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Introducing the New JavaScript SDK for Seamless StellarDS API Integration
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Were thrilled to unveil the all-new JavaScript SDK for StellarDS! This powerful tool simplifies the process of interacting with the StellarDS API, making it the perfect choice for both lightweight applications and enterprise-grade projects. With a developer-friendly design and intuitive features, the SDK helps you unlock the full potential of StellarDS with ease.
StellarDS is our fast and easy solution to let your application use a backend as a service. Using the power of our REST API, you can easily fetch and manipulate data in the cloud. StellarDS even enables you to set up a whole database with only a few API calls. We handle everything a backend might need, from data storage and manipulation to security and privacy. There is no need anymore for hosting servers or implementing new security measures. StellarDS will handle this for you, leaving more room for implementing the things you want.
Try the demo
To help you get started, weve created an interactive demo that you can use to follow along with this post. The demo is built using vanilla JavaScript, and all files are served directly from our server. The code snippets shared below come from this demo, giving you a real-world example of how to implement the StellarDS JavaScript SDK. Download the Demo here.
Key Features
The new StellarDS JavaScript SDK introduces a range of features that simplify integration:
- Simplified API Calls: Handle common operations like data retrieval, updates, and workflow management with minimal boilerplate code.
- Comprehensive Documentation: Each function is well-documented, making it easy for developers to understand and implement.
Before you can start making API calls, youll need to authenticate your application to gain access to the StellarDS API. Weve provided a JavaScript file (included in the demo) that manages the login process, guiding you through the necessary steps to obtain an access token.
Heres how to authenticate using OAuth 2.0 with the SDK:
const oauth = new OAuth2({
clientId: CLIENT_ID,
redirectUri: REDIRECT_URI,
authorizationEndpoint: AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT,
tokenEndpoint: TOKEN_ENDPOINT,
clientSecret: CLIENT_SECRET,
const tokenResponse = await oauth.exchangeCodeForToken(code);
Once you have the token, you can proceed to set up the StellarDS JavaScript SDK:
var StellarDataStore = window.stellards_js_sdk; let defaultClient= StellarDataStore.ApiClient.instance; let Bearer = defaultClient.authentications['Bearer']; Bearer.apiKey = "Bearer " + tokenResponse.access_token; let apiInstance = new StellarDataStore.DataApi(defaultClient);
Making API Calls
With the SDK authenticated, you can now start making API requests to interact with StellarDS data.
GET request
To fetch a list of records from our database, use the following code:
apiInstance.v1DataTableGet(project, table, null, (error, data, response) => { if (error) { console.error(error); } else { console.log(data); } });
Post request
Adding a new record is just as simple. Heres how you can send a POST request:
let opts = { 'createRecordRequest': new StellarDataStore.CreateRecordRequest() }; opts.createRecordRequest.records = []; opts.createRecordRequest.records.push( {'task':task , 'completed': false}); apiInstance.v1DataTablePost(project, table, opts, (error, data, response) => { if (error) { console.error(error); } else { todoInput.value = ''; renderTodos(); } });

Get Started Today
The StellarDS JavaScript SDK is available now, complete with sample code and detailed documentation to help you hit the ground running. Explore our to-do list demo, dive into the SDKs capabilities, and start building powerful applications with StellarDS today.
Download the SDK or Check out the Documentation to get started now!
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Bradley Velghe

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