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TMS IntraWeb Component Pack Pro
When installing the TMS IntraWeb Components in Delphi xx, the following error appears: Cannot load package 'IWxTMSSEDxx'. It contains unit 'AdvmWS', which is also contained in package TMSDxx

If you install TMS Component Pack and TMS IntraWeb Component Pack Pro Script Edition simultaneously, it is described in INSTALL.TXT of TMS IntraWeb Component Pack Pro Script Edition how to install this:


Installing the Script Edition version with the TMS Component Pack
Remove the AdvM* & RTF* files from the TMS IntraWeb Component Pack directory Remove references to AdvM* & RTF* files from the IWxTMSSEDxx.DPK package file Add a reference to the TMSxx.DCP file to the requires list of the IWxTMSSEDxx.DPK package file