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Adding Special Series

TMS Advanced Charts allows you to add trend lines, moving averages, line series and band series. This series is not visible in the legend and will be used as an extra calculated data � series. These series are automatically calculated from specific values in a defined range from series available in the chart. As such, it is mandatory to first add the series values and when values are added, call the method to calculate the trend line series, moving averages series etc�

Trend Channel

Moving Average

Below are the method definitions that can be used to add informational series to the chart.

procedure AddLineSerie(startx, endx: integer; startvalue, endvalue: Double; UseCommonYRange: Boolean = true; serielinecolor: TColor = clBlack; serielinewidth: integer = 1); 

procedure AddBandSerie(startx, endx: integer; startvalue1, startvalue2, endvalue1,endvalue2: Double; UseCommonYRange: Boolean = true; serielinecolor: TColor = clBlack; serielinewidth: integer = 1;seriebandcolor: TColor = clGray);

procedure AddTrendLine(serieindex, startx, endx: integer; UseCommonYRange: Boolean = true; serielinecolor: TColor = clBlack; serielinewidth: integer = 1); 

procedure AddTrendChannel(serieindex, startx, endx: integer; UseCommonYRange: Boolean = true; serielinecolor: TColor = clBlack; serielinewidth: integer = 1); 

procedure AddTrendChannelBand(serieindex, startx, endx: integer; UseCommonYRange: Boolean = true; serielinecolor: TColor = clBlack; serielinewidth: integer = 1; seriebandcolor: TColor = clGray); 

procedure AddMovingAverage(serieindex, startx, endx, window: integer; UseCommonYRange: Boolean = true; serielinecolor: TColor = clBlack; serielinewidth: integer = 1); 

procedure AddParetoLine(serieindex, startx, endx: integer; UseCommonYRange: Boolean = true; serielinecolor: TColor = clBlack; serielinewidth: integer = 1);