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TMS Subscription Manager v2 is here
Monday, September 4, 2017
One comprehensive tool to manage any of the many bundle subscriptions you can purchase from TMS software was our goal for TMS Subscription Manager v2.0 that is now finally released. TMS Subscription Manager v2.0 supports TMS ALL-ACCESS, TMS VCL Subscription, TMS Business Subscription, TMS Component Studio, TMS FMX Component Studio, TMS FNC Component Studio and TMS IntraWeb Component Studio.With TMS Subscription Manager v2.0, you can use a single login in this application and you get instant access to all products in the purchased bundle. For TMS ALL-ACCESS, this is at this moment a whopping 63 products. The TMS Subscription Manager v2.0 now categorizes the products neatly per technology : VCL, FMX, BIZ, FNC, DEV, .NET, IntraWeb and LCL.

Per product, you get a description, link to the product webpage, info on latest available version and release date, info on your last download version and download date and info on your last product install version and date. With colors, the status of each product is indicated. In white are products ready for download, in yellow products ready for install, in orange products for which you can meanwhile download a newer version and in green the products for which the latest version was installed, so you are up-to-date for. If you have our premier TMS ALL-ACCESS subscription, you can much easier find your way in the many products by filtering. You can open & close per product technology, you can filter to see for example only all installed products for which there is a new version, you can perform a search in product name or product description. If you perform a search on 'grid', you'll see we have a grid for VCL in the TMS Component Pack, a grid for FireMonkey in the TMS FMX UI Pack, a grid for cross-framework development in TMS FNC UI Pack and a grid for web application development in TMS IntraWeb Component Pack.
But there is more. If you are working on a project that includes several specific TMS products, you can mark these products as your favourite products by clicking the heart icon and then perform a filtering to see the latest status of only your favourite products.

The new v2.0 version also allows to start multiple downloads. To get all new releases since your last login, you could filter on "New version", then check all products and click the "Download all" button in the column header cell for the download column and it will do all downloads for you and make the products ready for install.

And that is not all, behind the scenes, TMS Subscription Manager is now keeping a backup of any product versions you have downloaded. From the settings page, the folder where all downloads are stored can be directly opened. With keeping a full backup of every single version you have downloaded (and probably installed) it is now possible to perform rollback if it would be necessary for some reason. Right-click on the downloaded version number cell per product and from the context menu you can see all available versions (if there are any) and activate another version for install.

Finally, the TMS Subscription Manager v2.0 keeps you always informed about the validity of your subscription and will guide you to the renewal order upon expiry. Last but not least, from the TMS Subscription Manager there is a comprehensive list of links to interact with us, via email, social media, forums, RSS, Youtube videos ...

To round up, some technical tidbits: TMS Subscription Manager is built with Delphi 10.2 Tokyo as a single EXE portable executable. The products are displayed and managed in our TAdvStringGrid UI control. The application will self-update thanks to our TWebUpdate component and in case something goes wrong, exception logging is handled by Eurekalog.
If you have any TMS bundle subscription, you can download TMS Subscription Manager v2.0 now from the "My products" page and get started with the new tool. We hope you enjoy it and it will make you more productive than with the v1.0.
We have already several ideas for further developments on TMS Subscription Manager v2.0, like making it optionally a Delphi IDE plugin with automatic notifications, allowing to invoke the installers silently, integrating the downloads of our free tools, making it possible to also manage separate product purchases, ... but we also eagerly look forward to your ideas. We're sure that with your brilliant ideas, we can make the tool even more awesome than it is today!
Bruno Fierens

This blog post has received 26 comments.

It''s been completely rewritten from scratch and built for expansibility, so we''ll keep rolling in new features in the coming months.
Bruno Fierens

Wiese Matthias

Bruno Fierens

I cannoit find it.
Bagratuni George

Bruno Fierens

Rakyta Ivan

2) On the settings page, you can define your proxy settings (if you use one)
Bruno Fierens

But I don''t find anymore the link to download it again.
I don''t find it on this page between all hyperlinks
Baudewyns Robert

Bruno Fierens

How to download ?
Tano Ariyuki

Bruno Fierens

Paulus Gerd

Login on our website and you can download all products under Account / My Products.
Bruno Fierens

Guindon David

Bruno Fierens

Guindon David

Pieter Scheldeman

it would be nice if the latest filter set in the Subscription Manager is stored. When having a lot of products you don''t have to scroll down to see if there are any updates or set a filter each time you open the Subscription Manager.
Merlijn Stef

it would be nice to see if and which filter is active in the Subscription Manager.
Merlijn Stef

Where-IS-The-TMS Subscription Manager v2 for downloading what I have bought from you.
Mussi Marinao

Masiha Zemarai

I cannot find the download link for the subscription manager, all links point back to this blog entry!
Miller Greg

Bruno Fierens

You sent this to me by email "... we recommend to use TMS Subscription Manager. If you login on TMS Subscription Manager, you will see the new TMS FNC WebSocket added and you can directly install it from there and..."..: Well. I run the TMS Subscription Manager And I don''t see that product. Regards.
Mussi Marinao

Bruno Fierens
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Francis Moore