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Customize your Select queries in with Select, Distinct and new Operators!

Thursday, September 12, 2024 has been released for a little less than a month already. One of the more requested features was more ways to customize the select queries performing server-side filtering. With the latest version of, you are now able to select distinct values, select only a few fields of your table and you can customize your where query with extra SQL operators to get the most optimized result you need in your application.

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If you only require a few columns of your data to process, you can now implement the new select parameter. Simply add the required fields you need, and the service will only return those. This increases the performance of your queries as you'll no longer need to retrieve unnecessary data.{projectID}&table={tableId}&distinct=true&select={fieldA}


If you want all unique records in your table, you can now use the Distinct query parameter. You'll need to combine this with the Select parameter so that the database knows which distinct values to check for. By default, this list will be ordered on the first select field you've added, but you can override this using the Sort Query. 

Where Operators

The following operators have been added to the list of operators you can use to customize which data needs to be fetched. Instead of using the written operators you can now also use the symbols like <=, >=, !=, =, ... to create your queries.{projectID}&table={projectID}&WhereQuery={fieldName}%3Bnull%3Btrue%26{fieldB}%3Blike%3B{Value}&distinct=false

smallerthan_equal | <=returns all values that are smaller or equal to xfieldA;<=;5
largerthan_equal | >=returns all values that are larger or equal to x
not_equal | <> | !=Checks if values are differentfieldB;!=;stringvalue
nullChecks if the value is null or not nullFieldA;null;true
notlikechecks if the value does not correspond with a certain patternFieldC;notlike;%string%

TMS WEB Core & FNC Cloud Pack

The latest version v2.6 of TMS WEB Core will already support these new features out of the box and you can experiment with these right now. TMS FNC Cloud Pack support for these features will come soon. In the spirit of low-code RAD component based development, these components will make setup even faster.  You will only need to provide a few settings to get you up and running, no endpoints to learn or HTTPs requests to make yourself. 

 You can read more about these components here:

Or use our Start Guide and set everything up manual in every framework or language to you want.

Launch Offer!

To celebrate the launch of we are offering a 10% discount on your first year when purchasing a yearly license or a 10% discount for the first 6 months when purchasing a monthly license. 

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Use code LAUNCHYEAR or LAUNCHMONTH respectively at checkout to apply the discount. 

Ready to learn more?

Want to experience the power of StellarDS yourself? Don’t miss the TMS Training Days session on Thursday, September 26th. Join us for an in-depth guide and get ready to create back-ends without effort!
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Bradley Velghe

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