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TMS Data Modeler 3 is out!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

We are happy to announce that TMS Data Modeler 3 has been released today. TMS Data Modeler is our tool to design databases models, ER diagrams, import existing database schema and, among others, generate source code with TMS Aurelius mapped classes based on the database schema. Below is a list of the new features in this release.

Updated User Interface

To start with, we have improved user interface, by using a more modern look-and-feel. A new cleaner color theme is used, logo, file menu, splash screen have been updated.

Customization Script for TMS Aurelius Export

When generating TMS Aurelius classes from database, you can now fully customize the output source code. Users don’t need to manually tweak the source code anymore, or wait for us to explicitly implement an option that changes how source code is created.

You can simply write a script that is based on event handlers. You can for write the following script to add the [Version] attribute to any field named “FVersion” in all of your classes:
procedure OnColumnGenerated(Args: TColumnGeneratedArgs);
  if Args.Field.Name = 'FVersion' then

In case you script gets complex, you can also use a full-feature debugger to check what’s wrong with your code.

For the scripting system and debugger, TMS Data Modeler internally uses our scripting frameworks TMS Scripter.

You can refer to documentation for more info on how you can use customization scripts in TMS Data Modeler.

Export TMS Aurelius classes to multiple units

In previous versions all TMS Aurelius classes would be exported to a single unit. Now you can choose the name of unit where a specific class will be exported to. TMS Data Modeler will even warn you if there are cyclical references between classes declared in different units.

Source code preview

You can now preview the output source code in the TMS Aurelius Export Dialog itself, without needing to generate the source code files to view them. Just click the Preview tab and you will see the final source code generated.

Separate classes into models

You can also define to which models each class belongs to. One or more TMS Aurelius Model attributes will be added to each class. If you already have multiple ER diagrams in your Data Modeler project, then you can optionally ask for each diagram to be considered a different model and have your classes be marked automatically with one Model attribute for each diagram it belongs to.

It’s also worth saying that we have updated a lot of internal processes, frameworks and tools. It took a lot of effort. While it’s not directly perceived by the end-user, it doesn’t reflect directly on user experience, we’re sure that it will make release of newer versions easier and faster.

I hope you are excited with these new features as much as we are, and enjoy the new TMS Data Modeler!

Wagner Landgraf

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