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TMS VCL Cloud Pack
Recurring events in Google calendars

The Recurrence and RecurringID properties of the TGCalendarItem are explained in the product manual PDF. Below you can find some extended information about these properties.

New recurring events:
Create a new event and simply assign a recurrence string to the Recurrence property and also fill in the relevant time zone in the TimeZone property. Then add the Event.


  li: TGCalendarItem;
    li := AdvGCalendar1.Items.Add;
    li.Summary := ''Summary'';
    li.Description := ''Description'';
    li.Location := ''Location'';
    li.Recurrence := ''RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=5'';
    li.TimeZone := ''Europe/Brussels'';
    li.StartTime := dtStart;
    li.EndTime := dtEnd;
    li.CalendarID := sCalendarID;

Existing recurring events:
A recurrent item consists of two types of events. The first is the parent event which contains the Recurrence string. The second are the instances of the recurrent item. By design, only the instances are retrieved when requesting a list of events. To retrieve the parent item separately you can use the RecurringID property value of one of the instances as the ItemID parameter for the GetItemById call.