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TMS FNC REST Client to help you with REST Requests in the Delphi IDE

Monday, February 20, 2023

We've shown you a preview of the component last week for the 28th birthday of Delphi. (You can view Holger's video at the bottom of this blogpost.)

Today we release a BETA version of the TMS FNC Cloud Pack for ALL-ACCESS users to start working with our tool.


This component is created to help developers with the configuration and testing of REST requests.

You can now configure the different aspects of your request in Design-Time. This means that you need no code at all to create your REST Request.

 TMS Software Delphi  Components

It is possible to just set the URL or you can build the URL with the host, port, path and the query parameters.
Next to that, you have the ability to add different custom headers, post data and we've implemented a quick way to add simple authorization.

The other frustrating part when working with API's or other HTTP requests, is that you need to use another application to test them.
Or you have to run your application again and again until you retrieve the response that you want.
With the TTMSFNCRESTClient you have the ability to check the configured request with a right-click on the component and select 'Test Request'.

  TMS Software Delphi  Components
This will show you the response or an error code if something went wrong.


Customers that have the TMS FNC UI Pack , can install an additional package which adds an editor for the TTMSFNCRESTClient. This editor has a lot more features and should be the time-saving tool when building HTTP requests.

  TMS Software Delphi  Components

Configure Request

With the TTMSFNCRESTClient you could set the different aspects of your request in Design-Time.
But with the TTMSFNCRESTClientEditor you'll have a visual overview of all of the different settings.

 TMS Software Delphi  Components   

 TMS Software Delphi  Components    

And you can go back and change requests that you've executed previously with the 'History' tab.

TMS Software Delphi  Components


In the lower part of the editor, you have a couple of pages available to examine different details of the response. 

Next to the normal response, you can also check the response headers.

TMS Software Delphi  Components

And if you retrieve a JSON response we can create the code for a Delphi class in just one click.

TMS Software Delphi  Components

For other extensions there is a browser implemented that can show you a preview of your HTML response, image or PDF-file.

TMS Software Delphi  Components

BETA release

As this is a BETA release we love to hear what you think about the product and if you encounter any problems while trying it out.
This helps us into developing a robust and user-friendly tool, that will give you the best experience when working with REST requests.

The download for the BETA can be found for all ALL-ACCESS users on your My Products Page in the TMS FNC Cloud section.

Gjalt Vanhouwaert

This blog post has received 2 comments.

1. Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 6:43:39 PM


This looks really interesting. I''m thinking loud but wouldn''t it be nice to have an editor that allows us to convert JSON Structure into Delphi classes? Even better if it will generate Aurelius attributes automatically !
Will it also be possible to paste JSON text into this editor and transform it into Delphi classes without the need to connect a REST full API server?

Ps: from mermory, there are some glitches when having installed both VCL UI Pack and FNC UI Pack: no icons are displayed on the editor. Other small glitch, GET/PUT/Update dropdown component doesn''t have the same height then the edit box where URL is entered.


2. Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 8:39:43 PM

Hi, the JSON to Delphi class generation will be available as a class helper in the unit TMSFNCPersistence. The core unit for object to JSON and vice versa. So one could write a separate editor for that. The glitches for the icons will be fixed in the next version. We’ll look into the glitch with the edit height! Thanks for the feedback Stéphane!

Pieter Scheldeman

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