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TMS Scripter
Saving/Loading compile code for scripter projects
Saving/Loading compile code for scripter projects
When using standard Scripter component with a single script, you just need to call SaveCodeToFile and LoadCodeFromFile methods of scripter component to handle compiled code. When it comes to multi-script project using the Scripter Studio Pro engine, you must write extra code and save compiled code of all units (scripts). It's the same for loading: you must load compile code of all units. This is a pseudo-code example for saving compiled code:
for c := 0 to IDEEngine1.Files.Count - 1 do begin if not IDEEngine1.Files[i].Script.Compiled then IDEEngine1.Files[i].Script.Compile; AUnitName := IDEEngine1.Files[i].Script.ScriptInfo.UnitName; IDEEngine1.Files[o].Script.SaveCodeToFile(ABasePath + AUnitName + '.code'); end;
with IDEScripter1 do begin {By setting the LibOptions properties below, you just need to load the script code for the main unit} LibOptions.UseScriptFiles := true; LibOptions.SearchPath.Add(SomeSearchPath); LibOptions.CompiledFileExt := '.code'; Scripts.Clear; {Load main unit only - the other units will be loaded on the fly based on the LibOptions settings} AddScript(slPascal).LoadCodeFromFile(ABasePath + MyMainUnitName + '.code'); Execute; end;