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Tuesday, January 14, 2025
IntroIf youre developing in C++ and looking for a powerful, flexible, and highly customizable data grid solution, then TMS FNC Data Grid is the perfect choice. In this blog, we'll walk you through the process o...
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Wednesday, January 19, 2022
In this free webinar on January 27 from 4PM to 5PM UTC, hosted at, meet TAdvStringGrid, a feature packed grid workhorse for Delphi VCL applications.<span style="color: rgb(51, ...
Friday, March 5, 2021
Today, we have a look at another often overlooked but yet convenient feature of TAdvStringGrid (and also TDBAdvGrid) from the TMS VCL UI Pack: HoverButtons!Activating HoverButtonsWith the HoverButtons, you can quickly setup actions to be performed on...
Friday, February 19, 2021
A little known and little used but at the same time very powerful feature is the use of HTML controls in TAdvStringGrid cells. HTML controls are the concept of specifying controls for cells via HTML tags in the HTML assigned to a grid cell. It is the...
Thursday, February 4, 2021
Today, we like to show how easy it is to just enable the various grid filtering features in our VCL power grid TAdvStringGrid and offer this to end users with just setting a few properties.The grid has different filtering options, but there are tree ...
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Our VCL component TAdvStringGrid is one of our components with the longest history. It served thousand and thousands of software developers on planet Earth and we are incredibly thankful for an not oversee-able amount of ideas from users that went i...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
We're pleased to inform a new version of the productivity feature packed grid TAdvStringGrid is available now at TAdvStringGrid has a wide range of built-in capabilities and features such as clipboard support, printing, e...
Monday, April 20, 2009
We're pleased to inform a new version of the productivity feature packed TMS TAdvStringGrid is available now. In version v4.5, we've added a number of interesting new features & capabilities, we've done improvements to existing functionality and spee...