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Using balloons

- Only when theming is enabled in the project options, the balloon will be visible.

- If you reparent the grid, the balloon should only be enabled AFTER the final grid's parent is set.

- Balloon hints are an API from Microsoft Windows and this does not support HTML formatted text. This is a limitation of the Microsoft Windows balloon API.

- There is a limitation to the number of characters in a balloon. This is also a limitation of the Microsoft Windows balloon API that we cannot workaround. For a regular cell comment, there is no such length limitation.

- From TAdvStringGrid version v4.5, several new balloon notification capabilities have been added. See example 76:

- When using AddBalloon& AddImageIdx on the same cell , the AddBalloon will not work. These 2 features are mutually exclusive, only one type per call can be added.

- When grid. Balloon.Enable = true, it will automatically show a balloon when a cell contains text, i.e. it will show the text of the cell in the balloon. To prevent this, add the following event handler:
procedure TForm4.AdvStringGrid1CellBalloon(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer;
  var ATitle, AText: string; var AIcon: Integer);
  if not advstringgrid1.HasBalloon(acol,arow) then
    atitle := '';
    atext := '';