alternative to PhpMyAdmin I use their Studio Express to maintain the MySQL databases. Here is the link:
dbForge Studio downloadNote, select the download for the Express version.
Folders used.
Source folders.
The Delphi source for this project is on my C: drive and is located here:

Note "todolist-create.sql" is also on this download. Use it to create your "todo" database.
Run time folders.
The Apache run times are installed on my C: drive at the standard XMAPP location:

I hope this has been useful. If there are suggestions, bugs found, etc, you can reach me at
Based on reception, I might create a version two of the tutorial, which would
have Categories for the To Dos. This way you would be able have you items categorized, such as Personal, Client To Dos.
Thanks again,
Larry Wadsworth
Bruno Fierens

This blog post has received 8 comments.

I''ve looked at UniGUI in the past, but didn''t see much activity.
And as I mentioned in the blog I also looked at using JQuery/Javascript with Ajax, but I''m a die hard Delphi programmer, so TMS Web Core is just a natural for me.
Plus it''s fun!
Wadsworth Larry G

David Schwartz

Frazor Scott

There is a the link just above, right before "Conclusion" "
Download this zip and check the folder "xampp\htdocs\todo1\php".
If you''re still not seeing, here you go...
Wadsworth Larry G

Frazor Scott

Michel Thierry

Bruno Fierens
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I am in the process of deciding if I should go UNIGUI or TMS Web Core for some Client/Server solutions that need some areas to be Web-ified.
Labuschagne Marius