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TMS platinum sponsor of Delphi Developer Days and present in Frankfurt

Friday, February 10, 2012

We would like to announce that TMS software is a Platinum Sponsor of Delphi Developer Days 2012. (
Delphi Developer Days is a synonym for 2 days of intense training on a wide range of subjects related to Delphi programming. Delphi veterans and the world's most well-known Delphi speakers Cary Jensen and Marco Cantù share their deep knowledge about Delphi, and in 2012, you can expect a lot of coverage on Delphi XE2. One of the two tracks is focusing on the new technologies.

TMS software has been a sponsor of Delphi Developers Days for many years and I attended my first event last May 2011 when I was asked to be the guest speaker in Frankfurt, Germany. You can find the presentation description of the event last year here.

Also this year, you can expect top-notch Delphi knowledge from speakers Marco Cantù & Cary Jensen. From all conferences I have attended in the past years, I strongly believe that Marco Cantù & Cary Jensen bring with Delphi Developer Days the most technically deep & serious Delphi conference of all. And while there is a choice to be made of two tracks to follow, there is a hefty book you receive as attendee with the contents of each session, so you won't have to miss anything when two simultaneous sessions interest you both. Hurry to signup as on this type of conference, the number of places is very limited!

Also this year, I'm pleased and honored to be invited to speak at the Delphi Developer Days in Frankfurt on May 14th. This year, my session will be all about custom FireMonkey component development. In 10 steps with 10 custom sample custom components, various techniques are shown that form the basis of creating full-fledged FireMonkey components. Finally, Bruno Fierens shows where and how the techniques learned are applied in several TMS components designed for FireMonkey."

If you cannot make it to Frankfurt, Germany this year, don't worry as Delphi Developer Days is coming in more places than ever this year:
  • March 26-27, 2012: London, UK
  • March 29-30, 2012: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • April 16-17, 2012: Washington DC/Baltimore, USA
  • April 19-20, 2012: Chicago, USA
  • May 14-15, 2012: Frankfurt, Germany
  • May 17-18, 2012: Rome, Italy
Check for full details and to signup!

Bruno Fierens

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