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TMS Academic program update for Delphi and C++ developers

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

TMS Software Delphi  Components

We're proud to announce an update to our TMS Academic program today! The products that we have in our academic program are from today designed for Delphi & C++Builder 12 Community Edition

Our academic editions are completely free and fully functional, designed specifically for students and teachers.for developing non-commercial projects. To qualify, simply share the name of the school where you study a track or teach software development.

Our academic products are designed to empower individuals in their educational journey, helping them to excel in programming with Delphi or C++Builder and equipping them for a promising professional career.

Products currently in the academic program

  • TMS Analytics & Physics : Delphi library that provides an easy way to evaluate mathematical expressions, calculate symbolic derivatives & integration, solving non linear equations, approximation function calculation and more...

  • TMS Aurelius : ORM framework for Delphi with full support for data manipulation, complex and advanced queries, inheritance, polymorphism, and more...

  • TMS FlexCel for VCL/FMX :  Powerful, extensive & flexible component suite for native Excel report & file generation & manipulation 

  • TMS FNC UI Pack : Bundle of powerful & rich UI controls cross-framework, cross-platform development. Works with VCL, FMX, LCL and TMS WEB Core

  • TMS VCL UI Pack : Bundle of powerful & rich UI controls for VCL Windows development 

  • TMS WEB Core : RAD component based web client development tool

  • TMS MQTTCross-platform messaging client library implementing the full MQTT v3.1.1 and v5 spec

  • TMS AsyncAsynchronous serial communications for Windows VCL applications

Visit the academic program and register now and get started to build fantastic software with the power combo of Delphi or C++Builder and TMS components!

Share your great projects

Sharing your work developed with these fantastic tools with the Delphi and C++Builder community not only builds your portfolio but also earns you recognition among peers, educators, and industry leaders. By mastering TMS Academic products, you lay a strong foundation for a celebrated career, inspiring others and carving your path to success in the software development field.

Future academic program extensions

And we are interested to hear from you what other TMS products you wish to see being added to the family of academic licensed products. Here are a few candidates you can select from, or choose "Other" and leave in the comments what product you refer to:

Bruno Fierens

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