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TMS VCL Cloud Pack
Putting data in the cloud with and component TAdvmyCloudData
Putting data in the cloud with and component TAdvmyCloudData
If we’d want to persist application settings information in the cloud on, this is very simple to do in Delphi.
After connecting with TAdvmyCloudData, we can test for the presence of the table that holds the data to persist, create table & metadata when it doesn’t exist and persist the data.
var table: TmyCloudDataTable; entity: TmyCloudDataEntity; doins: boolean; begin table := AdvMyCloudData1.TableByName(''APPDATA''); // create table with metadata on the fly if it doesn’t exist for the account if not Assigned(table) then begin table := AdvMyCloudData1.CreateTable(''APPDATA''); table.MetaData.Add(''WINWIDTH'', ftInteger); table.MetaData.Add(‘WINHEIGHT’,ftInteger); table.MetaData.Add(''WINLEFT'', ftInteger); table.MetaData.Add(''WINTOP'', ftInteger); table.MetaData.Add(''USERNAME'', ftString,50); end; // check for existing entity holding the data table.Query; doins := table.Entities.Count = 0; if doins then entity := table.Entities.Add else entity := table.Entities[0]; // setting data to persist in the entity entity.Value[‘WINWIDTH’] := form.Width; entity.Value[‘WINHEIGHT’] := form.Height; entity.Value[‘WINLEFT’] := form.Left; entity.Value[‘WINTOP’] := form.Top; entity.Value[‘USERNAME’] := GetWindowsUser(); // inserting or updating entity if doins then entity.Insert else entity.Update; end;