procedure TForm4.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
it: TAdvSmoothListBoxItem;
AdvSmoothListBox1.Header.Fill.Color := RGB(176,188,205);
AdvSmoothListBox1.Header.Fill.ColorTo := RGB(109,132,162);
AdvSmoothListBox1.Header.Fill.BorderColor := RGB(45,54,66);
AdvSmoothListBox1.Fill.Color := RGB(219,226,237);
AdvSmoothListBox1.Fill.BorderColor := RGB(45,54,66);
AdvSmoothListBox1.Header.Caption := ''Conversion with Matt'';
AdvSmoothListBox1.Header.Font.Color := clWhite;
AdvSmoothListBox1.Header.Font.Style := [fsBold];
AdvSmoothListBox1.Header.Font.Size := 14;
AdvSmoothListBox1.ItemAppearance.FillAlterNate.Color := RGB(146,216,65);
AdvSmoothListBox1.ItemAppearance.FillAlterNate.GradientType := gtsolid;
AdvSmoothListBox1.ItemAppearance.FillAlterNate.ColorMirror := clNone;
AdvSmoothListBox1.ItemAppearance.FillAlterNate.BorderColor := RGB(146,216,65);
AdvSmoothListBox1.ItemAppearance.Fill.Color := RGB(211,211,211);
AdvSmoothListBox1.ItemAppearance.Fill.GradientType := gtsolid;
AdvSmoothListBox1.ItemAppearance.Fill.ColorMirror := clNone;
AdvSmoothListBox1.ItemAppearance.Fill.BorderColor := RGB(211,211,211);
AdvSmoothListBox1.Layout := lblBubble;
AdvSmoothListBox1.Footer.Visible := False;
it := AdvSmoothListBox1.Items.Add;
it.AutoSize := True;
it.Caption := ''<b>Matt</b>'';
it.NotesLocation := plTopLeft;
it.Notes := ''Hi John, when does the game begin?'';
it := AdvSmoothListBox1.Items.Add;
it.AutoSize := True;
it.Caption := ''<b>John</b>'';
it.NotesLocation := plTopRight;
it.Notes := ''Hi Matt, the game begins at 7:30 pm!'';
it := AdvSmoothListBox1.Items.Add;
it.AutoSize := True;
it.Caption := ''<b>Matt</b>'';
it.NotesLocation := plTopLeft;
it.Notes := ''Thanks, are you going alone there or with a friend?'';
it := AdvSmoothListBox1.Items.Add;
it.AutoSize := True;
it.Caption := ''<b>John</b>'';
it.NotesLocation := plTopLeft;
it.Notes := ''We are travelling with a couple of friends''+#13#10+''If you want, you may join us at 7:00 pm at the parking lot'';
it := AdvSmoothListBox1.Items.Add;
it.AutoSize := True;
it.Caption := ''<b>Matt</b>'';
it.NotesLocation := plTopLeft;
it.Notes := ''Ok, I will be there'';
it := AdvSmoothListBox1.Items.Add;
it.AutoSize := True;
it.Caption := ''<b>John</b>'';
it.NotesLocation := plTopRight;
it.Notes := ''See you at the parking lot then !'';
it := AdvSmoothListBox1.Items.Add;
it.AutoSize := True;
it.Alternate := lbaRight;
it.Caption := ''<b>John</b>'';
it.NotesLocation := plTopRight;
it.Notes := ''Oh, and do not forget your tickets'';
AdvSmoothListBox1.LookupBar.Visible := False;
AdvSmoothListBox1.ItemAppearance.HorizontalSpacing := 8;