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Using TWebUpdateWizard

Using TWebUpdate with the TWebUpdateWizard is straightforward. Drop the TWebUpdate and TWebUpdateWizard on the form, setup TWebUpdate and assign TWebUpdate to the TWebUpdateWizard.WebUpdate property. The wizard can be started by calling TWebUpdateWizard.Execute.

Additional options for the TWebUpdateWizard are:

AutoRun: when true, does not require the user to step through each step
AutoStart: when true, the user does not have to start the update process, it starts automatically
Billboard: sets the left image for the update wizard dialog
BillboardCenter: Boolean: When true, the image is centered
BillboardStretch: Boolean: When true, the billboard image is stretched
BillboardTop: integer: sets the top position of the billboard image
BillboardLeft: integer: sets the left position of the billboard image
BillboardWidth: integer: sets the width of the billboard image
BillboardHeight: integer: sets the height of the billboard image
BorderStyle: sets the border style for the update wizard dialog
Caption: sets the caption text for the update wizard dialog
Font: sets the font for the update wizard dialog
Language: sets the language for the update wizard dialog. By default, the language is English.
Position: sets the screen position of the update wizard dialog